pt 10 help

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Todoroki POV:
I got told to get Midoriya for breakfast so I went to his room, I knocked on the door but there was no response so I knocked again a bit harder this time still no response, I sighed "Midoriya I'm coming in" I said opening the door to see the room empty? I walked in to see that the bathroom door was open so I walked over there to see Midoriya on the floor "Midoriya!?" I shouted panicking I ran to him, I checked his pulse, it was shallow "fuck that's not good" I said looking at his arms "izuku?!" Someone shouted I looked up to see shinso "shit!" He shouted running out of the room.

'Probably getting help' I thought as I heard him getting further away.

Then some heroes rushed in they decided to take Midoriya to UA, they had to put an oxygen mask on him so he could breathe better.

Me, my siblings and shinso with eri plus nezu stayed in the house waiting to see if Midoriya was going to be okay.

Shinso groaned "I'm going out" he told us as he walked to the front door "your staying here" nezu said "why" he asked "because I'm in charge" nezu told him with a sigh "and I don't care I'm going" shinso protest "you walk out that door and your grounded" nezu told him but he just walked out anyway.

Hitoshi Shinso/aizawa POV:
I walked out of the house and started to walk to the beach, once I got there I sat on the sand and looked at the sea but it became a blur from some tears leaking out of my eyes "i-i can't loose y-you too I-izuku.." I Whispered to myself getting worried about izuku.

I ended up staying at the beach for a couple hours then started to go back to the house, I got to the house and quietly opened the door and closed it "where were you" nezu asked from behind me "s-shut up" I stuttered from crying "hitoshi look at me" he said in a sterne tone, I turned around to face him "oh hitoshi..." he Whispered as he looked at my face "hitoshi I'm sure he's fine just get some sleep" he told me "whatever..." I said going to my room.

I didn't sleep at all, I was to worried.

Couple hours before

Aizawa POV:
Me and some other heroes were sat in the waiting room waiting to see if izuku was okay, I got up with a sigh going to the staff room getting a cup of coffee "Shota?" Hizashi said standing at the door "yeah" I replied tiredly, he came over to me and hugged me "Zashi?" I said getting worried "S-sorry I just-I'm scared I w-want him t-to be okay.." he said stuttering slightly while crying "I'm sure he's okay he's been through worst" I told him.

We all ended up staying at UA waiting for izuku to wake up, most not sleeping some having a bad sleep.

Recovery Girl POV:
I was watching izuku to make sure he doesn't flat line or something, I had a restless night watching him.

I woke up to the heart monitor beeping, I sprung off of my chair to see that izuku has flat lined "shit!!" I shouted running to him and starting heart compressions but it didn't work so I started to worry, I got the defibrillator and turned it on, shocking him "work damn it!!" I shouted shocking him again this time it worked, his heart started to beat again, I sighed in relef.

I walked out of the infirmary to see the pro's all sitting or standing there with shocked, worried "reco-" "he's fine his heart just stopped but I got it beating again" I said before Aizawa could talk "so what's happening with him?" Keigo asked "looks like he passed out and he hasn't been eating properly for some time" I explained to them "he'll probably wake up around dinner" I told them going back into the infirmary.

Keigo POV:
I sighed hearing that izuku was okay I went to the roof to clear my head I sat in the middle looking at the sky "I hope you're okay izuku" I said to myself.

I went back to the infirmary waiting room and sat down some of the heroes left to go back to the house others stayed some going to sleep in the chairs.

I looked at the clock to see that it was almost dinner time I decided to skip dinner and wait for izuku to wake up.

Dinner soon rolled past and I started to worry about izuku "keigo he's fine recovery girls in there she won't let anything happen to him" aizawa told me trying to calm me down I nodded in response, recovery girl came out of the infirmary "I'm going on break get me if anything happens" she said walking to the staff room.

The heart monitor started to beep, me and aizawa rushed in while some others went to get recovery girl "izuku!!" I shouted exited that he was awake "k-keigo" he stuttered out "problem child did you take the needle out and take the heart monitor off?" Aizawa asked concerned "Y-yeah..." Izuku stuttered looking away.

Recovery Girl came running in then stopped when he seen that izuku was awake "you should have left that stuff on you know" she said giving izuku a check up "I-i'm fine!" He proteted "you passed out and haven't been eating a lot I wouldn't call that fine" she said with a sigh, izuku just stayed quiet though.

Soon enough we where all going back to the house, we got to the house around 4:00am most of the heroes went to bed while others went on protrole.

Me, izuku, aizawa, and mic stayed in the living room "want to talk about what's going on izuku?" Aizawa asked izuku nodded and started to explain what's been going on.

It has a lot of technical terms because I was watching station 19 on Disney It's about firefighters and saving people so yah anyway is there anyway I can improve this at all? Until next time bye~

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