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Kankri's pov

Its been 3 weeks, still no sign of Cronus, I'm getting really worried. I keep blaming myself, I haven't eaten in 1 week, I haven't slept for 3 weeks, on top of that I have been marking my wrists. I think Porrim is getting worried, I wouldn't know. I wish that I could've just told Cronus how I felt, but my fear of rejection has made him disappear. Meenah doesn't search anymore, she has given up.

Cronus pov

I feel bad leaving, I really do, but whenever I think I'm ready to return I always lose my confidence. I found a little cave under water, so that is my home.I have also seen Meenah a couple times calling my name, so I just swim farther away. I just wanna hear Kanny's voice again, that has to be the one thing that I miss the most. All his rants and triggers.

Porrims pov

It has been long enough since Kankri has left his hive, and today I am going to get him out of that room. I walked to his door and knocked. "Kankri, it's Po+rrim, please let me in," Right after I made my presence clear Kankri unlocked the door. "Y9u can c9me in n9w," I barely heard his voice, but I entered his hive. He was wearing Cronus's shirt and jacket, it was sad to see how much this was effecting poor Kankri. I smiled slightly and grabbed Kankri. "P9rrim, what are y9u d9ing?" He didn't tag me grabbing him so I wanted to try something. "It's a Fucking surprise Kankri," he just nodded and didn't tag my language, causing me to frown.

Kankri pov

Porrim swore, but I was just to tired to respond so I just nodded and let her drag me along with her. We left my hive and the bright moonlight blinded me for a minute. All I could remember from then last time I was outside was when Cronus left. I looked at Porrim and asked barely audible "Why d9n't they care?"

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