Chapter 5

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Half the time we worked for the english project, Travis wouldn't even look at me. But if he did, he wouldn't meet my eyes.

It was as if he thought I'd be able to read his every thought if he met my eye. But I can't.

Larry told me that something weird happened when Lisa picked him up. She stayed in the building to talk to Travis before his father got there, but when she left, she had a worried look on her face. He said that she was thinking deeply about something for the rest of the day.

This morning has been off, too. Travis was completely silent. He didn't touch me or shove me or hit me or yell at me. He didn't speak. Whenever I asked him to do something, he complied, not one complaint leaving his lips.

Every time he shifts in his seat or sits up straight he winces as if he was in incredible pain. I wanted to ask, but I knew better than to.

I did most of the work today, because I knew something was off with him. His hair wasn't styled to the side like usual, and his eyes had a faint red to them, deep eyebags under his eyes. He looked horrible.

The bell rings, and I debated on staying, on waiting for him to get up, but I didn't. I grab my bag, standing up and walking out with Larry.

"I didn't see him even open his mouth once." Larry looks down at me, waiting to see if I'd say that Travis secretly was terrorizing me without him knowing.

"Yeah. It's weird. It's not like him." I reply, my brows furrowing as I try to understand him.

"You're acting like you want him to pick on you. You should be glad he's not being a dick for once. Maybe I finally knocked some sense into that dumbasses thick skull." Larry shrugs, his eyes leaving mine as he spots Ash.

"Maybe... But I don't think it's that." I whisper so quietly it was almost as if I was talking to myself.

He glances at me before looking back at Ash as she approaches us. "How was working with Travis?" She asks me, nudging my arm with her elbow, like she always does.

"Weird." Larry and I both say in unison, and Ash raises a brow, waiting for one of us to explain further.

"He didn't say a word." I say as we walk towards the art classroom.

"He didn't even give me or Sally any dirty looks." Larry adds.

"He hasn't even shoved me or punched me the whole day." I add, and Ash nods.

"Okay, so he's being extremely weird. Got it." She opens the door for us as Larry steps in first, then me, then her.

We go to our usual spot in the middle of the room, with me sitting between them on the opposite side from them.

Usually, it was two chairs per table, but the teacher gave in when we all begged for me to be able to sit with them.

It was a bit hard to fit all of our art supplies on the table, but it worked.

The bell rings, meaning class has started.


Throughout the rest of the school  day my eyes kept flickering towards Travis whenever he was near. He still looked horrible.

From 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, he looked horrible. He never spoke, never looked around, never even bullied anyone.

Even Larry was starting to get weirded out about it. Which is saying a lot. But, Larry also keeps saying that Travis will probably be himself again tomorrow, and that we should've enjoyed it while we could.

I blink, my mind clearing for a moment as I look around, looking for the reason why I came back to reality because I heard some boos and cheers.

They were playing mario kart, Larry and Neil on one team, Ash and Todd on the other, and from the looks of it, Larry and Neil lost.

"You cheated!" Larry accused, pointing his finger at Ash and Todd, wiggling it at them.

"No, we didn't, we're just better!" Ash laughed, Todd laughing with her.

Neil huffs, falling back on Larry's bed. "This is why I don't play mario kart."

"I'm going for a smoke." Larry walks away, walking towards the cellar doors.

I get up, following after him. Sometimes Travis would say that I'm Larry's little dog, always following him where he goes. But that's not true. I don't think.

Larry holds the door open for me as I step out of the apartment and into the chilly night.

He pulls his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his sweatpants, opening it and pulling one out, placing it between his lips.

He pulls his lighter out of his other pocket, flicking it. The flame illuminates his face and a small area around the lighter, and he moves it up to his cigarette, lighting it.

"Larry?" I glance up at him, and he looks down at me.

"Yeah?" He raises a brow, smoke leaving his mouth as he exhales.

"You've lived here all your life... Was Travis always so bad?" I ask. I've been curious for a while, but I never thought about asking, until now.

Larry pauses, his lips parting slightly as he exhales again, smoke leaving his mouth once again.

"No. He didn't change until he lost his mom."

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