7 "the opportunity to hold your hand"

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Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
A/n is Authors Note

Y/I/UN is Your Instagram Username
Y/S/N is Your Ship Name

Y/n's pov

Noah and I got to the carnival. Wow, I forgot how much I love the smell of the corn dogs and ice cream!

"Two wristbands please" I hear Noah say. "That will be 78 dollars sir" says the cashier.

"78 dollars? Noah I can pay for myself." I say. "No, Y/n. Whats the point of a date if you won't let me pay for you?" Noah whines.

"You WANT to pay for me?" I say shocked. "Thats what I'm supposed to do." Noah says.

"Okay fine." I say, and Noah hands the cashier 100 dollars. "79, 80, 100" the cashier says handing Noah his change.

"Okay what ride first?" Noah asks. "Hmm, this one!" I say pointing at a ride called X-treme. I grab his hand and pull him to it.

(This is what the X-treme looks like. It holds up to 12 people at a time, and it twists around while it swings up into the air)

"Y/n, that looks a bit scary don't you think?" Noah asks. "Thats why its gonna be so much fun!" I say as I pull him into the short line.

We get secured into the ride. "Are you excited, Noah?" I ask. "No!" He responds.

"Well, if you get scared you can hold my hand" I say as I put my hand next to his. He grabs my hand.

"Noah, the ride hasn't even started yet. How are you already scared?" I ask.

"I'm not." He responds. "I just didn't want to pass up the opportunity to hold your hand." Noah says as I start blushing.

"Here we go!" I say as the floor drops. "Why did the floor drop Y/n??" Noah asks, scared. "To make sure we don't hit our feet while we swing around!!" I say smiling at the fear in Noah's voice.

The ride starts to move. "Holy shit, are you Noah schnapp?" A girl asks from across the ride. "Yeah, I am." Noah says in a raspy tone, trying not to scream.

"Omg after the ride can I get a picture with you?" The girl asks. "Of course you can!" Noah says.

"Holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit!!" Noah screams when we tilt slightly upside down.

"Calm down you big baby, its not that bad!" I scream as Noah tightens his grip on my hand.

After the ride ends, Noah takes a picture with that girl and she goes on her way.

"Okay, since you went on the X-treme with me, you get to pick the next ride." I tell Noah. "Hmm, let's go see what rides there are." Noah says as he puts his hand out, gesturing for me to grab it. I grab his hand and we start walking.

He points at a ride that looks like a UFO with the name, Centrifuge.

"Oooo I love this ride!!" I say excitedly. "I know. Noah says and we walk inside.

We stand next to eachother as the doors close. The ride starts spinning and I'm able to start slowly climbing up the wall on my seat. As we start going faster, the seats shoot up the wall. "I wasn't expecting that" Noah says as I laugh.

After the ride ends, we go back outside and look around some more.

"Okay, so I know its a long shot since we are in Atlanta, but do they have pineapple ice cream here?" I ask.

"Hmm, I don't know. Lets go look around." Noah says as he grabs my hand.

We get our ice cream and sit down to eat.

After we finish eating, we go on a few more rides, and Noah takes more pictures with fans, before its finally sundown.

"Y/n, do you wanna go on the ferris wheel with me?" Noah asks.

"Of course I do Schnapp." I say as we get in line.

We get on the ferris wheel, and it slowly goes to the top.

"Wow this view is beautiful" I say, looking out the window.

"Not as beautiful as you, Y/n. You're the most amazing girl on the planet." Noah says, making me blush. "I uhh.. actually have a question" Noah says, grabbing his neck.

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/n? I don't know if this is too early, or if its weird considering we have been best friends for almost 10 ye-" I pull his head closer to mine and kiss him.

"That was one way to shut me up." Noah says. "That, and I figured that would be how I say yes." I say smiling.

"Okay, let's savor this moment." I tell Noah, and we take a couple of selfies, one where we kiss, and a couple others where we pose like we normally would.

The ferris wheel ends and we continue walking around. We see a balloon pop game, and of course we have to give it a shot.

"How much is it?" I ask. "It is 5 dollars for 3 darts, and 10 dollars for 5" The worker says. "Okay and how many darts would I need for that up there?" I ask, pointing at a really big stuffed animal. "Five darts" says the man.

"Noah its not worth it, come on." I say sadly. "All of this stuff is a scam.." I finish.

Instead of responding to me, I hear Noah say "5 darts please" He hands the worker a 10 dollar bill.

"Noah, I'll be okay without it!" I say. "I know you will be okay without it, but I wanna make you smile more today then you have in your entire life." Noah responds.

"Okay, fine Noah." I say. Noah throws the darts and hits 5 balloons. "That one up there for the lady please." Noah says pointing at the stuffed animal I wanted.

We walk away. "Thank you so much Noah, I love it!" I say. "I'm glad you do, Y/n." He responds with a smile.

We leave the carnival a while later after going on our favorite rides a few more times.

Noah drives us back to our hotel, and on the way there we talk.

"So, are we just gonna tell friends and family, and not tell social media just yet?" I ask. "Thats the best approach." Noah responds. "Okay, im just gonna post the pictures of us on the ferris wheel that look like something friends could do then." I say as I pull my phone out of my pocket. (Pretend this pic is you and Noah)


Y/I/UN: Noah and I had so much fun at the carnival today!

Noahschnapp: Yeah we did!

Milliebobbybrown: you went to the carnival without me??
↪ Y/I/UN: I'm sorry mills

User124noah: omg you 2 look so cute!! Am I the only one who ships
↪Milliebobbybrown: I do!!

LazyLilly12937: Wait are you guys in Atlanta right now?? I work at the Go-kart track you should come say hi!

6,729 more comments

We arrive back at our hotel to Millie waiting in front of our door. "Y/N! YOURE GOING TO MY ROOM AND YOURE GONNA TELL ME EVERYTHING!" Millie screamed. "Millie keep your voice down, people are trying to sleep!" I say.

Millie drags me to her room.

"Okay, I'm just gonna sum it up for you Millie. You and Sadies plan worked, I turned on 5 feet apart last night, and watched it with Noah. After the movie, we were both crying and Noah asked why I made him watch it. I told him it was for the lesson at the end of the movie. How life is too short to wait. And then we kinda- kissed." I say.

"YOU KISSED?!" Millie says excitedly.

"Yes Millie, we kissed. Can I get back to the story??" I ask.

"Ok go on." Millie replies.

"So then Noah asked me to go on a date with him and of course I said yes. So we fell asleep and then this morning Noah and I decided to go to the carnival for our date. So we went and rode some rides, and then at sunset Noah and I went on the ferris wheel and he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes and we kissed." I say.

"Awwwwww" Millie says. "I know right!! Im so happy!" I say.

A/n I know this chapter is hella long. It took 2 days to write, and now I have to write another chapter 🙃 lol have a good day/night xoxo Renny

Word count: 1457

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