Chapter 35: Candy and Drama

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(F/d): Favorite dessert

Your POV:

Woke up by the birght shining sun. Ginger went up on my bed and i lightly petted her. I start to sit up and change into my clothes.

I went downstairs with Ginger, to only see Aaron cooking up some pancakes.

"Hey Aaron." I said as i walk towards him.

"Hey (y/n), i made some pancakes. Want one?" He asks.

"Sure." He grabbed a plate and put 2 pancakes with chocolate syrup on top. "Thanks."

"No problem."

I sat down by the table and start eating my breakfast. I got to admit that these are delicious!

"Aaron, these are amazing!"

"Heh thanks, i've been practicing on making pancakes and i just want them to be perfect."

"It's perfect for me!" I ate the last bite of the pancake and went over to clean the dish.

"Hey if you don't mind, can you help me make some more pancakes?" Aaron asks.

"Of course!"

I start to get some eggs, water and the pancake mix. I mixed them all up and plop them down on the pan. Aaron starts flipping the pancakes while more people were coming down the stairs.

"Aaron you are a great pancake flipper!" Said Katelyn.


He turn off the stove and gave everyone a plate of pancakes. Aaron face back to me.

"Hey you got something on your nose, here let me." He said as he rubbed off the thing that was on my nose.

*Blush* "Ehhh t-thanks...."

"N-no problem...." We just stared into each other eyes, until.....

"AHHHH MY SHIP!!!" Kawaii-Chan yelled.

"Grrrrr....." The boys growled.

"Kawaii-Chan!" I yelled.

"Sorry (y/n)-sama, but you look so cute with Aaron-Kun!"

I blush even more. "I-i-i-i....."

I don't know what to say to this girl! "Kawaii-Chan leave (y/n), you made her froze into stone." Said Aphmau, she is right i can't move!

"B-b-but...." She said. She gave in. "Ok......" Her ears were folded downwards so i went up to Kawaii-Chan and gave her a side hug.

"Hey don't be sad Kawaii-Chan, come on i've heard theres a sweet and dessert shop here lets go there!" I said.

"CUPCAKE!!!" Aphmau yelled as she ran out of the house.

"HEY!" Yelled Zane and he ran out too.

"We'll just walk." Said Lucinda.

Everyone agreed as we left the place. We reached to the place with bright colours and the smell of sweetness in the air.

The place looks like it's from a fairy tale. We saw Aphmau and Zane looking at all the dessert bars. Everyone else just walk around the place and i just went to find my favorite dessert.

I finally found it and it was a (f/d)! Unfortunately there is only one left so i took my chance to grab it, but someone else's hand snatched it.

I look up and saw the person i didn't want to see in this vacation. Scarlet!

"S-scarlet?! What are you doing here?!"

"I was about to say the samething peabrain!"


"It's true, you can't even think straight!"

All the girls and guys come this way and asking Scarlet what she's doing here.

"Look all i wanted is a nice, relaxing vacation." Said Scarlet. She walk over to Garroth and held his arm. "Especially when i'm with my Gar~gar...."

Garroth was looking akward and mouthes the word 'Help me' "Now what are you guys doing here? Why did you leave me in the neighbourhood?" Scarlet asks as she pouts.

"Oh stop acting! I've got tickets on going to Love~love Paradise thanks to my manager. I invited these guys to come along." I said.

"Why didn't you invite me?!"

"There are reasons."

"Hmph, luckily my daddy bought me tickets. Now if you'll excuse me, i need to pay this (f/d). Come on my prince."

"Wait! I was about to get (f/d)!"

"Well you should have gone faster, peabrain!"

"Grrrr i couldn't take this anymore!"

Like what i said to the others that i have powers and those powers are Elements. One of my element is that i could shape shift. So i shape shifted to a Wolf!

*Growls* "AHHHH!!! GET ME AWAY FROM THAT BEAST!!! IT'S GOING TO GIVE ME RABIES!!!" Scarlet yelled as she hide behind Garroth and Laurance.

"Really you want something that has less rabies?" I ask. I quickly shape shift to a Velociraptor/Raptor.

(If you guys watch Jurrasic park or world, you know how they sound) "AAAAHHHHH THAT'S EVEN WORSE!!!"


"So?! She has been like this since high school always bugging me, calling me names and always treated me unfair!" I yelled.

"BUT DO YOU WANT TO KILL HER?!" Yelled Laurance. It pain me that everyone was on her side.

Everyone was giving me glares and Scarlet just smirked. *Sighs* I turn back to normal and without saying a word i ran out of the shop. I was crying, cause of everyone turning my back on me. I can hear them yelling my names, but then suddenly i was sworm with photographers and fans screaming my name. I have to get out of here......i shoved the photographers out of my way as i ran as far as i can. I'm a monster! Even that i hated Scarlet, i could have killed her, i could have been a criminal. Everyone will hate me, my family will be disappointed, my friends won't like me! I'M A MOMSTER!!!

I didn't know where i was going, but i soon ended up on a cliff leading to the ocean. There was a palm tree, so i sat down under it and hug my knees, crying. I'm such a horrible person, my friends now hate me and my fans are now confused. It's all my fault......*Sobs* me......

"I'm so......sorry......" I said in between sobs. "I don't know what i was doing........i'm sorry....."

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, i look up to see a bright light and saw a woman. She had the same hair colour as my hair and she had bright blue eyes.


Dun! Dun! DUN!!! Wow such drama isn't it? Want to know what happen on the next chapter, do leave a vote or a comment. I'll be seeing you next time!


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