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Jessica had driven all around Chicago. She didn't want to go to the hotel but it was getting late. She stopped by a local liquor store and grabbed a bottle of whisky.

She got back in the car and put the bottle on the passenger seat. She was just down the street from her hotel but instead she drove out to the cabin. A place where they all use to hang out in high school.

Once she arrived she got out of the car grabbing the bottle of whisky. She slammed her car door shut and took a seat on the hood. She opened the bottle and took a long swig. Letting the whisky run down her throat. It started to warm up her body.

Her mind was racing with questions and thoughts. She knew coming back to Chicago was going to be a nightmare. All the pain was starting to flood its way back into her.

The memories of prom night. The memories of her mother. The memories of her childhood home. The memories of Kelly Severide. She took another long drink from the whisky bottle hoping it would help her forget.

Jessica was broken from her thoughts when a pair of headlights came up behind her. She turned around to try and see who it was. Part of her hoping it was Kelly. Part of her hoping it wasn't.

The car parked next to hers and the person stepped out. Jessica was slightly disappointed but also relieved when April stepped out.

"I thought I'd find you up here." April walked over and motioned for Jessica to move over. Jessica did and April took a seat next to her.

"Where were you tonight?"

"Major trauma came in. I couldn't leave." April could see her best friend was hurting. "You okay?"

Jessica snickered. "Yeah I'm just peachy." April recognized the saying. It was something they would say whenever they were really upset.

"Matt called me."

"Figures." Jessica took another drink.

"If it makes you feel better. No one really likes Ashley. We all just put up with her for Kelly." Jessica laughed at April's comment. "Plus now I get tell Kelly I told him so. I told him to not give her the same ring and that it would come back to bite him."

"That was a pretty stupid move on his part." Both of the girls laughed.

"Kelly still loves you. You know that right?" April couldn't just sit by and watch her two friends crash and burn.

"He broke up with me. You know that right?"

"Yes I do know that. But he knew you wouldn't go to New York if he didn't break up with you. He knew you would never go or you would of been back within a month. He didn't want to hold you back Jess." April hated seeing her friends like this.

"It doesn't matter April. I'm engaged. He's getting married in a couple months." Jessica took another drink. She was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

"You two are so blind." April was getting fed up at this point. How could two people who love each other so much not even notice. "Matt told me everyone could see the way you two were around each other. Both of you fighting the urge to even look at one another."

Jessica knew April was making sense somewhere in her head but the alcohol wasn't letting her register any of what she was saying. Or believe her. "It's over April. We've found knew people."

April hopped down off of the hood and faced her best friend. "Jess are you kidding me right now? You may of found knew people but they are not your soul mates. Why did all of this happen if you two had truly moved on?"

"But I have a life in New York. And this city is just filled with so much pain." Jessica was fighting back the tears.

"You are going to need to work through that pain eventually. Especially now. You can't hide it from Andrew anymore."

"That's where your wrong April. Andrew will just drop it if I ask. He won't push me to relive my pain."

"Or for fucks sake Jessica!" April never cursed so this caught Jess off guard. "Stop being so damn stubborn! Stop punishing yourself for whatever it is you think you did wrong! Come home. We all miss you."

"I can't come home April." Jessica was on the verge of tears. "This isn't my home anymore!"

April had had enough by this point. She didn't know what else to do. "Fine Jessica. Keep punishing yourself. Go back to New York. Go marry Andrew." April turned and walked towards her car.

"April please don't go!"

"I'm sorry Jessica. But I can't go around and around with you all night. You clearly do not want to listen." April got in her car and left Jessica there sitting on the hood of her car.

April watched out her rear view mirror as she drove away. Jessica and her car getting smaller. She then decided to call Matt.

"Hello." Matt's voice came through April's car speakers.

"Matt I tired. She won't listen."

"Okay thanks April."

"Matt I'm afraid she is about to self destruct."

"What do you mean?"

"She's punishing herself for something and she won't tell me what it is. She kept talking about pain and how they both have moved on."

Matt sighed on the other end of the phone. "Where is she?"

"She's at the cabin but Matt she's drunk. There is no talking to her right now."

"Okay. Thanks April."

The two of them ended their phone call. April drove back to her apartment to get some sleep.

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