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When I woke up the next morning my head was  hurting and my throat felt sore. I felt light headed and nauseous. I was thinking about calling Eonni when she walked in with a tray and set it on my bedside table. She smiled at me and helped me sit up before placing the tray in front of me. I looked at the soup and scrunched up my nose in disgust. Eonni smiled at me and started making me eat it while i slowly protested.

After breakfast Eonni brought me my medicine and I was back to sleep. When I woke up again it was nearly 3 PM. My head was no longer hurting but my throat was still very sore. I went downstairs to see all the boys sitting in the lounge playing video games. 

When I walked downstairs they smiled at me and Taehyung asked "How are you feeling now?" I smiled slightly and nodded my head signalling that I was better. I noticed that Jin was not there. 

I was about to head to the kitchen to find Eonni when I felt light headed and my knees grew weak. Before I could collapse someone grabbed me and lead me to the couch. I raised my head to see Jin helping me up.

I wanted to hug him. When I used to get sick he would always sit with me and would hug me. It always made me feel better.

"Aish, why did you leave bed if you still feel weak." he scolded. I pushed him away not wanting his help and got up. I still felt dizzy but I walked to the kitchen where both Eonni and Mr. Oh were witting while Eonni was making something. 

When they saw me Mr. Oh helped me to a seat and I pointed to my throat than signed for a notebook. Mr. Oh understood and brought one for me. Eonni on the other hand grabbed a first aid kit and began to check my throat. "Oh Jen, what did you to hurt it so badly?" I shrugged before writing down I screamed. "Oh hun why would you do that?" 

I could see tears welling up in her eyes so I just shrugged and wrote frustrated and angry. I'm sorry for shouting yesterday. She smiled sadly and kissed the crown of my forehead before telling Mr. Oh to take me up to my room so that I could rest. Hopefully I would be as good as new by tomorrow.

When I was 6, I had lost my voice for a week. I thought about that day. Jin had taken care of me. He had made sure I had soup and made sure I got enough rest. He had even scolded my best friend for me.

When I was heading up stairs I could feel someone was looking at me. I turned around to see Yoongi looking at me like he knew something. This made me feel scared. I don't like the look in his eyes as if he knew my biggest secret but that was impossible. My own father and the people closest to me could never see through my mask so how could he? I was probably just over thinking. Right?

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