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chan groaned, couldn't the kids see that he was sleeping?

"hyung, you've got to wake up." the urgency in jisung's voice had him up in a second.

"nnh?" he rubbed his eyes, chan hadn't slept for long again. barely- what?

"jisung, it's four in the morning."

"hyung, you've got to see the article. it isn't good, hyung."

article? what article?

blearily, he fumbled around for his phone before jisung just shoved his own into chan's hands. squinting at the screen, chan read through the article five times before it finally ingrained into his brain that, that was him. and yuna.

"what the hell?" he gaped, "oh my gosh it's too early for this."

"jyp pd-nim will probably ask to see you later. hyung, what's gonna happen?"

"for one, we're going back to sleep." chan muttered, "nothing much we can do about it now without pd-nim. two, i'll see pd-nim later with manager hyung."

hesitantly, jisung nodded before heading off to sleep.

chan flopped down tiredly, it was too early for this.

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