So Useless

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"Oh my oh my, well isn't this a naughty one." The girl smirks as she catches sight of me at the doorway. "Eavesdropping? That's not good." She looks down at me and I observe her beauty from up close. Her eyes are deep emerald with flecks of gray and her body literally screams, "SMEXY!!!" A part of me can't help but be jealous.

"Actually, I was just about to check if Prince Kai was alright." I look back at her.

"So you're the one Kai likes, huh?" She coos and ruffles my hair. "Pretty cute." She chuckles and then suddenly she strikes my cheek with the back of her hand.

"Leave when I tell you to. Or you can get fired. Your choice." She flashes me one of her devilish smiles and walks past me. That just pissed me off. I glare at her skinny back and then rush inside Kai's room.

"Prince Kai! Are you alright!" I run to him.

"Are you alright? I saw what happened." He rubs my red cheek and sighs. "Sorry. I dragged you in."

"No, no. I'm just glad you told her that I'm the person you have in mind. Actually, I'm very happy." I try to give him an unconcerned smile, but I'm not sure it works because he ends up looking more worried.

"Ok. Come here." He pats an area next to him on the bed and my cheeks grow bright red.

"Prince Kai! There's not much privacy here!" I whisper.

"I prepared." He stands up and reaches under the bed. He pulls out a: Do Not Disturb sign? It has little prohibited signs on it.

"Wow, you're very thoughtful," I giggle as he walks over to the door and hangs it on the outer door knob. Then he closes it and then locks it. Wait... locks it?!!!

"Prince Kai?" I ask curiously.

"For safety."

I nod and then he lays back on his bed and goes back to patting the bed. I crawl inside under the sheets and then he hugs me.

"So do you really have a cold?" I put my hand to his forehead again. It's actually quite hot.

"A little." He grabs my hand and then puts it against his chest. "Stop," he commands.

"?" I cock my head a little.

"Stop. Stop doing this."


"If you do, I'm only going to fall for you more."


"...When you do that I want to do more than kiss you and hug you."

"So... what are going to do?" I peer up at him.

"Rub you."
He gets that adorable chibi face of his and starts rubbing my cheeks. He's too innocent....

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