Y/n is Your Name
Y/n/n is Your Nick Name
Millie's pov
Yeah Y/n, we are always here for you." Sadie says.
We pull Y/n into another group hug.
"Can we change the topic now?" Y/n asks. "Of course we can" I respond.
"I just realized that we can add you to the stranger things cast group chat since you got in!" Sadie says.
"Oh my gosh yes I forgot about that!" I say.
I pull out my phone and add Y/n to the group chats. There is 2 of them. One with just us main children, and one with everyone.
Stranger Tingzz
Millie π» added Y/n π to group
Millieπ»: Heyyy! Guess who added Y/n to the group chat since she got the role of Amber!!
Schappleπ: Yay! So happy you got the role Y/n β€π
Y/n π: Yeah me too! I'm so excited to be working with some of my best friends!
Calebπππ: I am so happy to work with you too!
Toothlessπ«π¦·: Yeah. Its great! Millie did you add her to the other group chat too?
Sadieπ₯: I will!
Some of you guys are oldd
Sadie π₯ added Y/n π to group
Sadieπ₯: I added Y/n to the group chat since she got the role of Amber!
Joe π¨βπ¦±: Yay! Congratulations Y/n!
Y/n π: Thank you Joe!
Joseph πΈ: Yay! Thats great news Y/n. Also why am I still in the group chat? Eddie died.
Millie π»: Did he though??
Joseph πΈ: Good point.
Winona πͺ: Good job Y/n. Your audition was absolutely amazing!
Y/n π: Thank you Winona!
Schnapple π: I've gotta plan a romantic date for tomorrow so imma go ahead and put my phone on do not disturb so that I can actually do that.
Y/n π: Noah, make sure there's flowers!!
Schnapple π: I have lots of flowers, trust me on that one lol
Maya π€: ooOooOooOo
Joe π¨βπ¦±: we need to start hanging out with people our own age...
Caleb πππ: awh come on! You love us!!
Joe π¨βπ¦±: yeah you right
Millie π»: well me, y/n and Sadie are having a girls night if any of the GIRLS want to join!
Maya π€: oo yess sounds fun! Who's room?
Millie π»: mine
Priah ππΎββοΈ: ooh ill be there in 5 also congrats Y/n!
I put my phone away.
(A/n if you're confused this is millies perspective which is why the contact names are different than in previous chapters where it was y/n or Noah's pov.)
I hear a knock at the door. Y/n opens it and its Priah.
"Hey Priah! Come on in!" I say.
"Hey what's up?" Priah asks. "Just painting our nails right now" Y/n says.
Priah sits down and starts doing her nails. We talk for a minute.
I hear another knock on the door. I open it and see Maya.
"Hey Maya!" Sadie says. "Hey everyone!" Maya responds.
"We are doing nails I see" Maya says.
"And smell I'm guessing. These nail polishes have a really strong smell" Y/n says.
Maya sits down and starts doing her nails.
We finish doing our nails and we talk for a bit.
"I'm boreddd." I say. "Samee" everyone replies.
"You know what we can do?" Y/n asks. "What?" I respond.
"We can go scare Noah. I have my room key on me!" Y/n says.
"That sounds awesome!" Priah says.
"It does, but we need a plan." Sadie says.
We all think for a minute.
"Ooh I've got one!" Y/n says. "Well spill then!" Maya says.
"Okay, so Millie you are gonna go knock on the door. You're gonna be crying ok? Noah being the amazing person he is, he's gonna let you in. Say that Jake broke up either you or something, and that you need to talk to him.When you get in, you're gonna lead him as far away from the door as possible. Be loud! Cry as loud as you can without disturbing anyone in the other rooms. While you are distracting Noah, the rest of us are going to sneak in and hide somewhere. Then when I text you that we got in, say that you feel a bit better and that you're gonna back to your room. Make sure that Noah walks with you to the door. Give him a hug so that we have time to get behind him. Then you're gonna give us a countdown with your fingers and when your hand makes a fist we are all gonna yell surprise." Y/n says.
"Okay, I think I understood that" I say. "So I knock on Noah's door, crying. Then I take him as far away from the door as possible and distract him. When I get a text from you, I get better and he walks me to the door. I give him a hug while I count with my fingers. Then we all yell surprise." I finish.
"I also need to text Jake and tell him whats going on in case Noah calls him" I say.
I text Jake. "Okay I texted him." I say
"Yes! Okay go!" Y/n says.
"Wait I need to start crying first." I say. I force tears to well up in my eyes, then I go upstairs to Noah's room.
I get to Noahs room and I knock on the door.
Noah opens it. "Millie, whats wrong?" He asks.
"Jake- he br-broke up with m-me" I say in between fake sobs.
Noah gives me a hug and invites me inside. I walk all the way to the balcony which is placed so that you can't really see the door. Its decorated beautifully. There's a white blanket on the ground, and candles all around the balcony. I guess this is where Noah's gonna have his date tomorrow.
"Millie what happened?" Noah asks.
"J-jake he- he said that he doesn't think we are working anymore and that we n-need time to find ourselves." I say.
"I'm so sorry" Noah says. "Do you want me to talk to him?" He asks.
"Not right now... can we just sit out here for a minute?" I ask.
"Of course we can Millie." Noah says.
I check my phone. Theres a text from Y/n.
Y/n π: okay we are hidden. Start to feel better now.
Millie π»: okay. Will do.
"Noah. I'm gonna go back to my room. The girls are waiting for me." I say.
"Okay, I'll walk you to the door." Noah says.
"Thank you." I say.
We get to the door and I give him a hug, still fake crying. I see Maya, Sadie, Priah, and Y/n slowly step out of their hiding place. I put 3 fingers up, then put one down, then another, then the last one. They all yell "surprise" completely scaring Noah.
Noah screams really loudly.
"We got you!" I say as I burst out laughing.
"Dammit!" Noah says. "You did get me!" He finishes.
"Hey its not as bad as what Millie did to you the last day of filming season 4, is it?" Y/n asks.
"Good point, Y/n" Noah says.
We all go back to my room where we laugh about Noah's reaction.
"Girls, its already like 30 minutes past midnight!" I say.
"Damn, I have to be up at 8:30 so that I can be ready for my date. Noah said its gonna last all day and to wear something cute, and casual that I don't mind getting dirty." Y/n says.
"Ooh, can we help you get ready?" Sadie asks.
"Absolutely!" Y/n says.
"I call makeup!" I yell.
"I call outfit! We are about the same size so I think I can make something work!" Priah says.
"I call hair!" Sadie says.
"I'll pick out shoes! I have SO many pairs of shoes and we are the same size!" Maya says.
"Thank you guys so much! Like this, I wont even have to stop in me and Noah's room to get ready!" Y/n says.
"Ahh im so excited!" I say.
We all go to sleep, excited for the big day ahead of us.
Y/n's pov
I wake up to my alarm. Its 8:00. Millie wakes up too. I wake up everyone else.
Millie starts making breakfast.
I go with Priah to her room to pick out an outfit since everything else revolves around the outfit.
"Y/n, what do you think about this outfit? Its cute, casual and I don't mind getting it dirty." Priah says as she holds up this shirt,
this skirt,
and this very fashionable blazer.
"I love it!" I say to Priah.
I go into the bathroom and change into it.
I walk out of the bathroom. "Wow! Girl you look stunning! You can keep this outfit. I barely ever wear any of this stuff!" Priah says.
"Thank you so much Priah!" I say as we start walking back to Millie's room.
We walk in the door to the smell of scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
"It smells so good in here!" I say.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n you look so pretty!!" Sadie says.
"Thank you Sadie!" I say.
I eat breakfast.
"Wow, breakfast was amazing Millie, thank you!" I say.
"You're welcome!" She responds.
"Time to go pick out shoes!" Maya says.
Maya and I walk to her room. She opens the door and leads me to her closet. In her closet, there's at least 30 pairs of shoes.
"Pick whichever ones you want!" Maya says. "Just make sure that you can walk and run in them and that they don't hurt your feet." She finishes.
I see a pair of beautiful heels that aren't too high and look comfortable, and easy to run in.
I run in them perfectly fine, and they are really comfortable.
"Thank you Maya!" I say as we walk back to Millie's room. "No problem
Y/n" Maya replies.
We walk back into Millie's room where Sadie and Millie have a setup so that they can do my hair and makeup at the same time so that we get done quicker.
"Okay, malady. What style do you want me to do to your hair?" Sadie asks.
"Hmm, something elegant, but also something I could wear to a Chuck E. Cheese" I say making everyone chuckle.
"Okay I will do my best!" Sadie says.
"And for the makeup?" Millie says in a snobby American accent.
"Something natural looking, that will accentuate my eyes. I trust you to freestyle it." I say.
It takes about 45 minutes for them to finish. They wouldn't let me look in a mirror, so I hope it looks alright.
They put a mirror in my hand. I look at my makeup first.
"Oh my gosh! Millie it looks so pretty!" I say.
Then I look at my hair.
"Sadie! I love it so much!" I say.
"You girls are the best! Thank you all so much!" I say.
"You're welcome" they all say. I still have about an hour until my date with Noah, so we hang out and watch 'boo bitch' on Netflix. (Holy shit if you haven't watched 'boo bitch' yet then you are so missing out. Letting you know)
A/n (again) I know this chapter is hella long. I out did myself. I was gonna end it at them going to sleep but I couldn't wait until tomorrow to make y/n look hella hot. If there's any details about y/ns hair, makeup, or out fit that you don't like. Then feel free to make y/n look however you want!
Have a great day or night xoxo Renny
Word count: 2,000
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