A/n: hey guys! Sorry for the late ish update! I tested positive for covid today so If updates are slow it's because im probably sleeping all day or moping around lmao but I hope you enjoy this chapter!
The next day in school everything was..odd. Sort of. For the first time, Sarah didn't torment me and people weren't bothering me all day about stupid shit. Did Leo finally tell her to leave me alone? Or did my speech finally knock some sense into her thick skull?
I got home and laid my book bag down at the shoe rack beside the front door. I headed up to my room. It was a good day. Leo wasn't in school, though. I wondered if he was okay. He was very distant lately. We'd once promised that no matter what happened in our friendship, we'd stay friends and not let it get awkward.
I opened my door and nearly shit my pants when I saw Leo sitting on my bed, just looking at me.
"Christ." I put my hand on my chest and closed my door.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
I pulled the chair out from my desk and sat down, facing him.
We sat there for a good second in silence and finally I said, "so what did you come here for?"
"I just wanted to apologize for how I've been acting." He wouldn't look at me.
"It's fine, Leo. I'll get over it." I sighed.
"I've been a dick, I know. You don't have to act like it's okay so I won't feel bad."
Things got quite again and suddenly Leo said, "I broke up with Sarah."
"What?" I looked him a little shocked.
"Yeah. I started to see how genuinely terrible she was." He ran a hand through his blonde hair.
"And you didn't see this when she was treating me like trash?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
"No. I really didn't. And I'm sorry. I was just preoccupied on something I thought was love. You know how my parents are, y/n. Because of them, I didn't think love was really a true thing. Something about Sarah's toxicity drew me in and made me believe I loved her. That's really what I thought love was. Once again, because of my parents." He looked at me now. I could see the heart break in his eyes.
I got up and sat next to him, wrapping my arms around him, "it's okay, I promise."
He wrapped his arms around me as well and we stayed like that for a good few minutes. It was so great to have him talking to me again instead of shouting or just casting evil stares.
"So do I have my best friend back?" He pulled away from me, still looking at me.
As impossible as it sounds, I think I was really starting to accept that Leo and I were just friends. It wouldn't change.
"Only if you'll forget about all of the 'I like you' stuff." I knew in my mind I didn't only like him. But I needed to put that aside. What was more important at this moment was getting my best friend back.
"You got it." He nodded.
"So since Sarah isn't in the picture and can't tell me what to do, what do you say we have one of our traditional sleep overs?" A smile appeared on his face. He seemed to be glowing. I didn't want to tell him no because he looked so happy asking me this. However, it did feel wrong now after everything that's happened.
"Of course!" I had instant regret feeling like it wasn't going to be the same as it was and was just going to make me feel awful.
Leo and I were watching a movie. He was sitting next to me on my bed. We hadn't said anything, we were too focused on the movie.
I felt my phone buzz beside me and I picked it up. I felt Leo snatch my phone away.
"Hey!" I looked at him.
"You've been on your phone almost this whole time." He slid it in his pocket.
"What if that's important?" I went for it and he moved away.
"It can wait." He smiled.
I sighed, "Leo just give it back."
He got up and took it out of his pocket.
"Maybe I can tell you what's so important." He opened my phone.
"Leo, I mean it! Stop." I got up and went for my phone. He put his hand in the air with my phone because he knew I was too short to reach.
I tried to jump but I couldn't get it. I stopped and looked up at him angrily. He's always been a jerk. A cute jerk though. I felt my heart melt in my chest looking at him. No. No. No. Not this again. Leos a friend. That's all.
"You're not getting this back until tomorrow." He shoved my phone back in his pocket and picked me up, startling me a little.
He tossed me back onto my bed causing me to laugh a little.
"Now watch the damn movie." He sat down.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes and sat up right, looking back at the Tv.
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