Chapter 12

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Your eyes slowly flickered open and you grimaced at the light. You deeply inhaled, but regretted it immediately as your throat and stomach burnt like lava.
You looked around, your vision still hazy. At the other side of the room there was someone sat with their head in their hands.
"T- Tony ?" You croaked.
He looked up immediately and stood up, walking towards you.

" (Y/N), you're awake" he said. He looked rough. He had bags under his eyes, and they were red, like he'd been crying. His hair was ruffled and untidy, and his clothes were creased.

"Where am I ? This isn't a hospital ... am I dead ?!" You half said, half coughed.

He chuckled lightly "you're in my room"

The events that occurred began to unravel in your mind. You threw the quilt off you and lifted up the top you were wearing. You ran your hand across where you'd been shot, but there was nothing there. No stitches, no scar, not even any redness... there was no trace of you ever getting injured aside from the pain you were in.

"... it's the cradle..." Tony spoke up " ... you were healed by a regeneration cradle. It's medical technology... it pretty much creates or heals tissue"
You stared blankly at him, not understanding anything he said.

"You're lucky to have survived that... I'm not kidding, you should've died" Tony said. You glared at him, wondering if he meant it. When he saw the way you were looking at him he half chuckled.
"Nononono, I didn't mean I wanted you dead, I mean the chances of you surviving three bullets to the stomach and the impact of falling from such a height, and the near death drowning... its 1 in a million."

You were about to ask him about the looks everyone gave you when you had the argument, and what you'd told them, when he spoke up before you had the chance.
"Loki's waiting outside, he wants to talk to you" he said to you

You half laughed, half coughed. You definitely didn't want to speak to him. You'd been told he couldn't be trusted, and he was the God of mischief, but you didn't believe he'd ever do that.

"I know you hate him at the minute, but I think you should listen to wh..."

"Oh no, I don't hate him" you sarcastically muttered "... but if he was on fire and I had water, I'd drink it"

Tony sighed. To say he hated you when you went out before the accident, he looked to be in pretty bad shape because of the whole thing.

He was about to leave, presumably to go and get Loki when you called him.  
"Tony wait ..." you coughed  "... what did you tell them all before I left ?"

He turned around to look at you and sighed " I told them you were trying to tear us all apart, and you were getting to me to do it..."

Just then, Loki opened the door and strolled in. " sorry Stark but you were taking too long... I got impatient"

Tony gave you a look and mouthed 'I'll come back later', then left, leaving you and Loki alone.

" I trusted you." You said, slowly pulling yourself up so you were sat, instead of laid.

"Well...You really shouldn't be so trusting," he sneered "The world is a dangerous place."

You couldn't tell if he was being serious or whether it was one of his illusions. When you looked at him, you pictured the look he gave you before pushing you off the bridge.

"What do you want Loki ?" You half spluttered.

"I came here to apologise... you do realise I had no other choice. They would've kept firing at us, and you would've got shot again or slowed me down..." he started

"I had to push you off the bridge... they would've thought you'd be dead and would focus on me... then I could get away, and come back for you"

You sighed "... and what if you'd have 'come back for' me, and I was dead"

He shrugged, pretending not to care, but you could tell he was putting on a show. If there's one person in the universe you can never trust, it's Loki Laufeyson.

You pulled the cover off you and sat up, swinging your legs off the bed and slowly getting to your feet. He watched you as you did, but you began to pay little attention to him. You made your way to the door... as much as you liked Tony's bed, you wanted to leave.
"Goodbye Loki"

It had been four days since anyone had seen you. No one had dared to go and talk to you after the way they treated you before you left and had the accident. Tony had told them all that he had lied, and told them the truth. Pepper was not impressed, to say the least.

Bucky had come to your room to find you, deciding to apologise and check on you. He knocked on your door and waited, but after no response for a while, he just pushed it open and went in.
He examined the room but you weren't there. Instead he saw the smashed glass from the mirror and drops of stale blood on the floor.
Your bed was neatly made, and there were no signs of you ever being there.

Everyone knew you were still somewhere in the tower, but no one had seen you since you'd spoke to Tony and Loki four days ago.

He checked the bathroom but you weren't in there either. He was about to leave when he saw the other door that led to your games room.

He opened the door then headed inside, looking around.

There in the middle of the floor was a mountain of pillows and quilts. It was taller than Bucky. He looked at it and gaped.
He looked at it for a few seconds before spotting you. Your head was slightly peeping through the pillows.

"Hey (Y/N)" he said.

You looked at him as he sat down next to the pillow mountain.

"No one's seen you for four days! Please don't tell me you've been here this whole time" he said.
You nodded your head slowly and weakly smiled.
He sighed "I'm sorry for how everyone acted towards you, Tony had tol-" he began, but you cut him off "I know, he told me, you don't need to apologise"
Your throat was still bad but you felt better.

"Pepper and Tony are in a bad way, they're on the verge of breaking up" he said
You gave him a simple look as acknowledgement. You didn't want to think about pepper or Tony, regardless of whether they were a couple or not.

He looked back at you and smiled
"... it may or may not be because Tony confessed he has feelings for you"

AN: hey guys, did you miss me ?... I'm really sorry for the long wait but I'm back now and I'll be uploading regularly. I hope you like the chapter .^-^.

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