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I sat on my bed around 1 in the morning, looking at pictures of Leo and I.

^This picture was from our last family dinner. The next one was very soon. The day after tomorrow.

^This picture was from my aunts baby shower. There were a lot of people there and some I didn't even know. I was extremely anxious and Leo held my hand the entire time.

^This picture was from the week our families spent at the beach together. I told my dad I didn't want him to take any pictures of me but he kept trying to sneak some so I was hiding my face.

^This was a picture I'd taken of leo about two years ago on the same day of our "seven minutes in heaven" incident.

I'd made so many memories with Leo. My mom always wanted me to end up with Leo. She thought he was the most "smart, handsome, young man". Leos mom also really liked me. She thought of me as one of her own. Our dads didn't express much emotions. They usually just talked about sports when they'd hang out with each other or reminisce on old teenage memories and tell us stories about how "crazy and daring" they were when they were our age.

I wanted Leo to be more than my best friend. But, at the same time, I didn't want to lose our connection as best friends as well. Things would change if we were actually together. I laid back on my bed and sighed.
I woke up and the light hurt my eyes. I hit my alarm clock to shut it off. Here we go again. School.
I was walking through the hallway, carrying my back pack with one arm, looking completely out of it and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around super unenthusiastically.
"Can I talk to you?" Alex gave me a sympathy look.
"Alex, it's fine. Seriously. I don't want to talk right now." I turned back around.
Alex didn't chase after me or anything of the sort. He just disappeared. I started to feel awful. I went to my first period and saw Leo sitting in his usual seat behind me. Sarah was all the way across the room. Thank god.

"Hey." Leo leaned in close to my back.
"Hm?" I turned around and looked at him and our faces were centimeters away. I felt my face become hot and I turned back around quickly.
"Can you help me pick out what I'm wearing for the family dinner? You have better taste in clothes than I do."
"Yeah, sure." I didn't turn back around.

I could tell he sat back in his seat again and I sighed.
I was waiting for Leo to come up to my room as I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling while music played on my tv. My hands were behind my head.

I heard my window open and I looked at the window knowing it was Leo and than averted my eyes back to the ceiling.
"Hey, dork. Ready to go to my place?" Leo sat next to me.
I sighed, "yeah."

"Are you okay? You've been off." He looked at me with concern tracing through his expression as I sat up.
"Yeah, I'm good." I got up and grabbed my hoodie, "let's go."

"Okay. I'll meet you down there." Leo stood up.
"Why don't you just use the front door?" I turned around to look at him.
"Would I really be myself if I didn't go through the extra work to climb in and out of your window. It's been a year, get used to it." Leo laughed a bit.

I smiled a little, "right. I'll see you down there."
I went downstairs and out the front door and stood at the sidewalk, watching leo come down from my window.

"What if you fall?" I said once Leos shoes touched the grass.
"I won't." He brushed off and started walking to his car.
I rolled my eyes and followed him.
I sat on Leos bed as he went through his closet throwing things at me.
"How about this?" He turned around holding a black button up.

"You always wear that." I laughed at him.
"Okay, okay." He threw it and I smiled as I watched the black shirt hit the floor.

He turned around with a white button up almost the same in hand and I smiled and nodded, "absolutely. You could throw on some black jeans and like leave the top unbuttoned." I felt butterflies in my stomach as I imagined how good he would look.

Leo pulled off his shirt with no hesitation and I widened my eyes looking away quickly, "give me a warning next time maybe?" I turned around and laughed.

After Leo was done I turned back around and holy shit.

"Wow." I scanned Leo up and down with my eyes.
"Huh?" He laughed, "is it bad?"
"No, it looks great." My eyes met his face and I smiled.

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