Chapter 7: an odd feeling

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P.O.V. [Name]

I awoken with a major headache and Jane beside me in bed. . . WAIT WHAT!?

I checked my side again and saw that Jane was indeed sleeping beside me. 'How the hell did this happen? That's it no more drinking for me I don't want shit like this to happen again.' I thought as I climbed out of bed.

'I mean really what the fuck could have happened that put Jane and me in the same bed? You know what I don't want to know.' I thought as I entered the shower.

When I got out I saw Jane down stairs watching some program about ancient monsters. I went to my room and locked the before I picked up my special book.

"What happened last night between me and Jane?" I asked and the book flew open and I watched as a drunken version of me looked at Jane and made a promise about helping her kill Jeff.

After that I was thrown back out of the book and nodded. 'That still doesn't explain why she was in my bed.' I thought as I locked the book back in one of my draws.

I went down stairs where she was and saw that their was another girl down there with here. She had a couple features that might have qualified as weird but then again is anyone in this house normal.

I walked down and she seemed to tense up she looked at little on edge. She looked to Jane and asked.

"Jane who's this?" She asked when she turned her head back to face Jane I noticed she had a clock where her eye should be.

"This is [Name] the guy who lives here. [Name] this is my friend cloakworks." She said as I sat down next to her.

"Nice to meet you." I said looking at her. When I did I heard a ring at the door bell.

"What do you two want to eat?" I asked as I walked towards the door. Neither one of the answered as I answered the door. When I did I saw the same man as before standing their with my blood.

I walked back into the kitchen to warm up the blood and saw cloakworks walking over to the counter with a couple of eggs. What she failed to see was me so she accidentally tripped over my feet. When she did all the eggs went into the air and she started to fall.

When this happened I with the hand that had the blood used my arm to stop her fall while being careful not to spill the blood. I then using the space between my fingers caught each egg that was falling. Four eggs in total.

"Be careful I don't want a mess inside my house." I said looking at the girl in my arm.

"O-okay" She said as I lifted her the rest of the way up. I handed her the eggs and went to warm up my blood. When I did I took it out and went back to the living room.

When I did I saw Jane giving me an odd look. "Look about this morning." She began.

"Look I may not have much memory about what happened last night but I do remember the promise I made." I said looking at her.

"So you'll help me kill Jeff?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah I do tend to keep my promises especially to those I care about." I said looking at her. When I did she smiled and when she smiled I got an odd feeling. It was new and unknown to me and not in the good way.

"Thanks." Was all she said looking at me. I nodded and finished my blood. When I did I went to my bedroom and thought about what that strange feeling could have been.

I heard Jane call for me from down stairs and I walked down and saw that she had an unusual look on her face. "Yeah?" I asked looking at her.

"Cloak has something to ask you." She said looking at her friend.

"Okay what is it?" I asked looking at her.

"Why aren't you scared of us?" She asked looking at me.

"Why should I be. You seem like a nice person and Jane makes for pleasant company. So I'm sure since you're her friend you'll be just a pleasant I said looking at her." When I did I saw her smile and I left the room.

When I did I felt as if something was off. So I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. "See I told you he was a nice guy." I heard Jane say.

"He does seem rather nice. I just don't think he'll actually keep his word when it comes to killing Jeff." I heard the counterpart say.

"I know it might be a little to much to hope for but he has beaten Jeff in a fight before so killing Jeff shouldn't really be that hard for him." She said a little excitedly.

"Does he even know why you hate Jeff?" I heard her friend ask. I really hadn't put much thought into it but she must hate Jeff for some reason or another right.

"Well no he doesn't but he's never asked either so I don't see the point in telling him." She said as her counterpart let out a sigh. She then got up and said "I think the least you could do is tell him why he's trying to kill Jeff for you." She said.

A silence then hit the room I had already gotten my blood so I walked back in at this time. I looked at the two and they both looked at me.

I had create the illusion that I wasn't listening to their conversation so I spoke. "If you think you two will be able to kill me you are greatly mistaken." When I said this I looked at Jane.

"We weren't going to attack-" she began but I cut her off.

"I know I was just messing with you." This seemed to lighten the atmosphere a bit.

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