Five years later

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Five past five remain Rey is know eleven and I'm fifteen
When leaving lessons with master today I saw rey run as the other girls throw there books at her and food angry I stop the food and books in the air and hold rey close to me "that's enough I'm sure master Luke wouldn't like this" I turned my hand around and send the food and books flying at them "y you didn't have to-" I picked her up and walked into the woods she was light we walked into the same field we met in and sat under a oak tree I planted "like I said you didn't have to do that " I sighed and sat her next to me "but you were getting hurt I don't like it when people hurt you" she sighed and lairs her head on my shoulder "five years can you believe it" I frowned and looked away "yea" she smiled and I showed the best smile I could

His smile was bright but I saw something in him that was hurt upset like a fire ready to be fed with anger and emotion of lost and heart break I held his hand and we watched as birds flew over us and the breeze danced around us I got up and held out my hand he looked up and took my hand and off we ran to the same spot

We would do this on days we were bullied or needed time for our selfs
'I promise Ben I will always be the light to your dark your knight for I will protect you and keep you safe'

We got back late and Luke standing there smiling we went into the great hall where others were eating laughing or playing games we laughed we ate we sang and danced until like sent us to bed

I walked rey to her room which was across from mine we held hands and stood there blushing wondering what to do next "Rey" she looked up and I kissed her head softly her face was to cute to look when I kissed her head she smiled "good night Ben" she hugged me "good night rey" I hugged back then let go as we walked away from each other our hands fell

I sat on my bed smiling and grabbed the charm Ben made me and held it close to me then set it on the small table then went to sleep 'in five years I will be by his side no matter what'

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