A/N warning this chapter may be very triggering to some readers PROCEED WITH CAUTION
(Time skip sponsored by Dave)
"Thanks f9r listening Cr9nus, it means a l9t t9 me," Kankri smiled, "Any time," I replied. With that Kankri left my hive and I was stuck there by myself, like always. I took off my jacket and looked at my wrists with little purple lines down to the bend in my elbow. "Thank gog Kankri doesn't knovw about this," I sighed. " I vwonder hovw long that lecture vwould be," I thought chuckling. I looked outside to see the sun rising and slowly made my way to my respite block.
(Time skip cause the Dave says so)
I woke up leaving my jacket in my respite block and headed down stairs. Just as I went to sit down there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I called forgetting that my jacket wasn't on. "Hell9 Cr9nu- Cr9nus y9ur arms," Kankri said with a saddened face, I looked at my arms then back at him. My eyes went wide and I jumped off the couch. "Fuck, Kankri, this isn't vwhat you think it is," "Then what is it?" Kankri half yelled "D9 y9u kn9w h9w triggering this is Cr9nus?" Kankri looked so hurt and I just did what I thought was best, but it wasn't "Get out," I said while pointing to the door. Kankri hesitated then left.
(Time skip, Dave wants one)
Kankri pov
After leaving Cronus's hive I decided to go to Porrim's for help on this whole thing. After I told her everything, and she wanted to talk to him. By the time we got to Cronus's hive, he wasn't there. But there was a note ....... for me.
Dear Kankri
I knovw that you are mad at me, and I'm fine vwith that, hopefully by the time you read this I should be gone. I don't feel like killin' myself but I do feel like leavwin'. I vwill return when I havwe the strength to face you again. It vwas avwesome bein' your friend and I vwill miss you, tell Tuna that I do in fact think he is pretty damn radical, cause I knovw I vwon't. Novw that I'm thinkin' about it, I shouldvw'e told you about hovw I was feelin', the reason I didn't was because I thought that no one cared.
Sincerely Cronus Ampora
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