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hello everyone, I am so sorry for not updating in so long. i'm going to share my thought process on why. I got logged out of my account for about 5 or so days, so that happened. and then I got logged back in and had no ideas of what to write.

so, in the last chapter or so salish and nidal got together, and I have come to realize that it was sort of rushed right after the kiss, and I don't like the way I did it. however now that they are together, I don't know where to take the story because there is no climax to build up to since they are already together. essentially, there is no "end goal" or thought in mind for the rest of the book because they are together. so, for the rest of the chapters it would essentially be the same thing, and extremely boring for you guys. 

although I do have an idea of a sequel to this, so that is a thought in mind, but I don't think it would be proper to end the story here. 

I was thinking about rewriting chapter ten, or deleting the part they got together, but I feel like that would be confusing because people have already read it and not everybody may read this chapter. therefore, everybody would kind of be on a different page and it might make it a bit confusing

I just wanted to say I will be continuing the story, I just don't know how to take it from here. 

PLEASE comment any suggestions for me, or even things you would like to see in the next upcoming chapters. 

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