5. Truth or dare

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Hey Guys! I just wanted to tell you that for every outfit she wears I posted it on polyvore. My account name is caterpillarwithshoes !!! for those of you who don't know what polyvore is....Look it up!!!! I hope you like this chapter!! XOXO -Haley

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL..." my phone goes off. I pick up my phone and answer.

"Hello, Kayla speaking" I say yawning afterward. 

"Hey Its Emma! You didn't call last night! so...."She says last. 

"Oh, nothing happened. I mean, I yawned so he told me I should sleep and then he left." I say.

"Aw, dang it! Stupid yawns!" she yells into the phone.

"Speaking of Niall, he just texted me," I check my phone. "He wants me to come over and hang out with him and the boys," I say to her. 

"Oh, ask If I can come, You should probably invite Gracie too. " she says. I text Niall back. 

"He said yes to you and Gracie!" I said. 

"Ok! Mmm.....what should I wear?" she says into the phone. 

"Oh, your high waisted white shorts, and your superman crop top!" I say totally thinking of what she has for clothes that Louis would like. I really want them to become a thing. they'd be so cute!

 "Yes! Ok, well I should go and get ready...How about I meet you at your place?" she says.

"Yeah sure! Crossing my fingers for you and Louis!" I say.

"Very funny! Bye!" she hangs up before I can respond.

I text Gracie and she says she will be over with Emma. Mmm.....What should I wear? I pick out some ripped skinny jean shorts and a PINK hoodie on. Since, it's fall it'll be cold other days and today is hot. I pick out some daisy earrings. The ring my parents gave me still on my fingers. I put on my mint colored converse, and I look at myself in the mirror. Wow, I look good. The only thing that throws off the outfit is the black eye. Oh well. I grab my phone and a pink clutch with a aqua bow on it. I hear a knock on the door.

"I'm coming!" I say opening up the door to reveal my two best friends.

They both looked cute. Emma was wearing what I had told her to wear, and Gracie had on bright pink jean shorts and a off the shoulder sweatshirt with a anchor on it. I look at their feet to see they both had on toms.

"You both look cute! Ready to go?" I ask them.

"Yeah lets go!" Gracie says.

*      *       *

 "Hey, Kayla come on in," Liam says as he opens the door.

"Who are your friends?" Liam asks as I watch Niall walk into the room. 

"Hey," He says and I smile in return.

"Oh, sorry Liam. This is Emma and Gracie." I say pointing to them. I watch Harry make eyes at Gracie. Do I see a romance coming on???

"Well I'm Liam and that's Harry-" I cut him off before he can finish.

"They know who you are..." I say to him.

"Oh....Okay...For a minute I forgot that we are a world famous band" He says smiling.

"What shall we do first?" Harry says. 

"TRUTH OR DARE!!!" Louis shout loudly receiving a giggle from Emma.

"Okay.." Niall says grabbing hold of my hand pulling me over to the couch.

I end up sitting next to Niall and Gracie on the other side of me with Harry to her left and Emma and Louis are next to each other.

"Ok I'll ask first," Louis says " Emma truth or dare?".

"Dare!" She practically screams. 

"I dare you to go wall twerk. " He says. I watch her smile turn to a seriously look.

"Really?" she asks.

"You have to do it!" Louis says.

"Fine..." she says getting up and putting her hands on the floor. I watch her walk her feet up the wall and twerk. All of the boys start laughing. She is a great 'twerker'......Louis seemed to be enjoying it.....AHHHH!

"Ok, I'm done!" She says getting down. 

"Ok, Louis truth or dare?" She says and he gulps.

"Dare...." He says.

"I dare you to.......................... wet your pants!" she said in her devious smile.

"But that's not fair!" Louis says back pouting.

"Relax you don't have to do it...you just have to put your underwear on your head." She says rolling her eyes. I know Emma and the only time she rolls her eyes is when she likes someone or something. Does Emma Have a crush?

I watch louis stand up and get another pair of underwear and put them on his head. Immediately all of us start laughing.

"Ok, ok very funny, now can we please move on..." Louis says.

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