36. Coming back

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Jiya's pov:

I am feeling so tired. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Maan sleeping peacefully. I can't believe he is with me right now and we had such a wonderful night yesterday. I never thought I am ever going to be with him again like this. How I got so lucky to have him as my husband? He never gives up on me. Don't get tired of loving me. Ofcourse I also love him but his love is so unconditional. I can't help it but feel like I don't love him like he do. but I am trying...trying to give everything he desire for and love him with my everything. I am not going to lose him again. God has given me another chance to rectify my mistakes and I am not going to lose it again foolishly like before. Maan completes me and my family. I love you Maan. Thank you. Thank you so much for chasing me and not leaving me.

I kissed him on forehead. oh god he looks so cute while sleeping. I love you. I said and kissed his lips and placed my head on his chest.

I said,"I love you"

He tightend his hold around my waist and kissed my forehead then said,"I love you too"

I said,"You are awake?"

he said,"I woke up before you"

I said,"Why you didn't open your eyes?"

He teasingly said,"I wanted to see what my wife has in her mind after last night."

Oh God he has way with his words. This playful side of him I love the most. It shows how happy he is right now.

I said,"Pervert"

He smiled and said,"I can be anything for you"

I was speechless.

He opened his arms and said,"Come her. I am not yet done with you"

I gasped at his words. He laughed at my reaction and said,"What are you thinking? dirty mind. I want my return gift from you "

I said,"What do you want?"

He said,"Come here. I will tell you"

He opened his arms and I settled in his embrace

He showed me the ring which I gave to him on our first month anniversary.

He said,"I want you to make me wear it"

I said,"Why are you so pushing on wearing this ring?"

He said,"Because it's my first gift from you. It has so much meaning for me. You gave it to me when you first confessed your love for me. This ring holds so many memories so many moments, most important you made promise to love me forever and if you removed it then it means you don't feel same way about me anymore. Uou removed it Jiya.Why?"

I smiled. He still remember everything. I was under impression only girls are obsessed with this type of things but my Maan remembered every moment of our love. I am so happy knowing this.

He said,"Why are you smiling? I am not praising you."

I said,"How can you think that I will remove the ring Maan. It was with me everyday, every second except for few minutes when I was preparing for it's disguise"

He looked confused and said,"Disguise?? What do you mean by that? You are not wearing it on your finger or chain or bracelet then where?"

She smiled and said,"Let me show you"

I removed my ring from my hand and removed the cover of the ring.Actually I bought a big size ring which is shallow from inside and is open in middle.I placed maan's ring inside that.

A big smile crept on his face and he said,"I really thought you have removed the ring. "

I said,"I can't do it Maan. I love you. My love has not lessened for you for a second. "

We made each other wear the ring.

Maan said,"I love you too"

I was about to move out of his embrace when Maan said,"Don't go stay with me."

I said," Let's have breakfast Maan. I am hungry"

He sighed and said,"Mood killer."

I pecked him on lips and went inside washroom but I felt his presence behind me.

He said,"I don't want to stay away from you. " saying this he hugged me from back and things exalarated we ended up making love in shower.

We got ready in clothes which Maan brought and he already ordered food.

Maan said,"I hope you like the food. If you want something else then you can order"

He came and sat beside me. We fed each other the breakfast.

While eating my thoughts drifted to kids.They would have woke up. Did they have breakfast? I hope they are fine and didn't panic not finding me there as I only told them about going out for lunch.

Maan said," It's bad that my wife is thinking about something else when her husband is right beside her."

I said,"Nothing like that Maan. I am thinking that what else you have planned for today."

He said,"It's a long list and I hope you will like it"

I smiled and said,"Ofcourse I will like it. My Maan is with me it make everything more beautiful."

He hugged me and said,"I can't tell you how happy I am today. You are coming back with me. My private jet will be here by tomorrow morning so we will be leaving tomorrow. You are okay with it?"

I said,"Tomorrow is too early Maan. I need time to prepare "

He moved away from me and said,"You had full three years to prepare how much more you need?"

I flinched at his hard tone and said,"I am sorry. We will go tomorrow itself."

He hugged me and said,"No. Don't say sorry. It's me who is at fault. I don't know why I got so hyper. May be I was scared that you might change your mind. I am sorry for shouting at you on your special day"

I said,"I am not going to change my mind Maan. I am coming with you. I will not leave you unless you want me to"

He said,"Don't leave me even if I push you away from me. I want to be with you Jiya. No matter how tough things get. I want to be with you so don't leave me even if I say something in anger."

I said,"I won't leave you even if you drag me out I will come back, okay?"

He smiled and said,"That's my girl. Now let's go to home."

I said,"Home? What about your surprise?"

He said,"My wife is missing our kids too much so I think she will be more happy to be at home. I just want her happiness."

I said,"It's nothing like that. We can stay here."

He said,"No. It's okay. I am also missing them. They are wonderful kids Jiya. Thank you for them."

I said,"They have to be wonderful as they are my amazing husband's kids."

He said,"It's all effects of my amazing wife that make me amazing. Now if we go on like this. It's never ending so let's go back home."

I laughed and said,"You are right. Let's go back."

Now we are sitting in car and driving back home.

When I said,"The resort was beautiful Maan.Thank you for this wonderful birthday"

He said,"If you like it then we can come here anytime you want."

I smiled and said,"Resort name is also beautiful."

He said,"You noticed. wow but I am confused whether I should be happy that you notice or sad that your attention was not fully on me"

I said,"Why have you given my name to that resort?"

He said,"because I wanted your name to be associated with me."

I said,"How?"

He said,"if someone asks whose resort is this? Then the answer will be Jiya resort is of Maan. Jiya is of Maan. "

I laughed at this and said,"Childish"

He said,"Learnt from best. We arrived home"

When we entered home everyone was sitting in hall. When kids saw saw us they came running to me and Aarzoo said,"Where were you Mumma? "

Maan took Aarzoo in his arms and said,"Mumma went with papa to bring this gift for you."

Aarzoo smiled and said,"Gift!! Yeah."

He gave gifts to Aarzoo and Ruhaan.

Arham was so silent. Maan bend down in front of him and said,"You don't want gift?"

His eyes widened and he said,"You brought for me as well?"

Maan said,"Ues Arham. I brought all this for you. I hope you like them"

Arham said,"I like them"

Maan kissed his cheek and said,"I like you" and hugged him.

I know Maan was not happy that Arham thought he will not bring gift for him.

Salina said,"kids now go and play with your new toys. We have something to talk."

Kids went to our room.

Salina said,"Now tell us. What happened last night?"

Sameer said,"What have you decided, Jiya?"

Adeel said,"Why you came back so early?"

Aliya said,"I hope everything is fine."

Maan said,"Relax guys. Everything is fine and Jiya agreed to go with me. We are leaving tomorrow. We were missing kids so we came back early. Is that answer your question?"

Salina and Aliya gave hug to Jiya. Sameer and Adeel hugged me and said,"We are happy for you guys"

Salina said,"Yes we are happy but you are going to leave us Jiya."

Jiya said,"then you also come back with us."

Salina said,"I wish I can but not now. If Maan troubles you then let me know."

Maan said,"That's not happening."

Salina said,"By the way Maan. You didn't answer my question. What happened last night?"

I said,"Shut up Salina."

Maan said,"If you want to know then get married soon."

Salina said,"Sameer is not at all romantic. Teach him something Maan. You are friends,right? I mean were frie-"

Maan said,"If you want romantic person then choose someone else as partner because Sameer is hopeless in that matter"

Sameer gave side hug to Salina and wrapped his arm posessively and said,"heyy don't even think about it."

All of us laughed on this.

I hope everything will be fine now.

We celebrated my birthday in the evening with all of them. I will really miss Salina,Adeel and Sameer.

Me and Maan talked with kids. It was little hard to make them understand but Maan managed well.

Arham looked upset with news. Is it because of Sameer? I have noticed how he looks at Sameer. I feel like he know about his and Sameer's relation.

Maan said,"What are you thinking?"

I said,"Nothing "

He said,"Don't worry Jiya. Everything will be fine just trust me. Don't think too much.Promise me that you will not question my decision. I thought so much about it. Please."

I said,"Why are you saying like that?"

He said,"Just promise me."

I said,"Promise. I will be with you in all your decisions."

He smiled and said,"Thank you."

What are you thinking Maan? He looks so tensed. I hope everything will be fine

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