after the party (ch. 9)

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A/N: some of you may not have read the character introduction chapter so I wanted to say that this story takes place four years in the future. jiji has just turned 18, salish is 17, and nidal is 16. 

word count: 1322

warnings: mentions of sex (no sexual content though), mentions of vomit, 1 or 2 swear words

nidals pov

it was almost midnight and the car had just pulled up to our lake house. 

"okay nidal you're gonna have to carry salish inside and then i'll teach you the ropes", neshan said

once we got inside I laid salish on the couch and neshan and juju told me to go upstairs because they wanted to talk. 

"congrats lil bro how'd you do it?", neshan said dabbing me up

"yeah", juju said giving me a high five. 

"what are you guys talking about?", I said

"well now that she's drunk she's all yours", juju said.

"like what do you mean?", I said 

"i'll be back im gonna run to my room", neshan said

"what are you guys even talking about?", I said as neshan came back in

"you're gonna need these tonight", neshan said handing me some c0ndoms. 

"you guys are absolutely sick.", I said throwing the c0ndoms back at neshan. 

"I may like salish but i'm not about to take advantage of her while she's drunk", I yelled back at them angry.

"oh come on nidal have some fun! you know you're not like other guys.", juju said. 

"I would never take advantage of salish like that, you guys are absolutely disgusting.", I yelled 

"your loss", neshan said. 

I would never punch my brother, unless we were joking, but in this moment I couldn't control myself. I hurled a punch towards neshans cheek, hard. 

"get out of my room and go back to that stupid party", I said angry.

"bye nidal", they said. 

I watched as the car pulled away and I felt furious. I went downstairs to grab salish and bring her upstairs to sleep better. when I saw her sleeping on the sofa I admired her delicate body. how could anyone want to take advantage of someone when they were so fragile?

I carefully picked her up off of the couch and carried her upstairs to my bedroom. I figured she could sleep in my room for the night because of how much she had to drink. besides it was likely that she was going to throw up sometime during the night because of how much alcohol was in her system. I wanted to be there to comfort her. 

I carefully laid her on my bed and admired how beautiful she looked. 

"you know salish? you're mine. you always will be. friends or not, i'll always love you. i'll care about you forever. I think a part of my heart will always love you. forever and always.", I said softly. 

I bent down over her and gently kissed her forehead. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed out some blue plaid pajama pants. next, I gently opened my closet and grabbed out a baggy t shirt. I laid the clothes neatly in the bathroom so when salish woke up she could put them on. 

TW: vomit

salish woke up at about 2 am and wasn't feeling too well. 

"hey are you okay?", I asked

"no nidal I don't think so. I don't feel very good.", she said.

"do you want to go to the bathroom?", I asked her

"yeah", salish said as she got up

"wait let me help you", I said getting out of bed and grabbing her arms

"go quick nidal!", salish said.

"nidal you have to go. I think i'm going to throw up", salish said crouching down.

"hey it's okay. I wanna stay to make sure you're okay", I said.

I gently grabbed her brown hair and held it back for her.

"it'll be okay salish", I said as she threw up the alcohol she had consumed.

I started lightly rubbing her back up and down in hopes it would make her feel better. 

"by the way, it must be horribly uncomfortable to sleep in a dress, so I brought some clothes in here that you can wear as pajamas", I said.

when salish was finally done I gave her some privacy so she could get dressed. when she came out of the bathroom in my clothes I was almost proud in a way. there was something about seeing her in my clothes that just made me happy. 

after that we slept the rest of the night until morning. 

when the morning came I got out of bed and decided to make pancakes for her. I quietly creeped down the stairs and got out the pancake mix. then I mixed up the batch and started frying them. it reminded me of yesterday when me and salish made pancakes for jiji. 

I tried to think what kind of toppings salish would like on her pancakes. I decided to top the stack with whipped cream and a couple blueberries. now I would wait for salish to get up. I also decided to make her a smoothie too because I always see her drinking smoothies. I got out strawberries, a banana, and some almond milk. 

I measured out the ingredients and carefully poured them into the blender, trying not to be too loud. unfortunately, neshan and salish woke up and came downstairs. I was still mad at neshan for the things he said last night, but I wasn't going to let it come between me and salish. 

"morning salish. morning neshan.", I said

"morning nidal", salish said

"I made you pancakes and a smoothie!", I said placing the food in front of her at the table.

"wow! thanks nidal", salish said

next I went to grab a bowl of cereal for myself. after I got my cheerios I sat down next to salish and ate. 

"so salish how was last night?", neshan asked

"oh it was fine, I was tired so I don't remember a lot of it , but I did end up throwing up", salish said.

"what did you guys end up doing when you got home?", neshan asked

I shot neshan a dirty look from across the kitchen.

"i'm not sure, I was honestly really tired so I think I just slept the whole night", salish said.

"maybe it's a good thing you slept the whole night, you would have lost your virginity if you stayed awake. nidal told us to go back to the party so he could have some alone time with you", neshan said. 

"NESHAN! no salish, thats not true", I said as I watched her run up the stairs on the brink of tears. 

"neshan what's your problem?", I said with anger in my voice

"that's for punching me nidal. i'm gonna be bruised for weeks. do you know how bad it hurts to talk and eat?", neshan said

"look i'm sorry neshan I just didn't agree with what you were saying and you kept forcing the idea on me", I said

"you know what you're good at nidal? pi$$ng people off. that's the only thing you're good at. it's the only thing you'll ever be good at.", neshan shouted 

"just leave neshan. why the h3ll would you bring that up and make me seem like the bad person? salish still has three months here and it's gonna be awkward the rest of the trip", I said

"look I already told you why I brought it up. it's because you punched me. and maybe next time you shouldn't let her get so drunk. what kind of a friend doesn't look out for each other?", neshan said

"just leave neshan, go to your room, just go anywhere away from me.", I yelled

when neshan left I covered my face with my hands and began to cry. maybe it was my fault. how did I not know salish was drinking alcohol? she was acting so unusual and I just went along with it. now it's up to me to fix this stupid mess. i've never seen salish that mad at me. 

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