Album store

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Seungmin thought it was fun, kind of like unfoiling a mystery.

Some might think it's creepy, but he didn't mind.

Seungmin had a knack for solving things, whether it be a secret or a math problem, it was always fun.

So he made it his mission.

Find out why Lee Mina loves Mondays as much as she does.


Mina let out a groan. She seemed to be getting annoyed by this. However, it only fueled Seungmin even more.

"Not again.."

" Just answer the question."

" I don't feel like it." Mina said, ignoring Seungmin to stare at the window, which was pretty far away from the two.

Seungmin just lightly hummed, jotting that down in his head.

She doesn't talk about it. Which means she's probably embarrassed...or it's something serious.

"Is something serious? Y-you don't need to tell me...if it really is serious, then i'll stop!" Seungmin stammered.

Mina sighed as she brought her index finger up, pointing at Seungmin. She was sitting in a pretty lazy position, her head on the desk. " How about this? I answer why Mondays are special for me, and you tell me about that annoying blinking habit."

This is way too easy. Seungmin thought to himself.

"What about my blinking habit?" Seugmin asked, ironically blinking.

"Everyone is talking about it in the hallways."

"Oh? So you're suddenly fluent in Korean now?" Seungmin said in Korean, but Mina just stared at him blankly.

"Uh..Scratch that..are you deciding to be my spokesperson or something? Cause I don't need it. Seungmin knew that the hallaways thing wasn't bad. He was never bullied, just simply the talk of the town.

"Just tell me."

"You tell me first."

"Rock paper scissors?" Mina said, annoyed.

"W-what's that? Is it like..a game?" Seungmin said, obviously using his blinking habit.

"It's nothing. I'll just go first.." Mina seemed eager, in reality she wanted to learn more about Seungmin faster. She was the only person here who spoke English. Well the only one she knew. She felt as if she needed to protect him, since he was the only thing making her comfortable.

"Go on..."

Mina gulped. This was way too embarrassing.

"Don't laugh...okay?"

"Can't promise."

"I'll shove those glasses so far down your throat that you'll choke in two seconds"

"Okay, okay...I won't laugh noona.."

"...I like's the only day my parents let me see my little sister..."

Seungmins' confused face made this worse for Mina.

"Do you...not live with her?"

"I don't live with my family.."

"You don't have to continue if you're uncomfortable."

"...fricking baby. Can't even make me feel uneasy."

Seungmin ignored the insult and continued with his side of the deal. "I blink rapidly whenever I'm thinking real hard, or when I'm excited."

"Excited? You can actually do that?"

"I do what I want when I want."


" that..American slang?"

"No it's Roman slang."

"I would have thought animal slang."

"Hey!!" Minas' shout brought attention to the two of them. She had to quickly bow and sit down. "Stupid Seungmin."

"Stupid noona.".

"Your name is too long.You need to shorten it." Mina replied back.

" Your life's too short noona. You've only got a couple days to the fullest. Be extra..change your name to something longer...please, for me?" Seungmin said, his arm covering his eyes to look like he genuinely cares.

"Shut up you idiot."


Han was supposed to be here.

That liar.

They were supposed to meet up at the local record shop. They were supposed to geek out about tiger jk and day6.

Not girls.

His older brother had brought yet another girl to one of these hang outs.

The eighth one this month.

Everytime this happens, Seungmin can feel his blood boiling. His brother cares way too much about girls. Maybe even more than Seungmin himself,his own brother Yet the girls never stayed, and it was always for the same reason.

His step brother is a fricking cheater. He cheats on those girls so much that even Seungmin doubts who he really is dating. He says " I haven't found the right one." or "I'm just considering all my options."

He hates it so much.

The girl and him were talking about baseball. And suddenly, everything made sense. The other day, Han had sat through an entire baseball game with Seungmin and their mother. He hates baseball so much, yet he still asks questions.

He wanted Seungmin to assist with the girl.

Seungmin didn't want that though. "Hyung I'm leaving." He said, standing up and collecting the album he had chosen out, his fathers favorite girl group. Maybe he could geek out with him instead.

"A-already? Come on gotta stay!" Han said, though his thoughts were interrupted with the girl whispering something in his ear, and pink flushed his cheeks"Ah..yea, you can head off.." The blush on his face made it obvious as to what was really happening.

The puppy had already paid for the album, so he walked out of there at the speed of light. He walked home,kicking pebbles that were in his way. His spotify playlist on shuffle which suddenly stopped, and he realized what was going on. His brother was using his account again.

He groaned and kicked a rock partially hard. His brother was probably listening to songs with that girl, most likely sharing earbuds. He took off his headphones and threw them on the ground.

Stupid Han jisung. Stupid girls.

The headphones were noise canceling, so of course he didn't expect to hear someone shouting at him as soon as took them off.

"Ya! You kicked a rock at my face! Apologize right now Seungmin!"

Seungmin looked up frantically, not expecting to hear his name. And there Mina was, in a sweatshirt and a pair of black shorts, it looked more like sleepwear, but maybe that was different in America.


Mina glared at him, despite her left eye being covered by her own hand.

"..can I see it? Like wherever I hit you?"


"You know, sometimes you confuse the living shit out of me." Seungmin huffed, getting up and picking up his headphones. "I'm not going to pay for your hospital bills if you don't show me."

"I won't be paying for yours either."

Just before Seungmin could question, Mina had thrown a rock at Seungmins hair. Her left hand was still covering her eye, but the other had tiny pebbles in it.


Mina passed a tiny rock into Seungmins hand, smirking. "I'll give you a headstart."

As soon as he heard that, Seungmin bolted past Mina. Mina was a real prodigy at basketball, so this was bound to hurt.

And just like that, the two had ended up in a long game of throwing rocks at eachothers heads, which later shifted into Seungmin chasing Mina around. Mina might have thought it was a fun game.

Seungmin just wanted to see what Mina was hiding.

But it was in fact fun.

They ended up chasing each other until they reached a book shop, probably apologizing to too many walking pedestrians. Seungmin was catching his breath, mumbling small words. "Okay fine. You win noona.."

"I always do."

"I'll make sure this will be the last time."

"...Seungmin..Where are we?" Mina whispered, slowly taking her hand off her eye.

Seungmin took this as his chance. He grabbed Mina's wrists and stared at her face, and it didn't take long before he realized.

There was dried blood.

"Did..I do that?" Seungmin asked, referring to the pebble incident.

"I'm fine."

"You could have told me noona.." He winced a little, after all the impact was probably hard. "Even though I wouldn't have done anything anyway."

"You're such an idiot." Mina chuckled. " I thought you were actually caring for a second." She said in korean. Of course there being an accent.

"What can I say? I was born this way." Seungmin stated, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. " It's getting pretty late..Do you know how to get home?"

"I moved here like two weeks ago. I don't even know my address."

Seungmin let out a long sigh. If Mina didnt know her address, this was going to be a hassle. "Do you live near the album store? Antifragile records? The names in english, so you've probably seen it somewhere.

Mina thought for awhile before she remembered. " Ah..yea! How do you know? Stalker??" Mina joked, pushing Seungmins shoulder.

That wasn't so much of a hassle.

"I was there before, according to you, ' Abusing you with a boulder.' I'm no stalker."

"Not gonna lie, you would probably trip over your own shoe laces and get caught."

"Pft...I'll walk home with you. It's getting dark."

"You just wanna see your beloved headphones again."

"And album."

"What album is it? Like music from the sixties or something?"

"Real funny." Seungmin said sarcastically. " Its a twice album."

"Then I'll slap your face with it. Twice, infact. It'll make you shut up.


"No really?"

Seungmin looked off at the quiet streets. "Did you see your sister today Noona?"


"Oh." Seungmin stammered. This was getting awkward. "How old is she?"


"Is she adorable?"

"Of course she is you dingbat!" Mina exclaimed, kicking Seungmins shins, which caused him to stumble a bit.

"Okay just asking..jeez."

Mina stared at him, eyes wide as she walked. " Do Koreans also use jeez?"

Seungmin subtly smiled when he realized what this was about. "No. But its a habit for me, since my fathers australian."

Minas eyes practically had stars in her eyes. "Really?! Is that how you know english?"

" know, he sometimes mumbles curses in english. My mom has no idea."

Minas expressions couldn't get any bigger, yet they did. She gasped and started to ramble on. "Oh my gosh I need to meet him! What's his name? When was he born? What part of australia? Do you have an English name? Does he have an English name?!"

"Uh....his name is Felix. That's all I got from there."

"Pay attention idiot!" Mina teased. She seemed happier than usual. Her smile basically reflected onto Seungmin, his own lips forming into one.

Seungmin loved it.

He loved seeing Mina smile, all because of him.

But he hates the butterflies forming in his stomach.

"Wanna meet him?"


"I'll introduce you to him when I feel like it, noona." He teased, emphasizing the noona part.


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