1 Hour

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As Jessica was making her way to the front door she almost tripped over the recliner. "What the hell?" She looked down to see the recline was out.

Her eyes then traveled up the chair. She saw a pair of feet and then moved her eyes up to the persons face. It was Kelly. He was fast asleep. Jessica couldn't help but smile to herself. Kelly must of left and came home.

Jessica pulled her phone out and call Hank back. "Hey uncle Hank."

"Hey Jess. You on your way?"

"You can call off the search party. I found Kelly. He came home and passed out in the recliner."

"Good to hear. What about the other knuckle heads?"

"We'll come by in the morning to bail them out. Let them sober up."

"Sounds good. I'll let Trudy know."

"Thanks Uncle Hank." Jessica disconnected the call.

Jessica walked over and stood next to the side of the recliner. She leaned down and placed her lips onto Kelly's. This caused him to stir a bit but not to fully wake up. "Babe?"

Kelly opened one eye to look up at Jessica. "Hey."

"What are you doing sleeping on the recliner?"

"You were asleep on the couch and I didn't want to wake you but I didn't want to sleep alone in our room either." Kelly began to stretch and open both eyes.

Jessica could feel her heart falling more in love with this man. He always knew what to say and took care of her. "I love you."

"I love you too." Kelly grabbed her hand and pulled her down onto his lap. A giggle escaped Jessica's lips. Kelly wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.

Jessica rest her head in the crook of his neck. "How was tonight?" She started to make little drawings on his bare chest.

"It was alright. I was just ready to come home."

"Hank called me."

"Oh no. So we need to head down to the 21st?"

"No. I told Hank to let them sober up and we'd be there in the morning." Jessica could feel Kelly snicker.

"Matt is going to be pissed."

"He'll get over it." Jessica went to go sit up but Kelly just tightened his arms around her. "Babe, as much as I love this I would love laying in our bed and cuddling a little more."

"Fine." Kelly let go of Jessica so she could stand up.

"Thank you." Jessica crawled off of Kelly's lap and then helped him to his feet. The two of them then headed towards their room.

Jessica walked over to her dresser to change into something more comfortable. Kelly closed the door and turned to face Jessica.

She had stripped of her pervious shirt and was looking for something else when she felt Kelly snake his arms around her waist. His skin against hers.

Kelly rested his chin on her shoulder. "I can wait till we say I do."

Jessica could feel his hot breath against her bare skin. "Me neither babe."

Kelly began to place kisses on her neck. Sending a shiver down Jessica's spine. Kelly could feel her lay against his chest and completely relax into his touch.

Kelly decides to help her slip off her pants. Jessica then turned around to face Kelly. Her hands rest against his bare chest. Kelly placed a couple fingers under her chin and lifted it upwards so they were looking into each other's eyes.

Kelly slowly lowered his lips down towards Jessica's. She closed the space and their lips met. The kiss was sweet and passionate.

Jessica wrapped her arms around Kelly's neck and his hands were rested on her hips. The sweet kiss soon turned into a hot and feverish filled one.

They both wanted each other. Jessica jumped and wrapped her legs around Kelly's waist. They never broke the kiss. Kelly walked over towards their bed and slowly lowered Jessica down onto it.

Kelly broke the kiss only so he could remove his sweatpants. He climbed back on top of Jessica and they reconnected their lips. Both of them feeling the need of wanting each other in every way possible.


Jessica and Kelly had fallen asleep completely naked and tangled up with one another. Jessica's phone began to ring. Kelly and her both groaned.

Jessica untangled herself from Kelly and Kelly rolled onto his other side, facing away from her. Jessica grabbed her phone.


A very annoyed Matt came through the ear piece of Jessica's phone. "When are you coming to get us?"

Jessica had completely forgotten Matt and the rest of the guys were still at 21. "Your sober now why won't they just let you leave?" Jessica began to try and get herself awake.

"Because of Voight. They won't let us go till you come down here."

Jessica couldn't help but laugh at how annoyed Matt sounded. "Well deserves you right for losing Kelly last night. You should be considering yourself lucky that he just came home and wasn't to trashed and got lost."

"Jess please come get us."

"Oh does poor little Matthew not want to be someone's butt buddy?" Jessica spoke in mocking tone.

"Jessica." Matt was pissed of at this point. He just wanted to go home and shower.

"Alright fine. I'm getting up. Give me an hour."

"Hurry up." Matt hung up the phone.

Jessica couldn't help but laugh even more after Matt hung up the phone.

"How pissed is he?" Kelly had rolled back over.

"Very. You coming with me?" Jessica got up out of the bed.

"Shower first?"

Jessica looked at Kelly to see this devilish grin appear on his face. She knew what that meant. Pour Matt wouldn't be getting picked up in an hour.


It had been 2 hours since Matt had called Jessica. Her and Kelly were finally heading out of the apartment to go pick the guys up. They drove separate cars so they had room for everyone. Jessica had stopped to grabbed some donuts for Trudy.

Jessica and Kelly entered the 21st district and walked up to the Trudy's desk. Jessica laid the donuts down. "Hey Trudy. We are here to pick up a couple firefighters."

Trudy eyed the box and then opened it to pull out a donut. "Andrew's go pull the firefighters out of lockup."

"Right away Sergeant."

"So how pissed off is everyone?" Jessica needed to know how bad of a shit storm there was about to be.

"They are not happy that's for sure." Jessica nodded her head. Kelly and her then stepped aside to wait for Andrew's to come back with the guys.

About 10 minutes later the guys came walking into the lobby of the 21st. Matt looking pissed off and annoyed.

"What happened to an hour?" Matt was giving Jessica the stink eye.

Jessica smiled a devilish smile. "Got busy making little Severide babies." Kelly's mouth dropped open. He wasn't expecting her to say that.

The pure look of horror that came across Matt's face caused her to burst into laughter. "Now let's go." Jessica turned around to leave the 21st. Kelly, Matt, Cruz, Otis, Tony, and Capp all followed close behind.

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