A/n: if you've read my last book you know I enjoy writing about things that happen in real life because not everything on earth is sunshine and rainbows so warning for sensitive content ahead <3.
A/n: keep in mind that I wrote this like over two years ago so if you dislike the clothing choices, then imagine it's something else. Those are simply there for a visual. The ppl in the comments rlly need to chill about this 😭💀
My alarm beckoned me to get up for school and I groaned, smacking it off. I drug myself out of bed and got dressed.
"See ya." I grab the door handle.
My dad only nodded and I got out of the car, entering the building.
"Miss. Y/l/n, you're late. Again." Mr. Flynn always gave me a hard time.
"I'm sorry. My dad had trouble with his car." I prayed that he wouldn't give me detention again.
"Take your seat." He pointed.
I headed to my seat and almost directly behind was Leo and Sarah. She was all over him. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down.
"You two" Mr. Flynn pointed at them, "save the pda for after school."
I tried not to laugh. I zoned out as Mr. Flynn started talking about y=mx+b or some stupid common core shit. What felt like an eternity later, Mr. Flynn dismissed us and I headed for my locker.
Someone leaned on the lockers beside me and I looked over to see Gus smiling at me with his arms crossed.
"I'm not interested." I closed my locker and started to walk away. He grabbed my wrist. I turned around, shooting him a look.
"One date." He pleaded.
I thought about Leo and Sarah scene in math, "okay, fine."
I heard my window open and was greeted by Leo.
"You're all dressed up. It's like 7, why?"
"I have a date." I smiled at him. He knew what I was doing.
"With who?" He sat down on my bed.
"Gus." I smiled wider just to be an ass.
"Of course." He smiled sarcastically.
"Why are you so upset about me going out with someone? Why do you care?" I started to get a little annoyed of his one sided bullshit, "you're dating a bitch and I don't try and ruin your shit with her. She literally threatened me, Leonardo." I started to raise my voice. He just sat there staring at me, obviously pissed.
"Maybe it's because I don't want you to get your fucking heart torn out."
"You don't seem to give a shit about how I might feel when your girlfriend forces you to ignore me. You have a voice, you can do your own shit but you're a pussy." I was yelling.
"You know what, y/n? Just piss off." Leo got up, "have fun getting hurt." He went for the window.
Leo could throw a tantrum all he wanted. He'd apologize eventually he always did. I'd also apologize and than things would be okay. We didn't fight often though. I was contemplating whether I should actually go on this date or not but I wasn't gonna let Leo have his way. It wasn't right for him to get pissed at me for going out with someone when he is to. And I have reason to hate her. Leo was just assuming shit about Gus. I didn't really like him but maybe I could use a distraction. It sounds shitty but if you've ever been in my situation, you'd understand. Maybe I'd actually catch feelings and the ones for Leo would finally go away.
I sat on my porch steps waiting for a good hour. It was about 8:30 and I was about to head inside when Gus car pulled up by the side walk. I got up and went to his car, getting in.
"Hey." He smiled at me.
"Hi." I buckled my seat belt.
He started driving and I stared out the window. All I could think about was Leo.
⚠️TW: Sexual assault⚠️
I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at Gus quickly and removed his hand shaking my head no. He shot me a look and looked back at the road. I started to realize Leo was right. God why didn't I listen?
The whole car ride was awkward. I was uncomfortable and I didn't even look at Gus. He stopped the car finally. I looked around. Where the fuck were we? It was just a parking lot. I felt Gus reach over and touch my cheek and I looked at him.
"What the hell are you doing, Gus?" I felt my heart race.
"It's okay." He put his hand on my inner thigh.
I shooed his hand away yet again.
"Stop. I'm not interested in having sex with you." My hands started to shake.
"But you are." He smirked at me and grabbed my chest.
I opened the car door.
"Y/n." He sighed.
I got out, "I'm walking home." I slammed the door shut and began walking down the road.
He drove next to me slowly.
"Y/n, get back in the car. I'm sorry I'll take you home."
"Gus leave me the fuck alone. You're a fucking creep." I yelled at him.
"Fine, fuck you than. Walk home see if I give a fuck." He drove off.
I stopped walking and stood there with my hands on my face. What the fuck just happened?
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