⚠️TW: alcohol⚠️ also the reader is only 16 soon to be 17 but we can act like she's allowed to drink this is legit just a story lmao.
We walked in and there were lights everywhere. The only lights in that room were strobe lights and colorful lights. The music was loud. Alex grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bar.
"What are you drinking?" He pulled a chair out for me and I sat down.
"I don't really drink. You know this."
"Wouldn't hurt to get a little lose." He smiled at me and told the bartender he would have two shots.
"Just a warning this is going to burn going down but don't let it phase you." He sat down next to me.
This was Alex's normal Friday night, not mine.
After about three shots everything was wobbly and I felt extremely giddy. This shit was like a truth serum. I felt like I could say anything on my mind no matter what it was and not be ashamed.
"Can I tell you something?" I looked at Alex.
He wasn't nearly as drunk as me. I hadn't drank before. three shots for him was nothing.
"What's up?" He looked at me.
"Do you know Leo?" I slurred.
"That hot hunk of boy you've been kicking it with since forever? Of course."
"I think I have a massive crush on him." I smiled. "He's all cute and sweet and stuff. I could spend days with him and never get sick of him in the slightest. He's like home to me." I smiled, closing my eyes.
"Oooooh. You have to tell him." He leaned in eagerly.
"Absolutely not. He has a bitch girlfriend." I shook my head no opening my eyes.
"Maybe he's using her to cover up that he likes you." He raised his eyebrows at me.
I laughed "sure" I said sarcastically.
We spent all night dancing and quite a few guys tried dancing with me but I shot a lot of them a look. I didn't want to be involved with a guy unless it was Leo. Especially not after Gus.
Alex took me home and helped me get up the steps safely as I stumbled. He also grabbed me a bucket for when the alcohol decided to make its way back up.
I woke up with an awful head ache. The light casting through my window made it ten times worse.
"God." I covered my eyes.
I grabbed the puke bucket and took it downstairs cleaning it out. Gross.
I decided I would get dressed and go to Leos because I felt like shit and I knew he'd be able to help take care of me. I called first to make sure Sarah wasn't there.
"No, she's not here at the moment. I need to talk to you anyways." He sounded awkward.
"Okay? I'll be over in a little." I was instantly nervous.
I felt too shitty to care about how I looked so I left in my pajamas. I got to Leos and went up to his room to see him sitting on his bed. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hey." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Hi." I sighed and sat next to him. "Sorry to just randomly come over. I was out with Alex at some club last night and he got me drunk. I don't remember much of it to be honest. I just felt like shit as soon as I woke up."
"Yeah..I know. That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about." He looked at his lap. "Alex told me that you uhm-"
I cut him off remembering what I told Alex "fuck. He did not. You've gotta be kidding me." I slapped my forehead.
"Yeah, he did. About that-"
I cut Leo off again, "Leo, I didn't mean it I was just drunk."
"Would you let me talk?"
I got quite.
"He told me everything you said. I'm aware it wasn't just because you were drunk, y/n." He looked at me. "I hate to hurt you like this but..I don't feel that way about you."
My heart instantly went to my ass.
"Yeah, that's uhm. That's okay. I'm going to head home though. So I'll uh..I'll see you around." I got up and left Leos room in a hurry.
I wanted to murder Alex. What the hell was he thinking? Why would he do that to me? Once I got outside I called Alex.
"Are you fucking kidding me Alex?!" I yelled as soon as he answered.
"What?" He played dumb.
"You told Leo I like him?!"
"Oh..that. Yeah, I just thought I'd help you out. He obviously likes you too."
"No Alex he actually doesn't. This is exactly why I wasn't going to tell him. I was avoiding the idea that he didn't and the rejection of that. Thanks so much asshole." I was still yelling.
"Shit, y/n. I'm so sorry." He felt bad.
"Whatever Alex." I hung up on him.
I stopped at a bench near the park and sat down sighing. What the fuck do I do now?
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