A drunk haze

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I held Ben as he began to stop crying. Eventually we both fell asleep.


*two weeks later*

Me and Ben had been hanging out a lot enjoying each other's company.  We would be in shrieks of laughter every french lesson and the four of us would bunk off lessons just to hang out. I've got to know him and his perky little qualities even more. Like how when he was bored he would hum the lyrics to his favourite song or how his face would crinkle up when he laughed.

I hadn't seen Elsie since last time and I liked it that way.

Me, Rami, Ben and Gwil were planning on going back to Gwil's again to watch another movie after school and sleep over. Gwil was going to sleep in his own room, Rami in Nate's room, Ben in his parents room and I was planning to sleep on the sofa bed

We stopped at the corner shop on our way home to get drinks and snacks where as expected, Ben picked up some pom- bears and took them to the counter.

"Geez if you eat anymore of those I'm going have to start calling you Pom-bear"

"YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT" I heard rami shout from the other end of the shop.

Ben just giggled and handed the cashier the change.
He couldn't stop himself and had already opened the packet before leaving the shop.

We all sat in the living room for hours talking about how shit school is and if Gwil actually has a chance with Mary which came to a no. About halfway through the evening we ordered a pizza for dinner which was gone in minutes. It had been two weeks since we had last hung out at Gwil's all together and I wish we could do it more. I was happiest when I was with these four dinosaurs. One dinosaur in particular.

It was getting late so we decided to watch The Bee Movie (Rami's request) and Gwil thought it was best we didn't watch another horror film after last time. He grabbed the alcohol we had bought from the corner shop and poured it into separate glasses for three of us.

Ben opted to stay sober tonight unlike the rest of us who drank while eating the pizza, and then drank some more, and then drank some more until we were all black-out drunk. Minus Ben of course who was the only one still watching the movie.


"Because you're drunk my friend" Ben laughed.

"Oh. Where's the others" I asked

"They've all gone to bed. You should to"

"Okay. Where are we again?"

"Gwil's house Joe"

"Oh yeah i forgot"
I stumbled upstairs towards the sofa bed.

*Ben's perspective*

I woke up in the middle of the night to joe knocking on my door.
"I can't sleep Ben, can I come in with you" he asked looking hopeful.

"Uh sure" I said moving over to make more room.

He got into bed and threw the duvet over himself. I took this time to appreciate the drunk masterpiece in front of me. The softness of the moonlight that shone through a gap in the curtains hit his features perfectly.


He opened his eyes and lifted his face slightly to look at me. Our eyes locked making me blush. 
"Yeah?" He replied

"I just wondered, are you- you still seeing uh- are you still seeing Elsie?"

Joe was so drunk that it took him a minute to realise what I was asking.
"No, she was silly"

Relief flooded through me. Maybe I did have a chance.

"Why not"

I didn't get an answer at first, instead he turned around away from me so he was on his side ready to sleep. I thought he was drifting off, when all of a sudden I heard him mutter tiredly under his breath.

"Cause I don't like Elsie... I like Pom-bear"

"Who's Pom-bear". I was practically shaking.

"Blonde boy who speaks french and eats Pom-bears a lot"

"Goodnight joey"

"Goodnight Pom-bear"

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