CHP 13: Saved but not really

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CHP 13: Saved but not really

"Your time starts the moment you step out of the room, " he says, before starting, I peek outside the room. There were three rooms on the left and two on the right, the hallway which connected them, was neither too wide nor too narrow. I took a deep breath and sprinted to the first room on the left side. It was a bedroom, a heavily decorated one, but I didn't have the liberty to inspect it more thoroughly. I quickly start to rummage through the closet. The whole closet was filled with different types of fabrics and ribbons, but I didn't find the key. Not wasting any time, I rushed to the next room.

The room was very small, with dolls lying all over the floor. There was nothing inside the room, so I assumed the key might be on the floor. I removed the dolls to get a clear view, but as I was doing that, I felt a presence behind me. I quickly turn around to see a life-sized doll ready to thrust her sharp knife through me. I push her and exit the room, closing the door behind me, dammit! I couldn't search the room properly! I can't go back though, with no choice left, I enter the last room on the left side of the hallway.

The room was very dark, probably because there was no light source inside the room. I quickly grab my phone from the pocket and turn on the flashlight. The room was completely different from the rest of the rooms. It only consisted of a few cardboard boxes and nothing else. I looked inside the boxes, but they were all empty. Man, I hope the key was not in the previous room. I sigh, and leave the room rushing to the two rooms left at the right side of the hallway.

I try to open the door of the first room, but it's locked. Wait, Cathy must be in this room! Happy on the thought of making a little bit of progress, I enter the final room. Though my happiness is turned into anxiety when I see what's in front of me. In the middle of the lay, a strap bed with stains of blood on it, 3 to 4 small cabinets were lined together in the corner of the room containing different sorts of equipment, and the room smelled like wax. Don't tell me this is where Elina was... just the thought of it was making me feel disgusted.

"No, no, no, focus Crystal focus! " I calmed myself and started to look for the key. In about 4 minutes, I searched the whole room, but I couldn't find the key. Where the hell is it! Don't tell me Jason tricked me! But I don't think he would, after all, he sounded genuine about all of this. Dammit! It's in the room where that killer doll is stuck, isn't it! I can't go in there, what now? I think hard, and that's when I realize something, I didn't check the room in which me and Jason were in, did I? I quickly rush back to that room, and I find the key right in the arms of a teddy bear which was sitting on top the shelf. "I did it! " I shout happily, and just then, a knife thrusts straight inside my arm. I fall on the ground groaning in pain, I look up and see another one of those life-sized dolls looking at me.

Why now out of all the times? I was just there... I try to stand up, but the doll punches me, causing me to fall back again. I can't lose... not now... I remove the knife from my shoulder and stab the doll's leg. It falls on the ground, giving me time to rush out of the room. I shakily unlock the door in which Cathy was in, various Stuffed toys were hanging from the ceiling. Wow, what a lovely art, I sigh in disbelief. I go further inside the room and find Cathy unconscious on the ground. "Cathy! " I rush to her side, "Wake up! " I shake her, in a few seconds she opens up her eyes, "Cry...stal? " I tightly hug her, I can't believe it, I-I did it, tears start to come out of my eyes, "What a lovely reunion, " I hear Jason's voice from behind me, but before I could turn around, I faint.

Chp 13 End

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