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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 |Β Demigod dreams are far more real than Luke believed

LATER that night, Luke found that sleep was eluding him. He couldn't tell whether or not it was from excitement that Freyja had agreed to go on a date with him or if he had too much sugar at dinner, but either way he couldn't find himself being tired. However, as the night drew on and the moon and stars made an appearance, Luke finally found his eyelids getting heavy and sleep dragged him back down into it's pit.

Instead of the normal dreams that he had, these ones instead seemed more like visions instead of dreams. It seemed far too real and Luke was reminded of Layla's words about 'demigod dreams'.

The first was a memory and Luke realised that this was very real. He was younger, standing next to Thalia at the entrance to an alleyway. Further down the dark corridor, a small, blonde girl was crouching beside a bin. Annabeth's eyes were wide with fear, and Luke could remember that he and Thalia had not felt comfortable with leaving her there.Β 

Thalia was stepping forward when Luke felt himself pulled back into darkness.Β 

When he opened his eyes again, he was sat in the backseat of a car. Freyja was to his right, her legs on his lap as Layla drove in front of them. Through the windscreen, Luke could see a large mountain growing steadily closer, dark clouds rumbling over the horizon.

"Where are we going?" He tried to ask Freyja, who was laughing with Layla. "Freyja where are we going? Where are we?"

She didn't reply and a darkness clouded Luke's eyes and he was dragged into another vision. But, instead of being himself in this one, he was watching from the side lines. Freyja was in this one again, standing tall and proud against the backdrop of Olympus. But instead of standing beside her, his older self was standing opposite her. He had a large scar running down the side of his face and there was something unnatural about him.

There was a pause, where the pair seemed to breathe heavily, as his older version called her name. She nodded, kissing him before they had a conversation with each other. Luke tried to get closer but if felt like his feet were stuck in quicksand and he struggled to move towards them. Something felt like it was going to go wrong, but he didn't know what and he felt like he needed to see.

"Sorry," Luke raised an eyebrow at Freyja's words, turning to look at the three teenagers on the other side of the room; an older looking Grover and Annabeth, along with a boy who seemed remarkably like Freyja. But he barely focused on them, looking back at the older version of him and Freyja. He wanted to know what was going on.

But instead, a force was pulling him backwards, even as he tried to cling onto the dream in front of him. Luke dug his heels in, but he felt his soul being flung back into his body and he woke with a start.

Around him, the rest of his cabin mates slept peacefully, curled up in their beds or clutching onto memories from home in the dark. Luke licked his lips, before standing up and stepping over the bodies on the floor. He needed to talk to Freyja about this, see what she made of the entire ordeal. She had been at camp longer and surely she would know what to do.

The cleaning harpies could be heard at the other side of the camp, prowling around in the dark, and Luke sprinted as fast as he could to Cabin Three, hoping that they wouldn't hear him. He had no such luck for they screeched loudly, and Luke banged on Freyja's door as quietly as he could, waiting for her to fling it open. He could only hope that she opened it quickly otherwise he was going to be a harpy's late night snack and he did not want that at all.

"What do you want?" She raised an eyebrow, still looking wide awake despite the odd hour of the night.Β 

"Can I come in?" Freyja shrugged, throwing her door open further and allowing him in before closing it and slumping on the couch. He breathed a sigh of relief as the sound of the cleaning harpies faded. "Thanks, Bubbles."

"Why are you here?" Luke ran a tired hand over his face at her words, knowing that this wasn't Freyja being rude, this was just her normal self. "Has someone died?"

"No," A brief look of disappointment flashed over her face, but she masked it before Luke could question her about it. "But, I had one of those weird demigod dreams. At least I think I did."


"You were there but we looked older. Like, I don't know, early twenties ish," Luke rubbed his face again. "I think we were on Olympus and I had this scar down my face and you were crying."

"I don't cry," Freyja deadpanned.

"Are you emotionally alright cause I'm slightly worried. Anyway, you were crying," Luke assured her as Freyja crinkled her nose in somewhat disgust. "I don't know it was just all truly bizarre so I thought I'd tell you. What do you think?"

Freyja paused for a moment. She was hoping that this was all just a dream and not a vision prophesying the future. If it was then this wasn't good so hopefully she could curb his thoughts on it before he delved too deep into what it all meant.

"Sometimes demigod dreams are just that. Dreams," She waved if off, ignoring her worry curling in her stomach. "That's all they are, Ke. I wouldn't think anything more on it."

With those words as a mere afterthought on her lips, the second tragedy began to whirl into motion.


Freyja is just straight up lying to Luke so great start there and Luke's just out risking his life to speak to Freyja. Also, little sneak peek at what's going to come and it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xxx

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