29.Last day-1

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Maan's pov:

I was silently driving while kids were sleeping. We left early morning so we can avoid traffic. Time is passing so fast and I have nothing to stop her now. What to do? Please Allah show me some way please.

Jiya said,"Maan drop me at Adeel's hotel. I will stay with them. If you want to spend time with kids then you take them with you but please drop me at hotel. Don't be sad Maan. You can come to visit us whenever you want. We will be leaving directly from hotel so bring the kids by evening, okay?"

How she can be so calm? We might not be together from tomorrow. We might not see each other for long time. Her normal behaviour is getting on my nerves.

I didn't say anything because if I open my mouth then it won't be good for any of us.

She said,"Are you listening to me Maan?"

I said trying to calm myself,"Yes I am but sorry to say we are going home. Your friends are coming to our house for dinner Maahi invited them and they agreed. You will leave from our home itself so we all are going home now"

she said,"but Maan please drop me at hotel. I will come along with them for dinner"

She is really testing my patience. She is leaving tomorrow she don't even want to spend a day with me.

I said,"I don't want any argument on this. Please listen to me once"

she said,"but Maan-"


She looked startled by my outburst but what she expect? I am not good at acting like nothing happened when my world is crushing infront of my eyes.

Jiya said,"okay. I am sorry. Today I will do as you say, fine?"

Thank god she agreed. I don't like forcing her. I nodded.

She said," Please smile once. I have not seen you smile since yesterday"

Are you kidding me? Smile? Can anyone smile in this situation? Why she is behaving like nothing is going to happen?

I said,"Why does it concern you? Anyway you are going today so if I smile or not why do you care?"

Jiya said,"Maan Why are you behaving like this?"

How can she be so unaware of my feelings? Does she have any idea what inner turmoil I am facing right now? How much difficult it is for me to let her go and not to lock her in the room for rest of my life so she can't go leaving me alone?

I said,"Stop it Jiya. Just stop. Stop behaving like nothing is wrong. May be you don't have any problem leaving me or living without me atleast you have kids with you who do I have? I have to live without my kids and wife. I have to live alone."

Jiya said,"Why you always say like that? Of course it's hard for me to live without you but it becomes more difficult for both of us if I stay with you. What do you want me to do? y
You are not alone. You have Ayesha Ammi, my parents, Zaan, Maahi, S-Samaira and may be kids in future."

I said,"It doesn't matter to you. How lightly you are saying that I have Samaira and my future kids. I was living in hell when I thought you were with Sameer but for you it's not a big thing that your husband is getting married to someone else."

She said,"You know nothing Maan. What I am feeling? What I am going through? You have no idea."

I said,"Then tell me. Tell me what you are feeling? Why are you leaving? Tell me everything."

She said,"I can't Maan. I just can't tell you. Please just let us go."

I said,"Fine do whatever you want"

and again I silently started driving.

She leaned on my shoulder and caught my hand. She said,"You know why I am so calm Maan? because I know it's not our last day together. We will meet again. London is not too far away from here. You can come to us whenever you miss us. We will always be your family. I don't want divorce. You will always be my husband. You can come to us anytime so don't stress yourself. Don't feel bad. We are not seperated. We will talk on phone daily. If you want we can video chat as well. Technology has grown so much. We are husband and wife. We will always be."

She is so naive. She really think it is that easy. Whatever she is thinking is good to hear but in real life it's not so easy but one thing she said is right. This time it's not that our relationship is ending. We still have chance. I know about her whereabouts not like last time when I had no idea how she is doing?

She said,"I am sleepy. Wake me up when we reach"

Once we reached I woke her up and I rang the bell. Kids were still sleeping. Yesterday they were so busy with spending time with their grandparents that they slept after mid night.

Zaan opened the door and said,"Bhai, you guys came. Maahi was waiting since morning."

I said,"Bring Ruhaan inside."

He said,"Bhai, are you okay?"

I said,"As okay as I can be in this situation"

He sighed and said,"Everything will be fine bhai."

I said," Hope so. Please bring Ruhaan to my room"

He nodded and walked towards car. I followed him.

I took sleeping Arham with me. Zaan took Ruhaan and Jiya took Aarzoo in her arms.

We laid them on my bed and Zaan left from there giving alone time to me and Jiya.

Jiya said,"What you want to eat for breakfast? Tell me anyhting. I will make for you"

I said,"I don't want anyhting"

She sighed and said,"Maan don't be like this."

I didn't reply anything so she said,"Fine, You must be tired from driving, Take rest. I will only decide what to make? I will wake you up once breakfast is ready."

She left saying this. Rest? Sleep? I can't do any of it.

I remembered that Ruhaan showed me the album so I took that out from her bag and started going through it. Jiya was right they are not just pictures. They are memories of our beautiful moments. I don't know how time passed. I was so engrossed in watching the pictures. I snapped out of it when Jiya said,"Food is ready."

She woke kids up and said,"Help me in getting them freshen up"

I said,"Okay" and took Ruhaan in my arm and she was getting Aarzoo ready. Our Arham is getting ready by himself.

He is just one year older than Ruhaan but he prefers to do everyhting by himself. He is too mature for his age and too smart as well. Even though he got his voice back. He rarely speaks and always so reserved. He don't even smile very often. He is too different from the kids of his age. He has good bonding with Ruhaan but he completely ignores Aarzoo like she doesn't exist for him. May be he is not comfortable around girls. Ruhaan also accepted him as his brother even though he was not happy at first but now days he is always with Arham and he also started calling him Arham bhai but Aarzoo she always calls him as Prince. It is so weird but she is not listening to anyone when we tell her to call him Arham bhai. Jiya was not happy with this but I told her to give her sometime she will change. It was so good see your kids growing up infront of your eyes. I wish I will also have the oppurtunity to see them grow.

Jiya said,"Maan where are you lost? Let's go."

I said,"Okay"

We all came down. Maahi already set the table. Zara and Zaan were already sitting on their respective chairs. Ammi is not eating with us as Jiya is also here. I don't know why she blames Jiya for that accident. It's not her fault. I was driving reckless after drinking. I should not have drank. It's a sin in Islam and I received punishment for commiting it. I never blamed Jiya for it but Ammi she don't want listen to anyone.

Jiya said,"Where are you lost again? Come sit. Let's have breakfast. It's not that bad"

Zaan said," It is Amazing Jiya."

Maahi said,"yes bhai. She has become expert in cooking. She prepared all this in one hour. Isn't she amazing? I would like to learn cooking from her"

I said,"but you can't. She will leave us today."

Everyone got silent.

Jiya said,"What would you like to eat Maan? I prepared pancakes as you liked them last time and some pasta, eggs. Maahi told me you like it for breakfast and promogranate fruit. I already peeled it so you can just eat and orange juice as well. Toast and butter. If you want anything else then let me know."

She took items in her plate and was about to feed kids when I said,"I want to feed them. "

She said,"but you have not ate anything"

I said," We will eat later. First let kids eat"

She nodded.

Once I fed kids. Maahi took them to room along with Zaan and Zara.

She was about to serve food in two plates when I said,"Let's eat in one plate"

She did and we started feeding food to each other.

She said,"You saw how Ruhaan asked Arham to play with him? Arham and Ruhaan are getting close."

I said,"and I also saw that My princess was feeling lonely."

Jiya said,"Why are you saying so? She can play with Zara"

I said,"Once you go back then. Yesterday also Arham and Ruhaan were playing together and Aarzoo was sitting alone."

She said,"but what we can do now?"

I said,"How about having one more daughter?"

Hope you are enjoying:)

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