Brick House

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Kelly and Jessica land in New York. They exit the plane. Kelly pulls out his phone and turns it back on. He sees Casey left him a voicemail but all he said was to call him back. Kelly does but it goes to voicemail.

"What did Casey want?"

"Not sure. He said to call him. But it went to voicemail." Kelly shoved his phone back in his pocket.


The two head to baggage claim and grab their bags. They then head and grab their rental car. Jessica drives since she knows where she is going. She was holding the steering wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white.

"Jess everything is going to be alright." Kelly placed a hand on her thigh trying to reassure her. All Jessica could do was nod her head and keep driving. 

Jessica pulls up to a brick house. Jessica looks up at the door and instantly feels fear set in.

"Wow Jess. Pretty sure my apartment could fit in there about 3 times."

"Yeah. It was more house then I wanted but Andrew had the final say."  Jessica gets out of the car followed by Kelly. They walk up the steps to the front door.  "His car is not in the driveway."

"Well then let's do this quickly and get it over with."

They head up to the door. Jessica pulls out her keys and unlocks the door. She is visibly relieved. She thought Andrew would of changed the locks. Jessica pushes the front door open and they head inside.

"Follow me Kelly." Jessica runs upstairs with Kelly right behind her. She opens the door to Andrew and hers bedroom. Everything looked normal. Maybe Andrew had gotten over everything.

Kelly's phone started to ring and it was Casey. "Hey Casey."

"Severide where are you two?"

"At her house in New York. Why?"

"Get out. that last fire we worked was intentionally set. It had pictures of Jessica and you everywhere."

Kelly was getting ready to say something to Jessica but before he could Jessica was opening her closet door. Suddenly something exploded.


A/N: sorry for the short update. More to come soon.

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