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September thirty-seventh, fourteen twenty. 😏

Cheshire had Luz hold a metal tube for him, the cat meowing in to it. They waited a few minutes before everyone started arriving in front of his office, gasping when they saw Charlie and Pete. Cheshire mewed to Luz, then to the people. "We've found the two who have been poisoning your food and water." Luz spoke firmly.


"Humans no less!"

"How young.."

"Oh my.."

Cheshire mewed, patting the stand he was on roughly, gathering everyone's attention. He looked to the boys, nodding. "We're sorry.." Charlie lowered his head. "I know we don't deserve your forgiveness, so I beg for our lives to be spared.."

Pete glanced up at the crowd, trembling, "I just want to go home..-" He sobbed.

"I grant pardon."

The people looked to Amity, the Princess in her lovely dress that was trimmed to avoid mud and dirt as it dragged along the floor. Cheshire looked to Luz, signaling to Amity. "Really? You two have got to be pulling my leg right now." Luz uttered.

Cheshire mewed, giving Luz a look that said it all. She growled, looking to Pete and Charlie. Kneeling down, she snapped off their wooden chains, pulling them both up. "You two better thank the princess for this. If I was in charge, you two wouldn't have gotten off so lightly." Luz hissed.

"Wait, not so fast." Amity walked forward. "Poisoning these people won't get you off the hook. You two will be working in the farms, with the fisherman, and helping those who need assistance for a month. After that, you two will be kept on guard by Chesire, who will make sure you work to provide."

Luz looked to the boys, "Wait..Where did you two get that poison anyway.."


Luz got Chesire to sign a form by placing his paw in ink and on to a paper, thanking him immensely and then spent the afternoon with Parvati in the fields. The farmers did a field once a day, 22,000,000 acres of land for crops, 4 acres per field. 5,500,000 fields.

Amity was asking about the pay and rent, and even though Chesire had lowered it for the sake of his people, troops her father sent had forced him to follow policy. Amity had asked more than half of the shops when she returned to Parvati's house, right on time to stop Parvati from receiving her prize. "No!" Amity pulled Luz back. "No."

"Princess, a deal is a deal." Luz stepped back, going to Parvati, kissing her cheek. "It's alright, just a kiss. Did you ask?"

Amity huffed, handing Luz a filled notebook, "Yes..And I've asked about Cheshire lowering the price. The king had sent a troop to force him to raise the price so there's that..I'll talk to him about it when we get back."

"Which is tonight." Luz walked to the kitchen. "Parvati, what would you like for dinner?"

"I'll take you, thanks-"

"Princess we leave now-"

"Joking joking! I'll take a stew, relaxes the muscles and I need sleep." She clapped.

Luz rolled her eyes, "Princess, I'll be off guard while cooking, protect me from Parvati." Luz uttered.

Amity glared at the other witch, "By all means possible?"

"Yes, but no killing."

Amity huffed, "I'll take what I can get."


After dinner, Luz went outside, and didn't come back for two hours. Amity and Parvati had fallen asleep by then, so Luz scooped Amity up and taken her to the carriage. She wrote a note for Parvati, thanking her immensely and taking her to bed. Placing a cup of water down by her, Luz went to the door, closing it, and locking it, sliding the key under the door.

Luz stepped up on to the carriage, grabbing the reigns, clicking her tounge. The horses stood at attention, and marched forward. "Off so soon?" A purr came from above.

"Yes, the Princess is only allowed out three days. I have to return her home before dawn." Luz pat the free spot by her. "Where are you headed?"

Cheshire hopped down, tail curling up by his side, "Bidding a friend goodbye."

"Yeah? She's in the carriage."

Cheshire chuckled, shaking his head, "Thank you, for caring about our little town."

"Little? You lot have more than two billion acres of land for crops, give or take another thousand just for your housing." Luz guided the horses to the right.

"The land isn't ours to begin with. The only land we own is the land we keep the people on. The fields are owned by the kingdom." Cheshire looked up at Luz. "We've got a land full of hungry people who live off travelers, Luz..We need all the help we can get."

The human sighed, nodding slowly, "I can try. Right now, I'm just a knight.."

Cheshire placed his paw on Luz's arm, "Why don't you work for something better?"

"It's not that easy. I went through the toughest training anyone could go through. I've seen so many lives taken, no one wants a broken human. So I took what I could get, and I'm doing more than I could've as a silly vendor.."

Cheshire sighed, "I'm doing more than a winged cat could do in the wild.." He spread his wings. "Come back when you've started changing lives that matter, hm?"

Luz bit her lip, "..I'll be back soon."

Cheshire smiled, "That's what I like to hear. If you ever receive letters with my name on it, they're not mine. Only if they say Mayor on it should they be opened and read. With my name comes a curse, and letters with it. Open it and Titan forbid you turn inside out or set ablaze." Chesire flew up. "See you soon Luz the Human!"

And with that, he flew off, gliding back to his office.


Luz stopped by her home to tell her mother she'd be with Princess as her shift would start when she slept. Luz only grew more fearful when her mother grew pale, and urged her to sleep. Luz rode to the castle, let the workers take the horses and clean the carriage while she took Amity to bed.

Setting her down, Luz pulled the bedcovers over her, "Night Princess." Luz kissed her forehead. "Sleep tight."

Luz pulled back, Amity wrapping her arms around the human's neck. "Don't go.." Amity yawned.

"I start my shift in three hours, I need rest.."

Amity pulled Luz down, rubbing her back, "Mm..Better..Reason to stay..I'll wake you up when you have to..To start.." Amity mumbled.

Luz pushed herself up slightly, moving Amity's hair back. "..Amity.."


"C..Can I kiss you?"

. . ."Hah-?"

Tis, the journey continues.

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