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"Hey, would you look at that!". I opened my eyes and saw Ericc standing in front of me. "(Yawn) what's up bro?" I said. "Nothing much. Seems like you guys had an amazing date" he said. I realized that Roxy and me had fallen asleep. I tapped Roxy's nose to try to wake her up. She stretched and looked at both of us. "Good morning guys! Did we fall asleep (y/n)?" She said with a smile. "Yeah. Guess you were real comfortable to sleep with" I said sort of embarrassed. "Awh! Thanks. Hey Ericc, what time is it by the way?" Roxy asked. "Well it's about time to open so...". "Darn! I have to go get ready! I'll see you later (y/n)!" She said as she ran to her room. "I think imma head home. Probably get some more rest and take a shower. I'll be back later" I said. "Sure. I have to go and get things ready, and also open the doors" he said. "Alright then, later!". I made my way down to the front doors. I still couldn't believe what had happened with Roxy. It was like a dream come true.

Roxanne's POV

I rushed my way down to my room. I had to get ready before the pizza plex opened. I rushed in and closed the door. "So, it seems everything went lovely" A voice said. I quickly turned around. "Chica! What the heck!" I said. "I just came here to check on you. To see how everything went. But by what I saw earlier, it all went nice" she said smiling. "Well, we did have a good time. He's such a fun and loving guy" i said grabbing my brush. "Did you tell him how you felt?" Chica asked. "W-well... no. I was too shy to tell him. But I did give him a kiss" I said blushing. "Awh! Well there will be some other time, don't worry" she said smiling. "Well we better get ready then!" I said as I continued getting ready.

An Hour Later

After resting for some bit back at home, I decided to head back to the pizza plex. I did tell Ericc I would go back after all. After arriving at the Pizza Plex, I headed inside. There was no big party going on so the number of people was small. I was sort of hungry and decided to stop by a food stand. "Hey there! What can I get for you?" The girl said. "Let's see...how about a corn dog" I said. The attendee left and later brought the food. "Here you go. Hey wait! Your the night guard, right?" she said.  "Yeah! I'm (y/n)". "Im lily. Nice to meet you. So umm...how is it looking out at night with them animatronics roaming around? I heard they get a bit quirky at night" she said. I giggled a bit. "Not at all". "Are you sure? I hear Roxanne is rough on anyone that gets in her way." she said in a scared tone. "Why does everyone think that? She is the most nicest person I know". She just shrugged. "Well, I better get going lily. See ya around!" I said. She waved "later! Take care". I continued my path waving and smiling at little kids that ran right by me. Everyone seemed in a more cheerful mood. Even the workers that had angry faces were happily smiling.

I walked up the stairs towards the security office. The security office was located one floor above the atrium. It had a balcony that had a good view of the tables and all the food bars and entrances to the attractions. Ericc was leaning on the balcony rails looking ahead. "Yo" i said. He stayed still looking ahead. "Ericc, you alright?" I asked. "Oh, hey man..." he looked at me and then back at the atrium. "You alright? You don't seem yourself". "I'm alright. Just tired is all. I'm thankful no Karen's have come to report anything" he smiled. "So how did your time with Roxy go? You didn't finish telling me" He said smiling. "Well we had fun and talked about how annoying you are" I said smiling. "Fuck you!" He said laughing. "Love you too homie" I said laughing too. "Did you tell her how you felt for her?" He asked. "Not really. She did cuddle with me as you saw. She gave me a small kiss on the cheek" I said. Ericc's mouth dropped open and his eyes widened. "Dude, that's a sign! She likes you! Go get her" he said laughing. "No, but for real. Maybe you should try and tell her. From what you have told me, she seems like she would be happy to be with you". I took a sit and thought about what he said.

Suddenly we were interrupted. "Ericc! We got a- (y/n)? Good to see you during day hours" Robert said. "What's going on?" Ericc asked. "We got a situation. Some kids have gone missing!" He said quickly. "I already checked the cameras. I couldn't find anything" Robert said. "How can we help?" I asked. "Okay...I need Ericc to come with me and search the pizza plex. I informed the other guards to also look out for anything. (Y/n) you stay here and look out for anything that looks suspicious" he said. "Got it. We'll find them, don't worry" I said. "Alright let's roll out!" Robert said. I saw them leave down the stairs and split up through out the attractions. 'I bet they just got lost. I remember my first days I would get lost trying to find the office'. I looked ahead at the crowd. There was kids running everywhere. Parents were sitting or playing with their kids. 'They couldn't have gone that far'.

An Hour Later...

"Man...still no sign of any suspicious behavior" I said to myself. "What's up!" A voice said. I turned around. Freddy and the gang were climbing up the stairs. "Hey guys!" I said relieved to see some faces. "We brought you this. So you don't starve to death" Roxy said handing me a plate with a slice of pizza and a soda. "We heard what's going on and have been keeping an eye out" Monty said taking a seat. "Yeah" I said. "But don't worry we'll find them soon" I said smiling at them. I leaned on the rails and kept on looking out. Roxanne approached me. "(Y/n)?" She said. "What's up Roxy?". "I was wondering if we could talk later on" she said. I smiled "Of course". I suddenly noticed something all the way in the back of the atrium. "Hey Roxy, I didn't know you guys had a bunny mascot". She tilted her head to the side. "Huh? What you mean? Where?" She asked. I pointed out all the way in the back a white bunny dancing around. She was talking to some kids, then she happily skipped away followed by a girl and a boy. Freddy walked towards us. "There is no bunny in the pizza plex" he said. "Maybe that person has something to do with the missing kids. We have to tell Robert!" I said. "Alright, I'll go tell Robert. Monty and Chica, go get help from other security guards. Roxanne, you stick with (y/n) and keep an eye on that rabbit. Follow her if it leaves from here" he said. Everyone left quickly to do as they were told. "Look, she is heading for that door" Roxanne said pointing out. "Okay Roxy, let's go and follow it carefully and from a distance. Let's see where it's headed with those kids" I said. With that said, we headed down after the rabbit.

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