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"Ma! wake up, im leaving" Zac shook his mother Galdys. She murmured waving him off. Zac smacked his lips, "Alright then bye"

"Go to the liquor store" She said. "No, i'm not buying you no more alcohol just for you to drink yourself to death"

"Fuck you!"

"Yea whatever" Zac left out of the room and closed the door behind him. He grabbed his backpack and made his way out of the house and got on his bike going to school.

Today is the start of a new school year. Zachary is an 18 year old senior in high school. Growing up, it was rough for Zac. His mom is an alcoholic so she is always drunk and passed out. His grandfather was a little help up until Zac was 7 when he passed. Zac practically had to raise himself. The only thing keeping them alive is Zac's grandfathers will. He left some money to Zac since he raised him for the first 7 years of Zac's life before passing.

Wilson Home

"Fatima! You're gonna be late" Marcus yelled from the bottom of the steps. "I'm not going to be late" Fatima said coming down.

"Yea right, you haven't even eaten breakfast yet and it's already 7" They walked into the kitchen. Fatima sat down at the counter where Marcus had a plate of food waiting for her.

"You excited for your first day?" He asked. "I guess, i'm just ready to graduate" She told him.

"You're growing up, i can't believe it." He caught himself getting emotional. "Dad, you can be a little dramatic" She said. "Girl hush. Now look, i'm most likely working late today"

"Okay." This was nothing new to Fatima. Her dad is a neurosurgeon. She's pretty much by herself most of the time, which she doesn't mind at all.

"Call me when you get home okay?" He kissed her forehead. "I will, I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart, i'll see you later. Be safe" He grabbed his bag from the couch. "Okay, you too" He left out of the door.

Fatima finished her breakfast about ten minutes later and got her things getting ready to leave. Once she had everything, she set the alarm and went out to her car. She put her bag in the passenger seat, got in, and made her way to school.

First period.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked. "Nah you got it" Zac replied and she sat down.

"I'm Coach Smith your economics teacher. I'll keep it a buck, yall not doing much in this class. All I ask is that yall don't be so loud because i have film to go over. If you have to use the restroom, go. Just don't get caught in the halls cause im not saving you. That's all my rules, i'll let yall know if we have something to do"

"Yo you new here? I haven't seen you around before" Zac said.

"Yea i am"

"Cool, im Zac"

"Nice to meet you Zac, im Fatima"

"Likewise" He went back to his phone.


Fatima looked around the cafeteria looking for an empty table but most of them were full. She decided to step out of her comfort zone and go up to the only person she's met today.

"Hey Zac"

"Oh what's up Fatima?"

"Nothing, is it cool if i sit with you?"

"Oh fasho go ahead" He replied and she sat in front of him.


"Yea. Your jacket is hard where'd you get it from?"

"Thanks, it's actually one of my own designs. I own a clothing brand"

"Oh damn that's what's up. How can i get me one of them?"

"Well these are out of stock right now, i'm waiting for a restock, but you can follow my brand's instagram to know when the next drop will be."

"Alright bet." He opened his instagram app and gave it to Fatima to put in the username and followed it then gave it back to him.

"So you new here and shit, you just moved here?" Zac asked.

"Yea, well i've been in Atlanta for two years but i just moved to this side of town"

"How you liking it so far?"

"It's alright, the people seem a, i don't know" She said looking around.

"Yea everybody here weird as hell, that's why i hang by myself"

"I can tell. You not eating?" She noticed he didn't have any food out.

"Oh nah i'm good"

"You sure? you can have some of my food, im not eating all of this"

He shook his head, "I'm straight, thank you though"

"Suit yourself"

Wilson Home, 3:15pm.

Fatima had just got home from school so she called her dad on her way up to her room.

"Hi dad" She said walking into her room. "Hey sweetheart, how was school?"

"It was good, nothing too much" She put her backpack down and sat in her desk chair.

"You make any friends?"

"Not really, I did meet one person though"

"Good. You should make some friends. And don't be having an attitude neither, i know how you get. And no fights this year Fatima" Fatima has a bad temper. As long as no one messed with her, she's chill.

"Dad, if a bitch think she can get tough, i'll show her tough"

"I know and you can't let your anger get the best of you"

"I hear you dad"

"I hope so. Listen i have surgery in a few, I'll call you later tonight if it isn't late. Call me if you need me"

"Okay, good luck. I love you"

"I love you too sweetheart" He hung up. Fatima then went went to shower. After showering, she went downstairs to make her some food. With her dad always at the hospital, she taught herself how to cook. Today she was making chicken tenders and fries. She put on her music playlist and got to cooking.

Taylor Home, 7:56pm.

"Ma! wake up, i made some food" Zac shook her and she woke up swinging. "Relax ma, it me Zac. You need to eat" He gave her the plate as she sat up.

"Where's my drink?" She asked looking around. "I got you some water" He sat it next to her.

"I don't want no fuckin water. I need a drink"

"I'm not making you no drink, drink the water."

"Fuck outta my room"

"We gotta talk about getting you some help"

"I don't need no damn help."

"It's killing me watching you drink yourself to death, you gotta get help ma" He felt himself getting emotional.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Mind your business"

"Please! I'm trying, i'm trying to hold on to you but you're making it hard. I need you ma!" A tear fell from his eye.

"So let go nigga i don't give a fuck"

Zac smacked his lips, "Man whatever" He walked out of the room closing the door behind him. Zac took his shower and went to bed trying not to let his emotions get the best of him.

A month Later

Over the past month, Zac and Fatima have grown closer to each other. Zac even changed his schedule around so now they have 5 classes together instead of 3. At first, Zac was a little guarded because he didn't do well with strangers, but Fatima brought him out of his shell.

"How did you fuck up your knee?" Fatima asked. They were in their study hall talking and not actually doing work.

"Some shit happened at home, it's cool though. It doesn't hurt too bad."

"Might need to slow down buddy"

He chuckles, "Yea probably."

"Can i ask you a question?"

"You just did but okay"

"Smart ass. For this project, you want to do it at my house or yours?"

"Uh we can do yours if that's cool."

"Okay, i'll let my dad know." She texted her dad informing him of the plans.

"Cool. Your pops ain't scary or nothing like that is he? I don't want any problems."

"No he isn't, i already told him about you."

"You did?"

"Yea you're like my bestie now and i tell my dad everything"

He turned his face up, "Bestie? that's some girly shit"

"Nigga please, we are besties"

"I'd say we gang but whatever" Fatima laughed. "Boy fuck you"

Later on that evening.

"Hey come in" Fatima said opening the door. "What's up, is it cool if i leave my bike out here? It don't look like niggas be stealing around here" Zac said.

"Yea, it'll be fine"

"Aight bet, the crib mad nice"

"Well thank you. Come on i'll introduce you to my dad" They went into the living room where Marcus was standing up off the couch.

"Dad, this is Zac. Zac, this is my dad Marcus."

"Hi Mr. Wilson, nice to meet you" Zac shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you Zac"

"Thank you for welcoming me into you home, this shit nice by the way...My bad i ain't mean to cuss"

"It's cool, this is a safe space. As long as you aren't being disrespectful, you good"

"I got you"

"Look, i cooked if you are hungry"

"Nah im good"

"No he isn't, he'll take a plate. He don't be eating for real" Fatima butted in.

"Yo you mad bossy"

"She always has been, are you sure?"

Zac looked at Fatima then back as Marcus, "Uh, sure i'll take a plate"

"Cool, come on"

They went to sit at the dinner table while Marcus made his plate.

"Yo ya pops mad nice" Zac whispered.

"I told you that"

"You want water? Juice? soda?" Marcus asked putting Zacs plate in front of him.

"I'll take a water, thank you"

"No doubt. So what's this project yall doing?"

"We have to make a presentation about Cancer. Like the causes, how it develops, all that shit." He gave Zac his drink.

"Oh okay, well go ahead and eat, i'll be in my mancave if yall need me. Don't be up there being grown, im trusting yall."

"Trust me im not on that, we friends." Zac said.

"And Zac before you leave i want to talk to you"

"Alright, thanks again"

"No problem" He went downstairs.

"Why you say it like that?" Fatima asked hitting his arm.

"Cause i'm not trynna be on his bad side. I know if i was a pops, my daughter ain't being alone with no niggas"

"Boy bye" After Zac finished eating they went upstairs to Fatima's room.

"You can sit at my desk cause you have outside clothes on, you not sitting on my bed"

"Bet" Zac sat at her desk pulling out his school issued computer. Fatima grabbed her computer as well and sat on her bed.

After about a hour and a half they finished the project.

"Finally damn, and we still gotta present this shit monday?" Fatima said closing her laptop.

"I know, i can't wait to graduate"

"What college you going to?"

"Oh im not going, im trynna get a job and shit but that ain't been working out too well"

"Why aren't you going?"

"It ain't something i want to do, and that shit mad expensive"

"Well what do you want to do? What's your dream?"

"I want to own a barber shop. I remember the days when my granddad was alive, we'd spend all summer in the shop, I loved it. He said once i was old enough, he was gonna help me get there but he passed" Zac explained.

"I think you should still go after that. If it's something you want, get it."

"That's the thing, ion know how imma get there. I ain't got no money, Im a kid from the projects. Niggas don't usually make it to 18 and i'm blessed for that, but damn. I spent so much time trying to stay out of trouble, now I got to figure the rest of this shit out"

Fatima made a mental note of everything he said, "I believe in you, you'll get to where you want to be."



"I never heard those words a day in my life."

"It's true, i do believe in you"

He smiled, "Thanks. I'm actually glad i have you as a friend. Like real shit, you just..different"

"I mean, i would be glad to have me as a friend too" She put imaginary hair behind her ear.

"Ah here you go with the cocky shit"

"No but for real, i'm here for you. And i'm glad i met you too because you're not what i expected you to be"

"And what's that?"

"Before i even spoke to you, you looked like you were an asshole. And you look like the type of nigga that had hoes. then when you spoke to me, your voice gave off like a calm vibe, i don't know how to explain it"

"Not gonna lie i do be mugging so people will leave me alone. And hoes? Nah, i ain't checking for not females, especially cause everybody in that school is for the streets."

"You still look like you have hoes but okay. Like i was saying, you're a good person. And you're my bestie!"

"Again with the bestie shit, we can choose another word?"

"No, what i say goes"

"That's cause you a daddies girl. That shit not flying with me."

"Yea right, i know how to get what i want so your words don't mean anything"

"Anyways, i think i should get going. And i gotta talk to your pops"

"Nooo stay for a little longer please?" She put on her puppy face.

Zac smacked his lips, "Alright fine."

"You proved my point"

"Man whatever" He grinned waving her off.

"You know, since we met, i haven't seen you smile until today? And i mean like an actual smile"

"I ain't really got too much to smile about but...i don't like all the emotional shit bro i ain't saying nothing else" Zac had a hard time expressing himself because he got called weak for doing so with his mother.

"Say it, Im not judging"

"Nah cause imma sound like a simp ass nigga"

"I don't care, just say it"

He sighed and locked eyes with her, "You make me happy. Like you be smiling all the time and it makes me happy. Or when we be cracking jokes. You ain't ever judged me or talked down on me and i fuck with it"

"Awe Zaccc"

"Don't do the most"

"I'm not i just, i like this side of you. Everytime we're together, i do most of the talking and you listen to me yap with no complaints. I'm glad that you found something in me that allows you to be yourself and express yourself"

"Yea it's weird. I don't talk about shit like that cause my mom- never mind"

"Your mom what?"

"Nothing. I actually gotta go check on her so i should go talk to your pops before leaving"

"Okay, come on" She stood up and put her hand out for him. He looked at it confused then grabbed it, interlocking their fingers. Zac opened the door and she walked out with him behind her. They went all the way down to the mancave.


"Oh hey, come on sit down Zac" Marcus muted the TV as Zac and Fatima sat down.

"Sweetheart, go upstairs"


"Because i want to talk to Zac man to man"

Fatima smacked her lips, let go of Zac's hand, and stood up storming off. "You such a baby" Zac said.

"Kiss my ass Zachary" She went upstairs, Zac and Marcus laughed. They talked for about 30 minutes and went back upstairs finding Fatima on the couch.

"Took all day" Fatima stood up. "You're dramatic" Marcus said. "Whatever, dad can we give him a ride home?"

"Oh nah i don't need a ride-"

"Zac shut up"

"Don't even try to argue with her, she won't stop"

"Exactly, and yes we can give you a ride. It's dark and you don't need to be riding a bike after dark"

"I'll start the truck, and put your bike in the trunk" Marcus went and grabbed his keys from the table near the door and went outside. Zac grabbed his backpack and put on his shoes that were by the door.

"You got everything?" Fatima asked. "Yea" He replied. Fatima grabbed his hand and they walked outside. Fatima locked the door, and they went to the truck. Zac opened the passenger door, "I'll sit in the back with you"

"Okay" Zac closed it then opened the back door. Fatima got in and he got in right after.

"Put in your address" Marcuse handed Zac his phone. Zac put in the address to the apartment and gave the phone back to Marcus. Zac and Fatima put their seatbelts on and Marcus backed out of the driveway. Fatima again, interlocked her fingers with Zac's and laid her head on his shoulder.

15 Minutes Later, they arrived at Zac's house. They all got out of the truck. Marcus got the bike out of the bed of the truck.

Fatima hugged Zac, "Bye. I'll see you later" They pulled away, "Alright Ti" Zac put his hand out for Marcus to shake but Marcus brought him in for a hug. "Be safe out here, and get my number from Fatima. If you need me, i want you to call me. It doesn't matter what it is, call me" He let go

"Yes sir, preciate it" Zac took his back from him. "I'll call you when we get home" "Bet" He started walking away. Fatima and marcus watched making sure he went in safely.

"Zac! Where the fuck you been? I ran out of liquor" Gladys yelled coming out to the apartment.

"Ma! go in the fuckin house, you embarrassing as hell"

"Fuck you nigga, i'm finna got get me another bottle"

"Whatever bro"

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