Chapter 6

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Hi guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter :) I'm going to update more regularly now :) 

Warnings: there is implied past rape and attempted rape. As well as abuse from Alec's parents. 

"I'm going to kill Jonathan!" Jace shouted and tried to rip the note but Luke stopped him.

"Don't, we can use that for evidence".

"Alec can't see this Luke-"

"I know, I'll make sure he doesn't".

"Why can't Alec see that, what aren't you telling me?" Maia said sternly.

"I'm sorry we can't tell you", Simon said.

Maia sighed in frustration she wanted to know the truth, but she knew Simon well enough to know when to leave things alone. When Jace gave Luke the note back he turned to Simon and started talking to him about the laptop and Maia took the chance to take Jace aside and pulled him into an empty room. Maia gave Jace a furious glare the moment they were alone.

"Maia I'm sorry I really can't tell you about-"

"It's not about that Jace! I can't keep lying to Simon about you and Meliorn!" Maia yelled. She had walked in on Jace and Meliorn while they were in college and had kept it a secret for Simon's sake ever since.

"Please, I hate what I did but I love Simon I can't lose him".

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you started your book club" Maia said emphasising the words book club.

Jace froze, "How do you know about that?"

Maia glared at him, "Clary told me that before I met her she would often hook up with you and that you did that with others too while you were still with Simon! The only reason I didn't tell Simon was because Clary couldn't lose him either and I couldn't see her upset, but I can't do this anymore". To Maia's increasing anger, Jace had started the 'book club' when he and Simon had moved to Southport. He would always say that he was going to his book club and Simon would always believe him, not knowing that Jace was hooking up with someone else behind his back. Maia had tried to stop Jace doing this but he wouldn't and Maia had kept the secret hoping Jace would stop, but he only stopped recently when he realized he was in love with Simon. Maia had seen Meliorn was back and was afraid Jace would cheat again.

Maia started to leave but Jace blocked her, "You promised you wouldn't tell him", Jace said his voice breaking.

"I know but every time I see Simon I feel terrible, every time he smiles at me I feel even worse I have to tell him".

Maia left the room and Jace followed her desperate to make her change her mind.

Meanwhile Simon found himself alone waiting for Maia and Jace. Luke had left to go home as it was the end of the day and many others had left too. Simon inwardly groaned when he saw Meliorn coming towards him. Simon tried to stand up but he was surprised and anxious when Meliorn pushed him back down on the chair. His anxiety increased when Meliorn leaned close to him and he tried to lean back as far as he could, but the chair limited how far he could go.

"So have you changed your mind yet?"


"Hmm too bad", Meliorn said and straddled Simon.

"Hey! Get off me!" Simon said panicking and tried to push Meliorn off but Meliorn wouldn't move. Meliorn grabbed Simon's wrists to stop him, Meliorn pressed himself against Simon and kissed him. Simon's heart was hammering in his chest when Meliorn leaned back with a dreamy smile.

"You are going on that date with me whether you like it or not", Meliorn said and pulled Simon up with him.

Simon panicked and tried to escape but Meliorn's grip on his arms were too tight and he started dragging Simon with him but suddenly Simon was pulled away from him and he was shocked to see his ex, Jordan. Jordan growled and punched Meliorn's face hard enough to make him fall on his back. Jordan took Simon's handcuffs and cuffed Meliorn to the table.

"What's going on?" Jace said angrily having just seen Jordan punch and handcuff Meliorn, he wasn't at all happy to see Simon's ex, he noticed Maia giving Jordan a death glare. When Simon turned to him, Jace's anger increased at how scared he looked. Jace ran over to Simon and enveloped him in a hug. Simon gladly returned the hug. Maia ran over and punched Jordan's face making him groan and clutch his nose.

"Maia don't he was saving me", When Maia gave Simon a confused look, Simon nodded at Meliorn. Maia had been so angry with Jordan she hadn't even noticed Meliorn.

"What did he do?"

"He tried to force Simon to go on a date with him", Jordan said, looking at Simon in a way that made Jace tighten his grip on him.

Red seemed to be all Jace could see and he would have taken his anger out on Meliorn if Simon didn't stop him. Simon's pleading look stopped him in his tracks.

Simon was reeling from nearly being taken by Meliorn and seeing Jordan. Things had not ended well with him and Simon wanted to get away from Jordan. Maia seemed to sense this and took Simon's hand and squeezed it. Simon gratefully squeezed back.

"I'm going with Simon back to his place, Jace you arrest Meliorn and Jordan you better leave right now", Maia said and was satisfied when both Jace and Jordan flinched at her glare. Jace gave Maia an alarmed look and she could tell he was scared that Maia would tell Simon about him cheating. Maia wasn't so sure about telling Simon now after what had just happened, but she was determined that he would know the truth when he had some time to recover from this Simon deserved to know what Jace had done.

"Wait I was hoping to talk to you Simon", Jordan said anxiously.

"I don't want to talk to you right now".


"No! You knew how I feel about lying and yet you still-" Simon cut himself off, not wanting to relive the past.

"I'm so sorry".

"You've said that so many times its lost it's meaning", Simon said sadly, "Jace I was thinking of checking on Alec, do you mind if I-"

Jace stepped closer and hugged Simon tightly afraid that it would be the last time he would get to hug him, "You don't even have to ask". Jace wanted Simon to stay with him and not go with Maia but at the same time he didn't want him around Meliorn. When Maia and Simon left he stopped Jordan trying to follow by grabbing his arm. "Don't you dare!"

"You don't deserve Simon, he can do far better than you".

"Oh, do you mean you? Because Simon told me what you did and there's no way you deserve him, you shouldn't even get to look at him".

Jordan growled again and punched Jace who punched him back and they were both so focused on fighting that they hadn't noticed that Meliorn had escaped.

Magnus tried to calm his anger he couldn't lash out at Alec again. Magnus crouched in front of Alec and took his hands making Alec look at him. Magnus' heart hurt at the pain in Alec's eyes. Magnus hated Alec's parents so much and Camille even more than he already did.

"Why didn't you say it was the same Camille?" Magnus blurted out.

Alec flinched, "I didn't realize it was her. I didn't see Camille only you could and I left to go to the kitchen when you talked".

Magnus hated that this was happening right now. He didn't want to cause Alec any more pain but he couldn't lead him on, it would only hurt him much more. "Alec I... I want you to know that what I'm about to say doesn't change the fact that I want to be here for you. I want to protect you from everyone who wants to hurt you and I will".

"Magnus? What's going on you're scaring me".

Magnus had been in turmoil since his talk with Raphael. The long walk back to Jace's house gave him time to think which was a blessing and a curse. Magnus didn't want to lose Alec he loved him so much, but Raphael was right he had to be honest with him. "I wish so badly that I didn't feel this way but I do, I'm in love with Harvey as well as you". Magnus' heart broke as he could see tears forming in Alec's eyes and he continued before Alec could interrupt, "I need to have a serious think about my feelings and I'm so, so sorry but I can't do that while I'm with you".

"Y-you're breaking up with me?" Alec said his voice breaking. He had been right after all.

"Alec-" Magnus tried and moved closer to Alec, but Alec backed away.

"Don't, just please leave me alone", Alec tried to stop his tears but couldn't.

"I don't think that's-"

"I'll be okay I'm not leaving the house", Alec said bitterly.

Magnus cast one last look at Alec before he left whispering, "I'm so sorry".

Alec sank heavily on his bed and jumped when his phone beeped. This time with a text from Camille making his heart leap into his throat.

'I can't wait until we're together. I never stopped thinking about you, you know. Even when I was with other people I never stopped thinking about you. I can't wait to hold you again, to kiss you, to-"

Alec couldn't read anymore, the text was bringing back terrible memories...

The start of Alec's last year of high school...

Alec leaned his head against his locker and sighed. The previous evening he had a huge fight with his parents which had ended terribly for him. His eyes were drawn to his wrists which were already starting to bruise. Alec's head snapped up in shock when Camille was suddenly beside him grinning predatorily at him. Alec's heart sank as Camille's eyes roamed all over his body, it was something she always did and he hated it. Camille moved so that she was in front of Alec making him automatically back away but his back hit the locker. He was trapped. Alec tried so hard not to panic when she leaned closer to him, but his blood ran cold at the words Camille whispered in his ear.

"I know you're gay".

"I-I don't know what you're talking about".

Camille laughed cruelly, "Come on Alec, I've seen the way you stare at Victor".

"I wasn't staring at him", Alec tried, his heart hammering in his chest.

"You were. It would be such a shame if your parents found out, they would ruin your pretty face". Camille said, she grabbed Alec's wrist painfully tight and shoved it in his face for emphasis. Alec blanched, she knew!

"How long have you known?"

"That you're gay or that you're parents abuse you?"

Alec closed his eyes in pain, "Both".

Camille laughed again instead of answering, she stepped even closer to Alec, "Be in a relationship with me or I will tell your parents you're gay".

Alec's eyes were stinging with tears, "Please don't do this".

Camille wrapped her arms tightly around Alec's waist and pouted, "But this is so fun!"

"Fun? You're blackmailing me", Alec said incredulously.


Alec looked away from Camille's smug face. Camille had Alec right where she wanted him and she knew it. Alec wished he had been brave enough to tell Izzy he was gay, he knew she would do anything to protect him just as he would for her. But he couldn't and now he was alone in this terrible situation.

"I-I'll be in a relationship with you", Alec said. Despair overtook him when Camille smirked and kissed him fiercely.


Alec lay on his bed and put a pillow over his head doing anything he could to stop the invading memories coming. But more and more flashed in front of his eyes.

Prom night...

Camille made Alec go to the prom with her. She had put herself and him forward for prom king and queen. Camille was very popular and that had made Alec very popular too. But what no one knew was that Alec hated the popularity, that he was being forced to be with Camille.

Alec and Camille had just been crowned and shared the dance. Camille dragged Alec away when the dance was over, and forced him into an empty classroom laughing ecstatically the whole way. Alec was confused as to why she wasn't basking in the glory of her victory in front of anyone anymore. Alec would have thought she would want to for the whole night. But the reason became clear when Camille pushed Alec down on the floor and straddled him.

"Camille please don't-" Alec tried but like she always did Camille ignored Alec's pleas and surged forward to kiss him. Camille tried to lie on top of Alec but she was pulled off him. Alec was so relieved to see Izzy who had slammed Camille so hard into the wall that she was knocked out.

Izzy ran over and hugged Alec tightly and he ended up telling Izzy everything. Izzy comforted him and tried to persuade him to leave Camille. But Alec told Izzy Camille knew he was gay and was threatening to tell their parents and he couldn't leave her. Izzy stayed with Alec for as long as she could and tried to hide him, but when Camille woke up and found them Izzy couldn't stop her from taking Alec away.

Five months after Alec graduated high school...

Alec was with Camille in the living room with his family. Camille had forced him to sit with her on one of the love-seats. She was cuddling into him with one arm wrapped around his waist and the other secretly under his shirt. Alec tried so hard to focus on the conversation and to forget about Camille's hand roaming all over him but it was impossible.

After a while Camille leaned close and whispered, "Propose to me now". Alec shook his head in a last attempt to escape this, but Camille dug her fingernails into his waist making Alec hold back a cry of pain. "Now".

Alec shakily got up and bent down on one knee in front of Camille drawing everyone's attention to them. Alec felt sick to his stomach as he tried to sound sincere when he spoke the words Camille had written for him. Alec's reality crashed over him like a bucket of ice cold water when he put the ring on Camille's finger and she kissed him passionately. The room was spinning and his hands were shaking. Izzy pulled Alec away to the kitchen after making sure Max wouldn't follow them. Izzy hugged Alec tightly making him break down.

"Alec you can't do this".

"I have to, Camille will tell our parents I'm gay if I don't", Alec said tearfully.

"I know how much their reactions would hurt you, but you're suffering so much because of Camille. Our parents could never hurt you like she does, please take back the engagement".

Alec felt as though his heart was being sliced by a million shards of glass. Izzy had no idea that their parents had abused him and still did everything they could to hurt him (though it was harder now that he was being forced to live with Camille). They made sure that Alec wouldn't tell Izzy or anyone else by threatening her and Max, they had said they would turn the abuse on them so Alec had kept the secret his whole life. Camille knew Alec well and had also threatened them. Izzy had tried her hardest to persuade Alec not to marry Camille but Alec couldn't let Camille hurt Izzy and Max so he joined Camille back in their seat. His heart sank when he couldn't do anything to stop Camille sitting on his lap and wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you so much", Camille said.

The look in Camille's eyes terrified Alec, because he could see that she really did love him. She had never looked at him like that before and it made him wish he could run away. But he had to stay and try his hardest not to flinch when she kissed him causing his parents to cheer happily.


Alec was brought out of his memories when there was a knock on his door.

"Magnus please, I need to be alone".

"It's me".

Alec looked up in shock to see Izzy. 

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