A/N- I love doing this book but I need a schedule to make chapters for my books, so i will make one right now:
Mondays- Your Bully
Tuesdays- My Own Creepy-pastas ❤️
Wednesdays- Horrid Henry x Reader
Thursdays- Your Bully
Fridays- My Own Creepy-pastas ❤️
Saturdays- Horrid Henry x Reader
Sundays- Your Bully
So theres my schedule for updates on my 3 books that are out! It's a Saturday ( as I write this) and I still posting Your Bully 😂
Onto the story:
When you got to School
You were excited to see who the new kid was because you found out by your boyfriend and Amber that there was going to be a new kid joining our classes. You were guessing it was going to be Alex, your friend back in 3rd grade. Because he moved all the way to Alberta because of his mom's job, but your thinking that it isn't the reason behind the moving because it was so sudden. You walk to class and saw Alex! Alex sat right behind you so you and him started talking to get to know each other. -A/N- Alex's full name is Alex Max Morrison.- You found out it was your friend from 3rd grade that moved for no reason at all. At lunch you,Owen and Amber are going to get to know Alex more. So, you know more about your old friend.
Time skip to lunch break
Amber and Owen left. So it left you and Alex alone sitting at a table. "Hey Rylie, how've you been?" Alex asked breaking the silence between you. "Good, also was the reason you moved was because of your moms job Alex?" You asked because you were wanting to know for a long time. "No, it was because of my mom's alcohol addiction... we were running out of money.." Alex said slipping one tear down his face. "Your mom needs to stop drinking, it's bad for her." You said with concern for his mom, "Yes I know, but can I tell you the backstory to all of this?" Alex asked as you nod your head "yes". "Ok here I go!" Alex said as he was about to start the story.
-Alex's Backstory of his moving to Alberta (he about 8-9 here)-
Alex: "Mommy, why did we move to Alberta? Was it your job?"
Alex's Mom: "No Alex, it was because of my alcohol addiction."
Alex's Dad: "Yes it was son, I'm trying to get enough money but because of her addiction we had to move."
Alex: "I miss Rylie.... I hope I see her one day.."
Alex's Dad: "I know son, there will be one day where we will move back to Warman and you can see Rylie again."
Alex's Mom: "There will be Alex, just not for a long while..."
Alex: "ok..."
-Fast Forward 7 years later-
Alex's Dad: "Good news son, we are moving back to Warman!!"
Alex: "Yes!! I'm scared she forgot about me though."
Alex's Mom: "She didn't Alex, I kept contact with Rylie's mom and she said that she misses you lots."
Alex: "I'm excited to see her again!!"
Alex's Mom and Dad: "We are too son."
-Backstory Ends-
"Wow, you missed me that much that you waited 7 years to see me again?" You said as Alex started crying happy tears and hugs you. "I never forgot about you Alex, I missed you lots. You were the best person in my life besides Amber." You said shedding tears as well as you and Alex kept hugging each other. "I never forgot about you, even when I made friends in Alberta, I still wanted you back in my life." Alex said as you shedded even more tears than before. "Don't cry my friend, we are back together forever as friends." Alex said rubbing your back to calm down. "Where's Owen and Amber?" You said and Alex shrugs. You and Alex kept hugging until the bell rings and you two went to your forth class together talking about what had happened in your and Alex's life in 7 years.
Time skip to the end of the day
Alex and you split up and went on your guys buses. You got home and changed into a multicoloured romper and went downstairs to see your mom abusing your little brother as he cries for help. You stepped behind him taking hits from your mother. Your mother noticed and stopped to see you instead of your little brother. "What did we do to you to get hit and abused by you mother?" You said shedding tears with your hits. "You two did nothing sweetie, I just get angry at your father and this is my way of coping with it.." Your mother says hugging you both. This happened until you remembered something from when father left.
-Memory of your father before he left-
(You were 9)
Your Father: "I'm not coming back until Rylie's in grade 10! I just wanna see my wonderful daughter growing up."
Your Mother: "Just fucking leave! You alcohol drinking bitch!"
Your Father: "Bye my sweetheart, see you in 8 years from now.."
-Door slams-
You: "I'm sorry... I must've did something for this to happen.."
Your Mother: "no you didn't sweetie, your dad drinks and I couldn't take it anymore. None of this is your fault."
You: "I love you mom.."
Your Mother: "I love you too my sweetie pie."
-Memory Ends-
You were crying knowing that you might see your father again. -A/N- Your fathers name is Jack.- "what's wrong sweetie?" Mother says as you cried tears of joy. "Is dad coming back? He said he would come back when I was in grade 10." You say as your mom nods and you heard the door shut to reveal your father from 8 years ago. "Dad!!!" You say as your dad comes running to you and hugs you tight. "Sweetheart!! Look how much you've grown in 8 years, my wonderful daughter." Father says as you hugged him even tighter. "I missed you daddy!" You said crying. "I did too sweetheart.." Father said as you pulled away. "Did you drinking addiction stop?" You said to make sure that this wouldn't happen. "Yes it did sweetheart, I don't drink anymore." Father replied as you jumped around excited that your father was finally home from 8 years of not seeing him and mother abusing you and Kyle. Father was also excited to see Kyle. -A/N- Kyle was just a baby when your father left.- "Kyle, how much you've grown since I left, adorable bean." Father says wrapping Kyle in a hug but seeing his scars. "What happened my little bean?" Father asked as Kyle started to cry. "Mother had abused us because she was mad that you left!" Kyle said as father got angry with mom.
-Mom and Dads Talk-
Dad: "why did you abuse them because of me?"
Mom: "because I didn't know what to do!"
Dad: "are you sorry for them now?"
Mom: "Yes... I'll make sure not to abuse them again."
Dad: "Good."
-Talk Ends-
You and Kyle both went to hug your father and stay there forever but since it was getting late, you guys went to have supper which was chicken with potatoes and fries. You loved that combo together. After you finished supper, you went upstairs to change in pjs. You got into your bedroom and changed into back cat nightgown that only went to above the knees. You went downstairs and watched your favourite movie Monsters, Inc. you had watched that movie millions of times. Even billions. When you got tired you went to bed. Before that you went to text your boyfriend.
-IMessage: Owen😘-
You: goodnight babe, see you tomorrow.
Owen😘: goodnight my honeybun. See you tomorrow!
You: "I love you! 😍"
Owen😘: "I love you too! 😍😚"
-End of Text chain-
You put your phone down and fell right asleep before listening to some calming music and fell asleep right after.
I hope you loved that chapter! I don't know what I'm going to do for chapter 13, but you can comment ideas if you want.
I'm going to be updating Your Bully today! Since it's Sunday as I write this and the top A/N was written on a Saturday. So yeah enjoy my 2 other books while waiting for more updates for Your Bully!
Bye my wonderful lovers lovely's!
Enjoy your day and have a wonderful day!
Happy Sunday! Not really because tomorrow is Monday 🙄
-Question of the Chapter-
Do you like this book so far?
-Rylie 🥳
Word Count- 1435
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