Chapter 3: A walk through the woods

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P.O.V. [Name]

Year: Present

I was just waking up in my new house. The old couple who used to live here moved out. They said something about getting the feeling they were being watched or something to that effect.

I had just recently started working at a hospital. It was an easy way to get them to trust me with the necessary amount of blood I needed to survive.

I had just woken up to my daily routine. I may be immune to sunlight but I still don't like the all the stares that I got from others. The constant eyes on me from every direction since I have pale skin.

Every day consistanted of the same thing. I would wake up take a quick walk through the woods go to work order some blood and go to sleep.

However today was different I felt as if eyes were on me. I couldn't tell from what direction but when you've been around as long as I have you know when someone's watching you.

I walked down the street feeling eyes on me. I walked into the hospital and the feeling stopped. I went to the janitors closet and got what I needed for the day. Once my shift was over I walked to the counter ordered some blood and left.

When I left for home I felt the same feeling as before I was being watched and the feeling aa grew. I went into my house and turned on the T.V. I didn't pay attention to what was on. I then heard tapping on a nearby window.

'Are they really trying to scare me?' I thought a looked to the window and saw it was just a branch tapping on the window. The only thing that bothered me was that branch never tapped the window before.

I heard the doorbell ring and went to check out who was at the door. When I arrived there it was a man in a white and red suit one I had become familiar with. He was here to deliver my blood.

I signed a paper and tool the blood to the basement where I knew no one could enter. I ripped open the package and drank the blood I threw the package down and left.

When I reexited the room I saw it was almost two o'clock in the morning. I worked the night shift because it made things easier for me. However at this moment it was working against me.

I then tried to think of anyone who would want to kill me. No one came to mind. I haven't killed anyone since the 1800's. So no came to mind. I then thought to a couple night back.

I was asleep on my bed and I heard some noise outside I looked outside to find a male figure in his teens running away. He wore a white hoodie and some toren blue jeans.

I then thought back and realized I had seen this figure everywhere. He made small slip ups and I caught gleams of him everywhere I went.

Well now I know who I'm dealing with or at least have the basic idea of who I'm dealing with. I thought about everything he could use against me. Only one thought came to mind the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and checked all my draws. I usually am a very organized person so I made a mental note of all the silverware and cutlery. I noticed one of my knives was missing. A buchers knife.

So someone was in my house and they were stealthy enough to sneak into my house look threw what I had and get away without me noticing. Maybe I'm a little rusty but then again being out of action for a couple hundred years will do that to you.

I went to my bathroom and took a shower somewhere private where I could think about how I was going to handle this situation. I tried to come up with something and nothing came to mind.

When o existed I went to my room and looked out the window. This was one of the reasons I bought this house. The veiw was one of the better views in the city. Not to mention it was only about five minutes away from where I worked.

You could see a few houses but if you looked passd those you could see the stars on a clear night. It was at this moment I heard the howl of a wolf. That when it hit the woods. We have woods nearby.

I ran the what I knew of the local wild life. I remember the woods being quiet wide and large when I moved here. I can't believe my luck. Maybe I won't have to kill inside my new house after all.

I mentally smirked. I could lead whoever was following me into the woods and kill them there. No police, no witnesses, and if anyone questioned me it is in self defense so I'll be almost free to do as I please.

Even if things do go south for me I can always wait out my sentence or breakout of I get bored. I mean bullets hurt but they're still not enough to kill me.

I walked towards the door and stated aloud so they could hear me however I was careful as to not say it to loudly as to draw suspension to myself. "It sure is nice out I think I'll take a walk through the woods."

I walked outside and made my way towards the woods. I felt the eyes follow me into the woods I mental smirked at my victory and when we were almost three miles into the woods I stopped. I waited for someone to appear. I was there for almost five minutes before I felt cold steel against my neck.

I then heard a sickly voice speak from behind me."Go to sleep."

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