Chapter 4

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Kara felt confused as she flew toward the warehouse location Alex told her to meet her at. She had almost confessed to Lena that need, that desire she had for her.

She couldn't help it, but sometimes when they were alone, Kara wanted to kiss her. Lena was beautiful, but not just in a physical way, but when she was vulnerable, when she was fierce, when she was almost flirtatious, she was a force.

Kara found her hard to resist.

Alex and Maggie were waiting for her outside of the warehouse.

"We traced the vehicles back to this location." Alex informed her as she landed.

Kara examined the site with her vision. She huffed.

"Lead." That narrowed down suspects. Kara's jaw tightened. Lex.

Alex and Maggie exchanged looks.

"I'm calling in reinforcements." Alex tapped her ear. "J'onn."

Maggie frowned at Kara.

"Something bothering you, Super?"

Kara shook her head. She didn't realize she was pacing. Maggie grew nervous watching her.
"They'll be here any minute." Alex told her.

Kara stopped pacing. She took in deep breaths, attempting to calm herself.

An explosion shook the ground, then another, and another from inside the building. Kara knew they didn't have time to wait. She rushed the door, breaking it open.

The vans were going off, one by one. Kara yelled back at Alex and Maggie, "Clear the area!"

"Maggie!" Kara heard Alex call after her girlfriend.

She turned to see them chasing after a figure running away from the warehouse.

Kara swiftly caught up with him. She plucked him from the ground easily. He hung, like a doll from her fist.

He struggled against her hand.

Kara felt anger well up within her. It was the one she sometimes struggled with. This time it was fueled by her fear for Lena.

"Let me go!" The man yelled.

Kara knew it was cruel, but she did as he asked. She dropped him, catching him before he hit the ground. He had screamed the whole way down.

She dropped him with Alex and Maggie and let them take him in for questioning. She needed to go.

"Kara!" She heard Alex call to her, but Kara couldn't turn back. She needed something, anything to take her mind off of her rage, her fear.

Alex found her a few hours later, at the alien bar. Kara had downed a quite a number of shots and was clearly drunk.

M'gann had called Alex, worried for the girl. Kara had begun to display her strength. She was worried one of the aliens might begin to suspect who else Kara might be.

As Kara beat yet another alien at arm wrestling, Alex slipped patted the guy on the shoulder.

"Alright everyone, time to go." There were groans.

"Ah come on, Alex!" Kara slurred. "Don't ruin the fun!"

"Kara, you're drunk." Alex gave her a look.

Kara pouted.

"Fine." Kara staggered to her feet. Alex struggled to hold her weight.

She helped her out of the bar and into Maggie's car grumbling about kryptonians getting heavier when intoxicated.

Kara woke the next day, the bright sunlight filtering into her room filtering out any chances of a hangover. She stepped out of her room. Alex had breakfast laid out and ready for her.

"Wanna tell me what that was about last night?" Alex asked as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

Kara pulled a plate of pancakes toward herself. She didn't get hungover, but she did feel even more hungry than usual post-night of drinking.

"Do I have to?" Kara whined.

"You do if you want to hear what our little culprit told us last night." Alex taunted her. Kara glared at Alex over her pancakes.

"I don't know, Alex." Kara sat back, pushing her pancakes away.

"How did you know you, you liked Maggie?" Kara wondered.

Alex frowned at her.

"Well I didn't exactly know until Maggie said something when I wanted to hang out and I kept pushing. I panicked, actually." Alex gave Kara a sheepish look. "But then I thought things over, and I realized she was right."

"Oh." Kara played with the fork in her fingers. She bent it out of shape. Then bent it, carefully back into shape. Alex sighed and plucked it from her fingers.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Kara?" Alex's face was open, caring.

Kara closed her eyes.

"Alex, I don't know." Kara looked away. "I know what I felt for James was real but, lately, I've been feeling something for someone else."

"She's amazing, so strong, but not at the same time, and I-," Alex reached out and gripped Kara's hand.

"I guess I owe Maggie $50." Alex gave her a small smile.

"Wha-?" Kara was at a loss.

"It's Lena, isn't it?" Alex's expression was one of understanding.

"How did you-?" Kara wondered.

"You spend a lot of time with her. You also got really concerned about her with these explosions. When you knew that a van was about to explode at her location, you didn't even think, you just hurried to save her." Alex shrugged.

"I also know you were with her last night."

"How could you know that?" Kara was shaking her head.

"She rejected our protection, but that doesn't mean we didn't have at least one agent near her penthouse keeping an eye out last night." Alex laughed. "They may have told me you were there."

Kara had been so busy thinking about Lena she had only checked the inside of the building for anything suspicious, she had been too distracted before then to remember to check elsewhere. Now Kara felt a little annoyed at herself. She would have noticed the agent.

"It's okay Kara." Alex was watching her with concern.

"Is that why you went off like you did?"

Kara felt sadness wash over her.

"I just, I'm so afraid for her sometimes." Kara felt awful. "She was scared last night. She pretends to be strong, fearless, but I know she goes home, and that's not how she feels."

"That's being human, Kara." Alex told her. "That's caring about someone human."

"I know." Kara whispered. "I just wish she wasn't in so much danger, more than most."

Alex nodded. She could understand. Sometimes it was hard between her and Maggie that way. They both worked dangerous jobs. They were both constantly in danger. Sometimes it was just a relief to lay in bed together, tired, but together.

"Well, she IS a-," Alex began.

"A Luthor, I know." Kara finished.

Kara put her face into her hands.

"Why did I have to want someone so complicated?" Kara groaned.

Alex laughed.

"We can't help how we feel, Kara."

Kara gave her a grateful smile.

"Thank you Alex. For understanding."

"I have a feeling it's going to be really complicated no matter what happens, so I can't exactly tell you what to do." Alex shrugged.

Kara regarded her curiously.

"You being Supergirl and dating is already complicated, wanting a Luthor, more complicated." Alex told her.

Kara dropped her head into her arms, groaning.

"I know."

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