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Jerome was sitting in the rec cell, waiting on Rumer. He sat there rolling his eyes, getting bored with watching Aaron paint Barbara's toenails. Luckily for his sanity - or lack thereof - Rumer rushed in just after he rolled his eyes for the seventh time. She rushed over to him, speaking quickly before he could talk, "Someone's comin in to break somebody out, today. I don't know when, where, or how, but make sure to keep your eyes open okay? This could be our way out, Kid." She said rushed and excited.

"Calm down a bit Sweetness, our time is coming, I can feel it." He whispered the last part in her ear, making her shiver internally. They were gonna be so much trouble.

"Someone tell me a funny story." Barbara demanded out of the blue. Rumer was just about to speak up when Sionis beat her to it, "Oh, I've got one."

Rumer smiled, "Get ready to die laughin you guys, Sionis is a hoot and a half!" She said sarcastically. Sionis looked at her, "Bite me Mills." He said. Rumer jumped across the table and jerked his head back by his hair, Jerome bounced in his seat, smiling. "Challenge accepted, jerk off?"

Never one to back down - not even from cannibalism - Rumer was just about to lower her head to bite at a large chunk of his neck when the doors opened to reveal some weird looking new guy, "I am Zardon!" He announced loudly.

Everyone looked at him for the briefest of moments, then Sionis turned his attention back to Rumer and the ache in his neck, "You know I'd never mean it Mills. We're friends."
Rumer started with a scoff, but was cut off again by the new guy. He was coughing and blue smoke was emitting from his mouth. She let go of Sionis with a slap to his head before she slid back to Jerome, "This is it Kid." She tried to pull him up so they could escape, but she felt the air rushing from her lungs, prohibiting anything much from going out. The last thing she saw before going down was Jerome's smiling face.


Rumer woke up to see that she was tied to a crate lifter. She looked around for Jerome, wanting to make sure wherever she was, he was there too. She almost began to panic, but then she noticed Jerome beside her. He was looking around excitedly like a kid in a candy store.

With a grin on his face, he turned and smiled at her, about to say something when a man and woman walked in. "Good, you're all awake. My name is Theo Galavan, and this is my sister, Tabitha." He began giving a speech about... something. Rumer had immediately blocked him out, the sound of his voice making her want to kick puppies. He walked over to Barbara and stroked her face like a creep, making Sionis speak up.

He said... something about not touching Barbara and wanting to leave. Much to Rumer's halfway present surprise, he was released, though, only to have the sister whip-choke him, then stab him to death. Theo resumed whatever he was saying to Barbara, something about beauty and drive.

Obviously, Rumer really didn't listen to much of anything he said. Until he stopped in front of her.

"Beautiful, passionate, and primal. You're a bit young, but it isn't too obvious. You, Rumer, are going to be unstopp-" Rumer cut him off, still not caring what he was saying, when she saw the sister in Jerome's face, "Hey! Yeah you, Ponytail, don't touch the ginger, kay? He's mine, and I don't share."

Jerome smiled at Rumer's words, "You heard her, don't touch the merchandise, Tabby." Tabitha moved in front of Theo, so close to Rumer that their noses were almost touching, "And what are you planning on doing if I do touch him?" She said, trying to intimidate Rumer. "I dare you to try. I could tear you apart without even getting down."

Theo rolled his eyes at the two girls, "Tabitha. Don't touch the boy, she's set her claim." Tabitha backed away, glaring at Rumer as Jerome smiled at the situation. "Untie them." Theo directed at Tabitha. She released their binds quickly, tugging hard on Rumer's.

As soon as she got down, Rumer turned around and punched Tabitha in the face with all of her might, knocking her down. "That's what I'm gonna do. Don't. Touch."

"Tabitha, go take care of the mayor. Now!" Theo said, seeing her hesitation. She glared at Rumer as she left, obviously reluctant.

Hoping to move past the theatrics for a moment, Theo showed everyone to their rooms quickly. He had other business to attend to, so he said. As everyone was getting settled, Jerome showed up at Rumer's door, that sly smile of his plastered on his face, "So I'm yours huh, Sweetness?" He said as he closed Rumer's door and walked up to her.

Rumer raised her eyebrow at him, "Why else do you think I spend so much time with you? My time's valuable, Kid, I don't spend it with just anybody." Jerome got closer, "That's good to know."

Rumer couldn't help herself now. She grabbed Jerome's head and kissed him hard. Jerome laughed into the kiss as she pulled the hair at the nape of his neck, "That was pleasant, do it again."

Rumer cleared her throat, "That wasn't an everyday thing, kid. Don't get used to it." She scolded. Jerome just smiled at her though, "So you can't control yourself around me?" He said, his smile growing bigger. Rumer rolled her eyes as she tried to hide her own smile, "It was a terror. I get them during the day too. Remember, I said it's like sleepwalking." She said, trying to get off of the subject.

Jerome just laughed, "So you dream of kissing me, Sweetness? I never knew." Rumer groaned, "No, terrors just make you do crazy things." Jerome was laughing now, he enjoyed seeing Rumer a bit flustered. "Ohkay, so no big deal. You're just crazy over me."

Rumer pushed him towards the door, opening it, "Go get yourself together Kid." She said, smiling to herself as she closed the door. She had plans for that kid. Big plans.

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