Abhi's growing feelings..

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Abhi goes inside the closet and locks the door, he sits down on the floor leaning against the door and cries...

He is a wounded child ....he is afraid of letting pragya near him in the fear that she will also hurt him like the two people who killed him by their betrayal...

He always thought that he has no more tears to shed but after his marriage with pragya, his old wounds started hurting again...

He badly wanted to forget his past and live a happy life like others but the fear of losing pragya is stopping him...

He wiped his tears which is not minding to stop..

Pragya sees his silhouette and thinks," why are you hurting yourself like this? I know your heart is in fire that's why you failed to notice that your words are hurting me terribly...I don't know whether I love you or not but I can't see you in pain... your tears are twisting my heart, if this is called love then I love you...After ishu left , not even in my dreams I thought that I will love again but now I can't imagine a life without you...you became my world..I don't know how you got wounded but I promise you from now on I am going to be your medicine...

She wipes her tears and takes ishu's pic and says," I am in love  ishu...can you believe this...and you know what I am going to tell about you to him today..."

She kept the photo on the shelf ...at that time dust went into her eyes..

Abhi comes out and sees pragya rubbing her eye...he thinks she is crying and goes from there immediately...

When abhi is about to start the car, pragya knocks the window...

Abhi downs the mirror and looks at her..she bends down and smiles at him... his heart filled with Joy seeing that breath taking smile..

Pr: I can't control my hunger for a long time so come earlier..

Abhi glares at her...

She looks at his eyes without any fear...

Ab: back off pragya...I will not come home early

Pr: you are so stubborn

Ab: you are not lesser than me..

Pr: that is because I am Mrs.Abhishek Prem Mehra...

Abhi's lips curved lightly hearing her addressing herself like that..

Abhi raised the window glass and says," go and eat something" and moved from there..

Pragya shouts ," suniye come fast"

From behind ranbir says," even though he came fast you can't eat before the moon comes..."

Pr:  er.....bhai...

Ranbir chuckles and says

Ra: see you at evening

Pragya smiles at him and nods..

Saying he went to office..

At office....

Abhi felt very disturbed so he called ranbir ...

Ra: yes abhi

Ab: send pragya's number immediately

Saying he cutted the phone

Ranbir's pov;
    Pragya's number? He is asking his two months old wife's number to me...god...

Then he sent pragya's number...

Abhi called pragya but the call went unanswered..he called nearly twenty times but no answer..this scared abhi..

When he was about to leave from his cabin, ranbir stopped him..

Ra: where are you going abhi

Ab: to home

Ra: common I know pragya said you to come early but it is just afternoon...

Ab: ranbir

Ra: fine Baba... you can go home but after the meeting..

Ab: but

Ra: only 30 minutes

Saying he pulled abhi inside the meeting hall...

Abhi can not concentrate in the meeting....his thoughts are fully filled with pragya ....

Every minute seemed like a century for him..

Not able to sit there, he went from there abruptly.

He rushed to home and slammed the door of his room open..

He sees pragya sleeping on the bed by hugging many pillows...

Abhi sighs in relief and sits near her and about to touch her face..

Daily night he is trying hard to touch her but failed in his attempts..

His fear stopped him...but today he opened his curled fist and gently touched her head...

Pragya pushed his hand in sleep, abhi smiles..

He sits there admiring her... he felt home only when he is near her..

He unconsciously bends near her and when he is about to kiss her forehead , pragya opened her eyes...

Both their eyes locked...

Seeing her sharp gaze abhi came back to reality... seeing him panicking pragya thinks ,' I should have slept for sometime more then he would have kissed me..'

Abhi gets up immediately and runs his hand through his hair..

Pragya sits on the bed and asks," what were you about to do?"

Abhi stammers,"er....I...woh...I was checking..... whether you are sleeping or you fainted"

Pr: don't lie ....I know you were about to kiss me right..

Abhi's eyes widened..

He nods negatively...

Pragya fakes a shock and doubtfully asks," was this the first time or "

Saying she closed her mouth with her palms..

Abhi scolds her ," shh...what are you saying"

Pr: oh my god... morning only you said wife husband and some other things...but you yourself..

Seeing abhi's panicked face, she couldn't control her laugh more..she broke down into laughter...

Abhi looks at her in disbelief..

In between her laughter pragya says," you have to see your face"

Abhi frowns and about to leave, at that time pragya holds his hand and says," I am sorry"

She pulls him and made him to sit near her..

Pr: I was very hungry...so I thought I will sleep till you come home..

Abhi looks at her

Pr: now please feed me...

Saying she was about to get up but abhi stopped her...

Ab: it is just afternoon

Pragya's jaw dropped...

Pr: kyaa

Ab: that's why I said you not to keep fast

Pr: I can control my hunger..and more over why are you always shouting at me...

Ab: you are the one making me angry

Pragya casually asks," what did I do?"

Irritated abhi goes from there...


To be continued...


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