A/N: I apologize for a chapter that is significantly shorter than usual. I haven't really been motivated to write but I felt guilty for not updating in a week. once again sorry for a rushed chapter but the next one will be better!
word count: 818
salish's pov:
"lets go pick out our rooms!", jiji said!
"no no jiji we have to give her a house tour first duh!", said nidal.
"yeah guys!", I said.
here is a few pictures of the floor plan so you can get a good idea what the house looks like.
(lower level)
(main level)
(upper level)
first we walked downstairs to go see the basement and it was more beautiful than I expected it to be. it literally had a theater and so much extra space.
"wow! your basement is crazy big", I said
"thank you!", jiji said.
"so here's the mini kitchen, we don't make anything here very often but the cupboards are filled with snacks for when we watch movies in the movie theater.", nidal said.
"speaking of movie theater, to the left is our theater.", jiji said as she opened the double doors.
"wow. this is awesome!", I said.
the movie theater was a nice brown and gray color, with gray couches, and an ottoman that opened which was filled with blankets.
"so any time you guys want you and nidal can come down here to watch movies and cuddle.", jiji said.
"JIJI!", nidal said as he began hitting his sisters arm.
"woahh nidal calm down. you don't wanna beat up your girlfriends best friend", jiji told him.
"shut up!", nidal said
"so are you guys gonna keep fighting or are you gonna show me the rest of the house", I said laughing.
"um right", nidal said.
we walked out of the theater room and nidal closed the doors behind us.
"so over here is the laundry room and thats pretty much it for downstairs", jiji said.
"i'll race you upstairs salish!", nidal yelled.
"oh no you didn't!", I said as I pushed him out of the way.
we ran up the stairs practically side by side but in the end I ended up reaching the top a split second before him.
"I win!", I said.
"next time i'll beat you", nidal replied back.
"so here is the middle level", jiji said.
I began to think about the bedroom situation and if i'd get to share a room with anyone.
"jiji, I have a question. how many bedrooms does this house have", I asked
"ayoo thats a sus question", nidal said with excitement in his voice.
"nidal chill, it was just a question. theres five bedrooms salish", jiji said.
"okay! wait a minute there's..", I said as I began to count.
"six of us. you, me, nidal, juju, neshan, and my mom" , jiji said finishing my sentence.
"so one of us is going to have to share a room", I said.
"correct. I think my mom said neshan and juju would share a room or me and you would", jiji said.
"not me and salish?", nidal said laughing.
"yeah, by mom and salish's dad's requests", jiji said laughing.
"why is that?", nidal said with a smirk.
"shut up nidal you know why", jiji said playfully hitting her brother.
"anyways lets continue with the tour", nidal said.
"so to the left is the guest bedroom, but my mom is going to be staying there so us kids can have the whole upstairs to ourselves", nidal said.
"sweet!", I said.
"over here is the foyer and then the front door where you came in", jiji said.
we walked past the door and to the right when I saw the most beautiful kitchen and living room I had ever seen.
"okay so here's our dining room, kitchen, and lastly our living room with a balcony.", nidal said.
"wow! this is so nice guys!", I said.
then we made our way upstairs to see the bedrooms. jiji said that neshan and juju had agreed to share the master bedroom, so there were three bedrooms left for me, nidal, and jiji. jiji ended up taking the bedroom directly to the right of the stairs (br. 3 in the picture). nidal volunteered to take the room with the connected bathroom to neshan and juju's room because it would be a little weird if my room was connected to theirs. (the room is br. 4 in the picture). lastly, I ended up taking the one on the very far left of the stairs (br. 5 in the last picture).
it had a beautiful walk in closet, a spacious bed, and a connected bathroom. best of all, there was a large window that overlooked the front yard!
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