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Jiya's pov:

Whole day I tried to stay strong but now that we have to leave I am falling weak. Maan didn't even come down to say bye. Kids are asking about him. I told them that he will come soon right now he is busy with work. I hope he comes soon to meet us.

Once we reached Airport I was feeling restless. I don't want to go. I knew it will be hard to go but never thought it will hurt this much to go away from him. It's been only one hour and I am missing him like crazy. Kids are also not happy to leave they got so attached to Maan in this 10 days even Arham was asking about him.

Adeel was also silent whole ride. I told him to stay in India for few more days to convince Aliya but he told me that he has given his best and now it's Aliya's turn. May be Maan is also thinking the same.

Sameer's pov:

Why Maan has not yet come?

Didn't he find my letter?

I was looking for washroom when I heard his and Zaan's conversation. They are talking about some letter which can reveal the reason why she left them.

Jiya took promise from us that we should not tell anything to Maan so I think I can write it down. I Immediately walked towards Maan's study and took paper from there.

I wrote everything in letter. I placed it exactly infront of his door. There is no way that he has not read it.

Where are you Maan? Please come soon.

Salina said,"Why are you looking at entrance again and again? Are you waiting for someone?"

I said,"me? N-No for whom would I wait? Are you Jealous my sweetheart?"

She said,"yes I am."

I sat beside her and said,"You don't have to. I am all yours."

Adeel cleared his throat and said,"heyy love birds think about others as well. You are not the only ones here"

Salina said,"Is it our fault that Aliya is not with you?" Adeel was hurt by her words.

uff This girl seriously don't know what to say.

I said,"Salina please keep quiet."

She looked at sad face of Adeel and said,"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Don't worry you are good man. You will find better girl than her"

I said,"Salina please now keep quiet."

Adeel said,"heyy it's okay. You are right I can find better girl than her."

Just then we heard someone say," Is that so? then I should go back and find someone better than you"

We all looked up to find Aliya who was throwing draggers at Adeel.

Adeel said,"baby, I didn't mean that."

She said,"Don't talk to me. You made me fool again. II should not have trust you and come here."

He said,"I am Sorry baby. You can give me whatever punishment you want but don't leave me."

Jiya said,"Aliya what are you doing here?"

Aliya said,"Jiya di, Actually I got internship in London for one month."

Jiya said,"in which company?"

Adeel said,"in mine"

Jiya smirked and said,"ohhhhhh is it?"

Aliya blushed and hugged Adeel hiding her face in his coat.

Adeel laughed and said,"Jiya don't tease my girl"

Jiya said,"Before being your girl. She is my sister and I have all rights to tease her. Am I wrong Aliya?"

she said,"Ofcourse di."

Jiya said,"That's why I didn't see you today. Maahi told me you went for some office work."

She said,"I was busy with the last minute formalities as I wanted to leave with you guys."

Salina teased her saying,"With us or with Adeel?"

Aliya said,"Stop teasing me"

Jiya said,"You asked Ammi's permission?"

Aliya said,"yes I have told her about my internship and Maan also helped me to get her approval. Finally she agreed but I didn't tell her that it's in London."

Adeel said,"Enough of enquiring my girl. I think it's time to leave."

I said,"Wait. Aliya you came alone. No one came with you?"

She said,"Driver dropped me here."

Salina said,"Sameer are you seriously waiting for someone?"

I said,"No"

Then Jiya said,"Let's go"

We all went to check in where are you Maan? come fast.

Maan's pov:

Zaan said," Your name is written on this letter."

I took letter from his hand and opened. I started reading it.

Dear Maan,

I know you wanted to know about the reason why Jiya left you.

When she left you on the same day Salina came to India to meet Jiya but she got kidnapped and kidnapper blackmailed Jiya to leave you otherwise he will kill Salina. I think it won't take genius to understand who the kidnapper is. Jiya thought she will come back to you once she frees Salina but while running away from the kidnapper Salina and Jiya met with accident and she went into coma. at that time she was two months pregnant.

When she came back into consicious she came to meet you but from the watchman she got to know that you are getting married that day. She came to the marraige hall stop the marriage. It was too late. No one ws there when she reached the marriage hall and the manager infromed her that the marriage was done. She was too broken Maan, you were not there but I have seen it. Salina took Jiya with her. She really missed you every day every second. Me and Salina were there. We have witnessed her pain. She died every second thinking you married Maahi.

When she met you at office after three years she has gone through hell every second thinking that you are not hers alone. You are married and have a baby. We all told her to tell you the truth but she loves you too much to hurt you. She don't want to spoil your new life so she took all the hatred and comments you thrown at her.

when she came to know that Maahi was married to Zaan she wanted to come back to you but your mom. Yes Maan your own mother stopped her. She told her that if she tells you about the kids, she has to leave them because she will not accept her as your wife. If she stubbornly go against your Mom's words then she will make you choose between her and Jiya. Jiya don't want you to go through the pain of choosing between your Mom and your Wife. She knows how much you love your mom. It doesn't mean that she don't believe in your love for her. She knows that you will not leave her even your mother ask you to choose. You will try to keep both of them and fight with your mom. You will try to make her understand but Maan she also knew that your Mom's health is not good and stress is not good for her. Jiya knows that if something happens to your mother because of you, you can never forgive yourself.

That's why she never argued or came infront of your mom or allowed kids to go to her. She just don't want to make her angry and her health to worsen. Can anyone tolerate to see her husband getting engaged to someone else. She did. for whom? for you..to give you a new life, to give you complete family because she knows she can't be part of your life. She knows that you won't be happy with her as you have to leave your mom to be with her. She thought with Samaira you can have both. She was weakened thinking about kids. She thought of leaving kids with you so that you don't have to lose anything in life but she got to know that your mom and Samaira both don't like them. She had no choice but to take them with her as they will become abstruction to your new life. Whatever she did is all for you. She was thinking just about you.

You know her more than anyone Maan. She loves you a lot. She is not foolish or stupid. She is just too good from heart. too good for this world. She is suffering just like you. I don't know what can be the solution to all your problems but it's not right that she alone is facing all the trouble. You deserve to know as it involves your life as well. I told you everything. I wish you all the best. Please think properly and decide what to do further.

your friend.

for me..Whatever she did is all for me. She suffered so much just for me. Here I was cursing and blaming her every second. I was so immersed in my pain that I never tried to think from her point of view. I taunted her that she never think about me but all the time she was just thinking about me. She took all the pain and tried to fill my life with happiness. How can anyone love someone this much that they forget their own happiness? She is just living for me but can't live with me. Why life is so cruel?

Zaan said,"What's there in that letter? Why your eyes are moist?"

I said,"I know why she left me."

Zaan said,"What?" and took that letter from me.

Zaan said,"Who is this friend bhai?"

I said,"Sameer"

He said,"That idiot. He really changed"

I said,"That's not the point now"

Zaan said," bhai what you are going to do now?"

I said,"I will think about it later first I have to stop her"

Hope you are enjoying:)

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