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it's finally friday. i'm so glad it's friday. the bell rang signaling that school was now over and students were allowed to leave. i was looking forward to having a peaceful afternoon at home, but it was all ruined when yumehara and teruhashi found me. "these girls like you, distract them, anything, please." i begged saiki telepathically. "no, because that would require i ruin my afternoon and i'm not doing that just for your sake." saiki said bluntly. "fine." i said reluctantly following the two girls. "hmm, i feel kinda bad leaving her to deal with them by herself." saiki thought to himself. "no, what am i thinking? i'm not gonna ruin my afternoon just for her. but she did say she wanted a quiet afternoon as well. she's just like me." saiki contemplated helping you out. "i guess i could help her out just once." saiki decided.

"where are we going?" i asked teruhashi. "let's go to a cafe!" she said as she clinged onto my arm. "what cafe?" yumehara asked as she clinged onto my arm as well. oh jesus, i'm begin kidnapped! saiki laughed as he heard that thought. "i have a cafe in mind." i said as i accepted my fate. 

"Jerard Croiset?" Yumehara asked as she was unfamiliar with the shop. "i've never gone here before, i just heard about it and wanted to try it out." i shrugged. "girls only sweet buffet?" teruhashi read the paper on the door. "sounds like a type of place toritsuka would run." i joked. teruhashi and yumehara laughed as we got in line. "oh, isn't that mera?" yumehara pointed at this brown haired girl with pigtails and a missing lense. "chisato, over here!" yumehara yelled. we walked over to mera and noticed she was talking to a pink haired girl. she reminds me of someone. "i am that someone you are thinking about." saiki answered in his mind. "oh, that's our uniform." teruhashi pointed out. "would you like to join us?" yumehara asked her. 

we entered the shop and picked a seat. i sat down next to the pink haired girl and teruhashi, yumehara, and mera sat across from us. after all the introductions, kuriko started eating immediately. "saiki?" yumehara and teruhashi said at the same time. is this girl really saiki? "yes, it is, i came here to help you out since you somehow always need it. i'm also here for the sweets, don't make a big deal out of this." saiki said while ignoring the other girls' speculations. "you sneaky bitch, i had no idea! if you never said anything, i've would've never believed it was you." i gawked at him. saiki as a girl?! i covered my mouth to prevent myself from laughing. "don't laugh or i'll leave you to deal with them all by yourself." saiki said mentally rolling his eyes. "sorry." i apologized. 

we were all getting ready to leave the pastry shop. mera, teruhashi, and yumehara all headed out first, leaving saiki and i alone. we left the shop and saiki transformed back to his normal self. "thank you." i thanked saiki. "i told you not to make a big deal out of it." saiki said. "it would be mean to not thank you after going out of your way to rescue me." i said as i scratched the back of my head. "how can i make it up to you?" i asked him. "by staying out of trouble so i don't have to rescue you again." saiki said straightforwardly. "ugh, you know that's not what i meant." i said as i face palmed. saiki laughed. "i'm serious." i said with a straight face. "i am too." saiki laughed again. "oh my god, stop fucking with me. just tell me what i can do to make it up to you." i said as i playfully hit him on his arm. "buy me a coffee jelly." saiki said plainly. "that's it?" i asked him with a confused look on my face. "yes." saiki said. "you're serious?" i asked. "i'm serious." saiki said his voice monotone as ever. "uhh, ok whatever you say!" i said as i grabbed his wrist. "come on, let's go to the convenience store!" i said as i started skipping. saiki smiled as he tried to keep up with me. 

"we're here! get as much coffee jelly as you want!" i offered. "i love you." he said as he picked up at least 5 packs of coffee jelly. "i know you do." i said as i winked at him. he rolled his eyes at me. "woah, you don't want me to take my offer back, do you?" i teased. "i'm sorry." he apologized quickly. "you really love coffee jelly, do you?" i laughed as i watched him contemplate which pack of coffee jelly he wanted to get. "why not just get them all?" i asked. he looked at me with such an adorable look on his face. "here." i said as i got one of each. i brought all the packs of coffee jelly to the back of the store where i payed for everything. i gave the bag to saiki and he thanked me a million times. the things this man does for coffee jelly... "i heard that." saiki said. "did i lie though?" i teased. 

"where do you live? i'll walk you home." i offered. "you've already done enough for me, i'll just walk home by myself." he declined. "if you say so. have a good weekend, ok? bye, saiki!" i waved as he started making his way home. "thank you again for the coffee jelly." saiki thanked me once again. "no problem!" i said as i made my way home as well. that went better than i thought it would. it was actually kinda fun. i smiled to myself. 

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