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December 3rd, fourteen twenty.

Paco and Gelato had galloped most of the night, stopping to rest at the hot spring from all those days ago before continuing. Then again, resting to eat and stretch and returning to work. By dawn, they arrived at Cheshire's town.

Luz's heart beat faster as they neared Parvati's home, but when they were close enough, Luz could not wait any longer and slid off Paco's saddle, rushing to the door. She knocked, shuffling anxiously on her heels as steps started down the hall. "Ugh.." Parvati struggled with the lock. "Cheshire, if it's you I'm going to--"

The door opened, Parvati gasping, Luz smiling warmly. "I told you I would return. Did I not?"

Parvati leapt out, being caught and spun, holding on to Luz tighter than a leeches bite. "Oh Luz.." Parvati breathed out, a soft sob escaping her. "I've m..ssed y..you!"

"I've missed you as well Parvati, may we come in?" Luz held her close, tempted to drop the pot and to her knees to hold Parvati properly.

"Yes-- P-Please do! I-" Parvati sniffled, releasing Luz, being set down. "I kept my promise.."

The wonderful smell of curry finally entered Luz's nose, the human stepping in the home, sighing. "It's so nice to be back.."


Amity felt no malice towards Parvati, despite her taking Luz and keeping the knight close. She knew Parvati loved Cheshire, and she would never do anything to change the relationship the two now shared. She did not completely understand it, but left it be and waited for Parvati to be at ease alongside Luz.

When the time finally came, Parvati breathed a sigh of relief, standing and switching sides with Amity. "Go on, sit with Luz." Parvati pushed her.

Confused, Amity went to take her new seat, Parvati nodding and relaxing. "Yes, this is better." Parvati smiled. "Did you recieve and do what you needed?"

"Yes, we did." Luz nodded. "Albiet with a few stops on the way.."

Amity elbowed Luz roughly, the knight snickering and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Luz left me during the trip to protect me, but all is fixed and well. Has anything progressed with you and Cheshire?"

Parvati shook her head, "He works in the mornings, and since the cold draws near, I work less. So I wait longer and longer for his visits."

"Yet, you've confused me for him." Luz rose a brow. "Are you hiding the truth from me Parvati?"

The witch gazed at Luz, ears flicking. "Your ears turn red when you lie, Parvati." Luz teased.

Parvati squeaked, raising her hands quickly and covering her ears, "That is not true!"

"Oh really then? Show me your ears." Luz nodded.

Parvati shook her head, "No!"

"Parvati Sankar." Luz stood.

"They turned pink is all! There is no hint of red--"

"Oh you-" Luz moved the table. "Move your hands!"

"NOoOooO!" Parvati squealed.

Amity giggled, "Parvati, the sooner you remove your hands, the faster it will be for Luz to see you are lying." Amity cooed.

"But I'm noT- AHHH!!" Parvati pushed Luz's face back.

The knight took the chance and gripped Parvati's wrist, moving her hand down, "A-Ha!" Luz exclaimed. "Your ears turned red!"

Parvati whined in defeat, Luz releasing her and allowing her to fall limp againt the seating. "You are a cheat, Noceda." Parvati covered her ears again.

"What have you really been doing with Cheshire, Parvati?" Amity grinned. "Do tell."

Parvati huffed, "He has been sending me many gifts..When I least expect it, he knocks on my door and leaves a gift."

"What kind of gifts?" Luz leaned forward. "We expect every little detail."


Luz and Amity had completely drained Parvati, the farmer as red and embarrassed as can be. "Oh wait-" Luz pulled a paper out, a print on it. "This isn't- It's a hand."

Parvati flinched, looking to Luz, "Is there no paw?" Amity leaned over.

"No, no hint of paws or fur."

Parvati lunged forward, taking the paper from Luz, the knight suprised. "Oh~" Amity grinned, the dots connecting in a matter of seconds. "I just realized, Parvati. Cats can't knock, can they?" She leaned forward. "Why did you assume Luz was Cheshire, if cats can't knock? A scratch at best, but a knock is too far-fetched."

"You two have gotten on my last nerve-!" Parvati shielded her face. "I despise you both!"

A scratch came at the door, Parvati and Amity looking to eachother. Luz blinked and missed the two rushing to the door, Parvati grabbing the handle. Amity pushed her aside, pulling the door open, Cheshire looking up, "Oh. Good morning Princess! I'm glad to see you returned safely! Is Parvati in?"

"Yes but a question--" Amity kept Parvati away from the door. "Have you had any-- Ouch-! Potions lately?-"

Cheshire nodded, "Yes a few, many were for my sore wings." He lightly flapped them. "I've been out and about, making sure everything is as it should be before winter is in full swing."

"Any transformation potions?-"

Cheshire blinked, ears flicking, "No, I don't belive so." He narrowed his eyes. "Why do you ask?"

Parvati shoved Amity away, picking Cheshire up and running outside with him. Amity gaped, Luz snickering and setting her sword down. "Parvati is in so much trouble."


Cheshire purred softly, snuggling closer to Parvati who only sighed and slumped. "You are not helping."

"Yet you relax." Cheshire licked her cheek, gently knocking his head against her cheek. "Luz will not hate you, Parvati."

"I know, it's Amity I'm worried about." Parvati scratched his neck. "You should not have made the print, Cheshire."

He leaned his head back, mewing softly, "But you found the paw prints very nice, the other was much the same."

Parvati pinched his nose, "Your paws are much cuter Silly Cat." She carefully stood, sighing. "Luz will begin to panic if she can not find me before nightfall."

Cheshire nodded, raising his paws and carefully climbing up to rest atop Parvati's shoulder. Paco snorted, looking to her, "About time! Because you arrived, I will have less time with Gelato!"

Paco brayed, Cheshire yowling and batting his snout quickly. Paco snorted, glaring and swiping his head quickly. Cheshire was knocked off Parvati's shoulder, the winged cat quickly flapping his wings to lighten the fall, dropping into a bale of hay.

Parvati snorted, briskly walking towards the deforming hay, carefully pulling Cheshire out. He sneezed, shaking himself off lightly, Parvati kissing his head, "Are you alright my Silly Cat?" She cradled the cat, gently scratching his chest.

Cheshire leaned against her, tail brushing against her hand, "An angel saved me, of course I'm alright." He purred.

Parvati giggled, a faint blush crossing her skin, "You are so sweet Cheshire." She kissed his nose. "I'll be the angel to take you home today."

"A very beautiful one in fact." He rose his paws, cupping Parvati's face and raising his head. "Your beauty has crossed species, Dear."

"Indeed it has." Luz smiled. "Glad I found you before dark, you two."

Cheshire squirmed, slinking around Parvati's neck, "Luz, it is so relieving to see you made it back okay. Were there any issues on the trip?"

"A few, but my stories can wait." Luz stepped forward. "But you, Cat." She grabbed him. "Have you been frolicking around with my Parvati?"

Cheshire gulped, "Oh boy.."

    Tis, their adventure continues.

>.> don't put it past me to write smut of Cheshire and Parvati, just comment if you want me to or not before I start work on 69.

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