Chapter 2: The Two Angels Met

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Chaeryeong Pov

I woke up with the sunlight hitting on my face. Where am I?

"Are you now awake? You slept very well." I heard a strange voice.

I stood up and fixed myself. A grandmother is starring at me right now. Before talking to her I looked at the surroundings.

I must've slept in this convenience store. It seems that this grandmother is the owner. I looked at her and smiled. "I'm now awake. I'm sorry for sleeping in here. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." I bowed to her and went outside the store.

Hmm, where should I start?

This neighborhood is noisy. As soon I got out, I saw many people. Some are talking with each other and some are playing.

"This must be where Yeji lives. This area is quite noisy though." I frowned.

Observing the area, I walked trying to find Yeji's house. I asked around and they said that she lives in a red house. I'm finding it right now but it's quite hard since there are a lot of people.

I'm thirsty. It's quite hot in here. I'm also drenched in sweat.

It took me an hour to find Yeji's house. Her house is located at the end of this neighborhood so there's only a few people. This area is also quiet. A typical area where Yeji would live.

Fixing my face I tried to knock on her door. But no one answered. "Is she not here?" I continued pressing her door bell but no one is still answering.

"Miss, excuse me? A-are you finding Yeji?" Someone held my shoulder. Out of suprise I took a step back and saw a woman with her child.

"Ah y-yes, I-I'm finding her."

"She doesn't live there. She just moved out yesterday."

My eyes widened. This was also the address they sent to me, where could she be? Where are you Yeji?

"A-ah really? Thanks for telling me." I smiled and bowed to them.

I let out a sigh walking away to Yeji's house. "Yeji, you're really stressing me out!"

I don't know where I would find Yeji. It also looks like no one knows where she moved so I really have no idea on where her house is.

"Maybe I should eat first." I whispered when I heard my tummy growling.


"Should I call her now?" I hesitantly typed her phone number. I arrived here this afternoon and now it's night. I already spent a few hours finding Yeji but still I can't find her.

I'm hesitating on calling the number Yuna gave me. Is this someone trusted? Is this someone like us? I don't know. But I should try calling this number. I badly need help right now. I don't want to fail this mission.

I took a deep breath and pressed the call. "Please answer." The one I'm calling right now is my only hope.


Someone answered. It's a girl.

I cleared my throat first before answering. "Uhm, hello? Are you Shin Yuna's friend?"

"Yes, I am. May I ask why?"

"I just want to ask for help. Uhm, Yuna gave me your number and said that I should call this if I need help."

"Oh, maybe you're the one Yuna was referring to. So, how can I help you?"

"Can we meet? Let's talk personally not over the phone."

"Sure. I'll just send you the address and let's meet there at 9."


I released a sigh after ending the call. I'm glad she answered it. I never thought that I would ask for help in doing this mission. But asking help isn't bad at all right?

I just need to succeed in this mission.

I arrived at the cafe where we're supposed to meet. I arrived 15 minutes earlier than the expected time. She also texted that I can identify her through her black leather jacket.

Drinking my hot coffee I couldn't help but stare at the streets. The night sky filled with street lights looks picturesque. It makes me relax a little bit.

"Excuse me? Are you Yuna's friend?" I raised my hand and went near the girl who's at the entrance.

She nodded. Yuna's friend is wearing a black leather jacket and has short hair. She's also smaller than me, she also looks like a kind person.

I guided her to our table and made her sit. "Do you want something?"

"No. I'm fine."

"So you're Yuna's friend right?" I asked while sipping my hot coffee.

"Yup. My name is Ryujin."

I nodded. I extended my hand to her. "Call me Chaeryeong." I smiled.

Ryujin smiled back and shaked hands with me. "Your name is pretty."

I chuckled. She's friendly. I thought she's an intimidating person.

"So Chaeryeong how can I help you?"

I sit up straight and cleared my throat. I almost forgot my mission. The main reason why I'm here. "I need you in order to help Yeji."

"Yeji? Who's that?" Ryujin asked raising her eyebrows.

"She's a—

"Are you also an angel? L-like Yuna?" Ryujin seriously asked.

Taken back I kept silent. Should I tell her my identity? How did she knew about that? Seems like Yuna told her that we're angels.

"Y-yes. I'm a-also an angel." I avoided her eyes and looked outside. I feel uncomfortable talking about my identity.

"Oh then I should help you. Yeji is the person you're assigned right?"

"Yes. Yeji is her name."

"What's your mission?"

"Uhm my mission is to do three things for her."

"Three things only? That's a small number. From what I know Yuna did like five to ten things in each of her mission."

"These three things are not easy you know." I rolled my eyes. Our missions are never easy.

"I know. So what are these three?" Ryujin put her hands together on the table looking at me excitedly.

"So the first one is to make Yeji smile, make Yeji love herself and make Yeji feel geniune happiness."

After hearing what I said I heard Ryujin sigh. She must've thought that the mission given to me is easy. But that's not the case, it's really hard.

"That's really hard. But I'm sure we'll succeed." Ryujin smiled. I can see her small whiskers and her dimples that makes her look like a kid. She's cute.

"By the way, Ryujin... Your name sounds familiar though." I went closer to her and observed her face.

Her name sound familiar. It feels like I already heard it somewhere but I can't remember where.

Ryujin chuckled and scratched her neck. "You must've heard my name on the streets. Well, I'm quite famous you know?" She laughed raising her shoulders.

"You're famous?" My eyes widened. "Well you don't look like one."

Ryujin bursted out laughing. "Here, just read this article so you can know why I'm famous." She reached her phone to my hands.

A wingless angel, Ryujin.

A 22 year old girl, Ryujin was seen helping a family who's financially poor. It was not the first time she helped others. According to our resources she also help kids with disabilities. The whole country is now calling her 'The wingless angel'.

"So you're a wingless angel? A good samaritan like that?"

"Well you can call me like that." I saw her cheeks went red. She's getting shy from these compliments.

"That's good. I guess we're two angels then. A real angel and a wingless angel." I laughed. I can't believe that there are some people who are called 'angels'. I guess the world isn't that cruel as I thought.

"Yeah, two angels." She laughed.

"Hoping to become good partners in this mission, Ryujin. I-I mean angel Ryujin." I chuckled extending my hand to her.

"I'm hoping we can become good partners angel Chaeryeong."

Removing my hand from hers, Ryujin stood up. "I'm going to go home now. Let's just meet tomorrow here? Is that fine?" Ryujin asked.

I stared at her. "U-uhm... Ryujin."

"What? Is that not okay to you? Well we can meet anywhere."

I shake my head. That's not it. Gosh this is embarrassing to ask. "R-Ryujin c-can I sleep at your place?"

My cheeks feels hot. I don't have a place to go. I don't also have enough money to sleep in a hotel.

I heard Ryujin chuckle. "Sure. You can sleep at my place."

I raised my head and smiled at her. She's a  lifesaver. "Thank you."

"Let's go then. I have my motorcycle outside." Ryujin walked first and I followed. I saw her black motorcycle and two helmets.

Ryujin gave me a helmet. "Do you know how to wear this one?"

"No. B-But this is an helmet right?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes. Here, I'll help you wear it." Ryujin went closer to me fixing my helmet. I could feel her breath and I can see clearly her deep browns eyes. They're captivating.

"You're now good. Just hold tight okay? Don't be scared. I won't go that fast." Ryujin softly reminded me.

I nodded in response. I placed my hands in her waist still keeping a distance from her.

"Let's go!" Ryujin laughed starting the engine.


"Sleep here. Yuna uses this room when she's here. Sleep tight Chaeryeong." Ryujin fixed the matress and placed the pillows.

When we arrived at her house I can't say it's clean. It's a little messy. Her things are located everywhere but it's okay. This is her house, her own rules.

"Thank you for fixing the bed for me, Ryujin. I should really sleep well." I laughed.

"You should. Oh by the way, will you stay here for the whole month?"

"Uhm yes. Is that—

"Then that's good. I won't be alone then." I saw Ryujin smile.

"Do you hate being alone?"

"Not really. I just hate being alone in big places like my house. It gets boring." Ryujin frowned.

I nodded. "You should also sleep now, Ryujin. Goodnight!" I seated at the bed and waved goodbye to her as she closes the door.

"Goodnight Chaeryeong!" Ryujin shouted at the door.

"Goodnight." I smiled before closing my eyes.

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