Painful tears.

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Pragya closed her eyes in pain seeing the car falling into the valley...

Prem stopped the car in shock seeing ishaan's car falling in the valley..

Simar and Shivanya sees pragya in one corner and gets down fast from the car and rushed near her..

They took her immediately to the car whereas Prem called police ...

Simar sprinkled water on pragya's face....

All are praying for Ishaan..

In her unconscious state, pragya heard many voices,some saying that car can never be found, that boy will surely die, she just  wished all their words should be false..

Then she heard simar's pleadings...

Si: pragya... please open your eyes.... please beta

But no she doesn't wish to open her eyes and see the reality..the fear inside her is slowly killing her  as the time passes..

Slowly pragya opened her eyes with difficulty, simar and Shivanya hugged her together...

Simar gives her water to drink but she gently pushed it and gets down from the car...

Slowly she walked near Prem who is talking with the rescue team..

Prem sees pragya coming near her and side hugs her..

Her eyes showed no emotion..

Prem kissed her head and says," he will be fine"

Pragya just stares at the deep valley...

Prem takes his kerchief and wipes her blood coming out from her forehead cut...

Then after many hours, the rescue team found Ishaan..

Then the doctor checked him and with pitiful eyes nods negatively at Prem....

Everyone's breathe hitched on their throats.... pragya's whole world stopped spinning..

She goes near Ishaan and tells

Pr: I beg you Ishu... please open your eyes...if this is your prank then I am telling you this is the worst prank ever... please ishu I am scared open your eyes....i will kill you Ishaan...get up... open your eyes..

She screamed, shouted, pleaded but he didn't open his eyes..

Pr: ishu...park will be close within 1 hour, please wake up...we should go right..see even Prem and simar are here ..

Seeing her talking to him , Prem goes near pragya and says," he left us pragya"

Pr: no Prem....he can never leave me.... because he knows I can't live without him..tell him to get up prem..

Simar and others are scared seeing pragya's condition...she is not even shedding a single drop of tear..she is still believing that her ishu will come to her..

Then Prem wipes his tears and looks at simar..

Simar comes near them and holds pragya and moves to the car..

Pr: simar ...we are going home right then I will come with Ishu...

Saying she was about to turn but Shivanya and simar forcefully made her to sit in the car...

Pr: simar... leave me...I will come with Ishaan... leave me simar

Saying she fainted...

Simar sobs loudly seeing the state of her both kids..till morning everything is fine...all are happy but one accident took away their happiness...

Pragya opens her eyes and sees Ishaan standing Infront of her..she rushed to him and hugged him tightly...

She sobbed against his chest," ishu you are fine all said that you left me...but I didn't believe..."

Ishaan wipes her tears and smiles at her...

He slowly took a step back from pragya..

Pragya looked at him confused...

Pr: what happened ishu...

He smiles with tears in his eyes..

Seeing him walking backwards, pragya holds his hand tightly and says

Pr: don't leave me ishu...

Ishaan eyes were shedding continuous tears but with a little smile in his lips ,he released his hand from her hold and turned and started to walk..

Pr: no ishu... please don't leave me and go..

She was screaming in pain and fear and she was begging him to come back but he didn't even look back...

Pragya screamed," ishuuuu"...and suddenly opened her eyes ...her heart beat stopped seeing the sight Infront of her eyes..

Her Ishaan's body is kept over the funeral pile and ishaan's dad is carrying a water pot on his shoulder and rounding the pile..

The loud wails of others broke her heart...

She gets up from her mother's lap and walks near the pile...

Ishaan's dad ignited the pile... Pragya shouts," ishuuuu" and runs towards the fire but Prem caught her and hugged her tightly...

Pragya shouts," Prem leave me...Prem leave me.. Ishaan is burning.... it will pain for him.... leave me Prem....I should go to him...Ishaan......ishuu...."

Wailing she started to sob hard against prem's chest..

She kneels down and cries hard... slowly the mourners left from there...

Only ishaan's parents and pragya's parents are there with pragya and Shivanya..

Pragya sits on the ground and continuously stares at the fire .. blood tears are oozing out from her eyes continuously...she sat there lifeless as if she didn't want to live anymore..

Even breathing is painful for her when her Ishaan is burning in fire..

She is alive but dead inside..

Flashback ends:


To be continued....

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