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Jessica could feel her heartbreaking all over again. Flashes from the night she left playing in her mind. All of the emotions flowing back.

But this time she wasn't going to just let it happen. "Kelly!!!" Jessica went to try and get up but ended up falling.

Thankfully the girls caught her and sat her back down. Jessica began to sob. She couldn't believe this was happening. Not again. "I have to go after him!"

Jessica moved to get up again but was stopped by Erin. "You stay here. I'll go after him." Jessica nodded her head and Erin ran out after Kelly.

"Jess I still think we need to take you to med to get checked out. " April was trying to reason with her but hadn't gotten anywhere with it.

"What's the point it doesn't matter anymore. Kelly left." Jessica tears continued to stream down her face.

April had had enough by this point. She was putting her foot down. "You listen her Jessica Elizabeth Holbrook." Jessica looked straight at April when she heard her middle name. "Kelly Severide loves you more than life itself. He lost a part of himself the day you left. But then you came home and it felt like nothing had changed. He just needs to cool off. But you are going to med to get check out. And that's that."

Jessica didn't dare argue with April when she got like this. So Jessica just nodded her head.

April turned around to face Casey. "Matt can you carry her down to my car?"

"Absolutely but are you good to drive?"

April thought about it for a minute. But then decided even thought she felt fine she didn't want to chance it. "Can you drive? I'll sit in the back with her."

"Sure can." Casey walked over to where Jessica was sitting down. "Alright Jess let's get you looked at." Casey picked up his best friend and she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on. "Let's go."

April led the group out of the break room.


Erin had run downstairs and didn't see Kelly in the lobby. So she went outside and began looking for him. She then saw him walking to his car.

"Kelly!!" Erin shouted his name as she ran towards him. Kelly was doing his best to ignore her but Erin caught up to him and stood right in front of him. "What the hell Kelly? Why did you just walk out? Why didn't you say something?"

"Erin move." Kelly went to go past her but Erin stepped right back in front of him.

"No. Not when you walk out on your fiancé who is hurt." Erin crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm not the one told her to get into a fight! She did that all on her own." Kelly tried to get pass Erin again, but failed.

"HEY!!" Erin's face beginning to turn red. "That is Jessica Holbrook. The girl you have been in love with since high school! So what the hell is wrong!?" Erin had half a mind to call Voight and have him straighten Kelly out.  "Kelly answer me!"

"Fine Erin! I couldn't stand seeing Jessica hurt like that! She doesn't deserve that!" Kelly was fighting back tears.

"And you don't think the way you just left didn't hurt her? She tried to come after you but she almost fell! That girl loves you with all her heart and you just walk out over her fighting with your bitchy ex?!"

"That's just it Erin! MY EX. MY PROBLEM"

"What's your point Kelly!?"

Kelly shoved his hands in his pockets and took a second to gather his thoughts. "How many of my past mistakes are going to come back to bite me in the ass? Jessica doesn't deserve that."

Erin now understood. It wasn't about Jessica and Ashley fighting. It was knowing that something he did had hurt her. "Everyone has a past Kelly. You guys were apart for 10 years. There is going to be ex's."

"I just need time to think."

Erin was getting ready to respond but then she saw Casey carrying Jessica out to April's car. Kelly noticed Erin was distracted. He looked over his shoulder to see what she had spotted.

Kelly saw Matt carrying Jessica and putting her in April's car. Matt and Kelly locked eyes. Matt was giving him a what the hell man kind of look. He then got into the drivers seat and April jumped in back with Jess and Sylvie. Maggie sat upfront with Matt.

Kelly turned his attention back to Erin. "You see that right there? She didn't deserve that!"  Kelly stopped again to gather his thoughts. "Maybe if I would of handled things more carefully with Ashley we wouldn't be here."

Erin placed her hand on Kelly's arm and gave it a squeeze. "Kelly, no matter how you handled it, things still would of happened this way. Let's face it Ashely would of talked to her no matter how you broke up with her. And they still would of fought."

Kelly knew Erin was right but it still didn't make it any easier. Kelly choked back a sob. "What do I do Erin?"

Erin had never seen the famous Kelly Severide look so vulnerable. "We go back to your guys place. Get her a change of clothes and then go see her at the hospital. That's what you need to do." Kelly just nodded his head. "Come on I'll drive."

Erin led Kelly over to her car. They both got in and headed for Kelly and Jessica's place.

April, Maggie, Sylvie and Matt all walked into the ED. Matt was carrying Jessica. Will Halstead caught sight of them first. He approached the group.

"What happened?" Will looked at his friend laying in Matt's arms almost asleep.

"One of Kelly's ex's" Will just nodded his head at April's response.

"Let's take her to treatment 2." Will led the group to the bay and Casey laid Jessica down on the hospital bed. "So what can you tell me?"

"She took several hits to the head and stomach. We believe she may of done something to her right ankle due the fact it's swollen now. She is also having trouble walking. She has several scratches on her chest. And she is now hard to keep awake. Not sure if that is because of the alcohol or the fight." Maggie rattled off the information.

"Alright let's do a full blood work up. head CT, and chest and ankle x-ray. But first girls can you get her into a hospital gown and I'm going to call upstairs and admit her."The girls nodded and began to do what Dr. Halstead asked.

Will and Matt stepped outside and closed the curtain so the girls could get Jessica out of the dress. "Will, do you really think it is necessary to admit her?"

"It's Jess. Of course I think it's necessary. Another doctor may say no, but I'm not taking any chances. " Will headed to call upstairs to find Jessica a room.

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