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It was the summer vacations and I was spending them in my parents summer house in Jeju Island. You see I am the sister of Kim Seokjin, the eldest of BTS, however I hate my brother. 

When he left home I joined a boarding school and would spend the vacations alone or with friends. In 8 years I have only seen my brother a few times thanks to his busy schedule and I intend to keep it that way. My parents try to restore our relationship but you can't mend broken hearts.

I would spend my weekends and breaks with friends or at one of dads villas. Anything to void him. People often wondered he could have done but its in the past and seeing him just reminds me of it.

I was peacefully watching TV when my father called. I sighed knowing he would ask me why I didn't want to come home and would tell me that my brother loves me and all those lies. I picked up the call 

(Jennie) (Appa)

"Anneyong Appa!" 

"Jennie-ah! How are you?"

"I'm well Appa. How are you?"

"Good good. I have some wonderful news for you."

"Mwo, what is it?"

"I was just on the phone with your oppa and he and his friends are going to visit the Jeju house for their 3 month vacation."

"WHAT!!! But Appa I'm staying here and Jae and Areum are suppose to visit next month."

"Aish, I know, this way you both can get a bonding chance."

"Appa, you know that's not possi-"

"Ah, I have to go I'll talk to you later ddal. I expect you to behave and not cause any problems. He's your brother. Try to get along with him"

With that he cut the call as I slumped on the couch sighing. There was no way out of this. I had avoided him for 13 months and 23 days straight, but who was counting. Now I would have to face him again. 

I just hope that nothing goes wrong. I might be able to avoid him. It's just 3 months and if it gets too much I can always leave.

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