Then Jake Grab the Gun and Was going to Shoot Greg Until Jake: u Son a Bitch u Are lucky enough I want Kill u and I want u to Know I Hate u and I Never What u in my Life Again and if U come back my life I won't Regret Kill U ok and Out of Nowhere Pam Came and Had a Gun and Shoot Taylor but Jake Got Shoot and Was Bleeding badly Taylor: Noooooo Jakey Jakey Don't Die on My Please I won't let u Die u Son a bitch I going to Kill u, Pam And Then Sunny Hit Pam and Greg and Sunny Was Saying Sunny: No Please please Don't Die u did everything for me I thank u For that Please Don't Die, please
Sunny was Crying Jake: S S Sunny I Try And I Did everything to Protect and if I Die I want to Tell u That I am Very Proud of U and if I die I want u to Know the only Think I want to do is make sure u are Safe and take care of Sunny I love u Sunny Bunny I always will be in ur Heart I love u and Proud Of U thank u for being my baby sister I love u Jake Kiss Sunny in the Forehead Jake: T T Taylor Taylor: yea Jake: Thank u for Being my favorite Cousin I want to know after I finished school if I and Sunny Could Live with u and I want u to take Sunny if I Die Please Take Care Sunny She need to be Safe and I love u Taylor Then Jake Past Out and Saylor Was Crying and Mad at Pam and Greg then Find out what happens tomorrow What happens Peace