Chapter 5

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A couple days later..... Monday morning.

Chance's POV

I woke up to hear yelling coming from down the hall. I looked and saw it was about 8 in the morning and the girls had to leave to the airport at 11. I got up careful not to wake Brooklyn just yet and went to see what was going on. I go to the kitchen to see all the guys there.

" who's arguing this early in the morning?" I ask them stifling a laugh.

" it's Michael and Kayla, they left somewhere and then came back and were arguing." drew explains.

" oh, what are they arguing about?"I ask

"I have no idea, but maybe it's the fact that she basically spent majority of her time here with you." Brady says.

" she wasn't with me the entire time though. I hope that is not what they are arguing about." I tell them.

" I don't know man." drew says. We then just eat breakfast and I go to get Brooklyn up.

Meanwhile Kayla's POV

I woke up early this morning and decided to go get some coffee and I needed a new phone charger cause mine broke so I got up and got dressed and was getting ready to head out. When I got downstairs I saw Michael was up already also.

" hey your up early." I tell him.

" yea couldn't sleep anymore, but how come your up early?" He asks me.

" uh , I'm just used to getting up this early, so I figured why not go get some coffee and I need to get a new phone charger to." I tell him and he nods

" want me to come with you?" He asks and I nod

" yea sure, let's go." I tell him and we head out the door to Starbucks first. When we got there we went to the register to order. The girl at the register recognized us and smiled big.

" oh my gosh you're Kayla Hudson! And you're Michael Connor! I love you guys so much!" She squeals and me and Michael just look at each other and laugh.

" aw that's so sweet of you!" I tell her smiling. Michael smiles and says thanks.

" I can't believe you guys are actually here , Kayla you and Chance are the cutest couple ever! And Brooklyn really looks just like you!" She says and I smiles at her.

" thanks , we get that a lot that she resembles me, but what's your name?" I ask her.

" my name is Lauren." She says

" well it was nice talking to you Lauren." I tell her as she hands us the coffee. She asks to take a picture with us and we took one with her.

" thank you guys so much , Kayla can you tell Chance I said hi!"  She asks and I smile and nod.

" yea definitely I will pass along the message , it was nice meeting you bye!" I tell her and she says bye to both of us and we walk out of the place and head over to the store. I look around to find a phone charger and the whole time I noticed Michael was quiet. After I have bought the charger , we head back to the car and we drive back to their house. For a while the ride is silent until I decide to speak up.

" is something wrong Michael? You have been quiet since we left the coffee shop?" I asked him as we pulled into the driveway to the house. I heard him scoff.

" do you still like Chance?" He asks and I'm confused.

" um yea I like Chance he's our friend , what kind of a question is that?" I ask him grabbing my stuff to get out of the car.

" no I mean do you still have feelings for him?" He asked which made me stop what I was doing.

" what makes you think I do ?" I asked him.

" well back at the coffee shop that girl said you and Chance were a cute couple and you didn't even attempt to correct her." He says and I roll my eyes and continue to get my things.

" really Michael that's what this is about. My goodness!" I said getting out of the car walking up to the door with Michael following behind me.

" how do you expect me not to react to this, my girlfriend just let a fan think she is still with her ex" He says as we walk into the house.

" my gosh Michael , exactly ' a fan' someone we probably won't see again, and I wasn't going to be rude correct her, it was harmless." I tell him going up the stairs to the room I'm in and Michael follows behind me still.

" oh so you would rather be rude to your boyfriend ?" He shoots back and I put my bag on the bed and turn back to him.

" are you seriously mad over this? Michael come on" I tell him crossing my arms over my chest.

" it's not just this Kayla , it's the fact that you've been really close with Chance." He says

" wow, Michael , Chance is my friend I'm not just going to ignore him, why is this a problem all of a sudden?" I ask him.

"Maybe it's because I know you still have feelings for him." He says and I scoff.

" why would you think that?" I ask him.

" well for starters you guys seem even closer now than you were when you were together, you even came out here to surprise him!" He starts yelling.

" Michael I came with Brooklyn to surprise him so she could see her dad who she hasn't seen in almost 3 weeks! I did it for her!" I started to raise my voice.

" so it had nothing to do with wanting to see your own boyfriend?" He asked crossing his arms.

" that's not what I'm saying, you're crazy right now Michael !" I shout at him.

" am I Kayla ? How about the fact that you still have the necklace and ring he gave you and still wear them, or take them everywhere with you!" He says and my expression softens.

" how did you-" I start but he cuts me off.

" I'm not dumb Kayla, and it kinda sucks when I constantly hear people say they wish you and Chance were still together, I've even heard Jayden say he misses you and Chance together." He says and that makes me angry.

" don't you dare bring Jayden into this Michael! He is just 5 years old. Does he like having Chance around? Yes! That's not my fault! And I'm not going to just ban him from seeing him. You're unbelievable." I yell at him.

" can you blame me!" He yells.

"I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt because of what people are saying , but I thought you would at least trust me." I tell him.

" you know what I can't handle this right now, if you can't trust me then that's your thing." I continue to tell him.

" well if you can't handle this then maybe we just need a break from each other right now." He shouts.

" yea well maybe we do!" I shout back and then he walks out of the room. I just sigh and run my hands through my hair. I  just take a deep breath and then start packing up my bag. After a while, I get a call from josh asking if we're still on for dinner tonight when I get back and I say yes and we continue to talk for a little bit.  Once we're done I hang up and then check the time and see it's almost 11. Wow Time goes by so fast when your arguing with someone. Anyways I'm just getting the bags together when Chance walks into the room with Brooklyn. I smile at the two.

" hey it's almost to go." He says coming and sitting beside me.

" heh yea I think I've had enough of Florida for a while." I tell him faking a laugh.

" are you ok? " Chance asks me.

" I'm guessing you heard everything?" I ask him as I situate Brooklyn on my lap.

" yea sort of, I'm really sorry for everything , I feel like it's partially my fault." He tries to say but I shake my head.

" it wasn't your fault at all chance, it's just stuff going on between me and Michael." I tell him and he nods.

" well I'm hear if you ever need to talk ." Chance says and I smile.

" thank you Chance ." I tell him giving him a hug. He hugs back.  We both stand up and he grabs mine and Brooklyn's bag.

" you ready to go ?" Chance asks me and I nod.

" here I'll take the bags and you carry Brooklyn so you can spend some more time with her." I tell him and he nods and we walk downstairs. The guys expect Michael are there. I go to hug all of them.

" bye guys ! Have fun! " I tell them.

" bye Kayla , be safe going home, well hopefully be back within the next couple of weeks." Drew says and I smile and nod. I lastly hug Brady.

" could you please tell Michael I said bye." I tell him and he nods. We go out to the car and drive off. Chance was coming with us to the airport so he had more time to be with Brooklyn. As we were in the car I got a call from Presley. I answered it.

" hey Presley what's up?" I asked

" hey Kay not much just wanted to double check that you were coming home today right?" She asks and I giggle and say yes.

" good, because em , Matt and Alberto want to hang out tomorrow and I already told them we would." She said .

" heh, alright sounds fun, I could use some distractions right now." I say sighing.

" everything ok?" She asked me

" I explain it to you when I get home." I tell her and
She says ok. After that we hang up and by that time we have arrived at the airport. We got off the car and grabbed our bags. Once we did I turned to Chance and he kissed Brooklyn on the cheek and said bye and handed her to me. He turned towards me.

" be safe and call me when you land, and I am sorry for the whole Michael thing, I'll try to talk to him ." Chance says and I shake my head.

" don't worry about it Chance, leave it alone for now, I don't want any conflict between you all while you guys are doing the radio station tours. But I will text you when we land." I tell him and give him a hug. He kisses my head and then we pull apart.

" thank you for bringing her out her for me again." He says smiling and I smile back.

"It's no problem! It was nice getting to see you all too!" I told him. We then said our goodbyes and me and Brooklyn went to security and then our plane was already boarding. We got to our seats.

" did you have a fun time with daddy Brooklyn ?" I asked her and she giggled.

" yes!" She said and I laugh.

" that's good, I'm glad you had fun, I know I had fun too." I tell her and I start tickling her. The flight starts and the whole time Brooklyn and I watch movies.

Once we land we get our baggage and  head outside to wait for Shawnee. Once I see her I look down at Brooklyn whose in my arms.

" do you see grandma Brooklyn?" I ask her and she smiles and cheers once she sees her too. We walk over and I put Brooklyn down and she runs to Shawnee and smiles when Shawnee picks her up.

" ah my beautiful Brooklyn , I've missed you so much." She says kissing Brooklyn all over the face making her giggle. I laugh and walk over to where they are. Shawnee smiles when she sees me and gives me a hug.

" hey , how was Florida?" She asks and I suck in a breathe.

" it was good, it was fun to see the guys and all, but I am glad to be back, I missed my brother you know." I tell her and she nods.

" yea I understand that, and Presley was restless while you were gone." She says and I laugh. We walk to the car and get in and then drive to my house

" so how was seeing Michael?" She asked.

" um , it was good, it was nice ." I tell her hoping she would drop the subject.

" that's good! Well I'm glad you all had fun, and thanks again for taking Brooklyn ." Shawnee said as we pull up to my house. I get out and grab my bags. I notice Brooklyn is asleep in her car seat . I smile and kiss her forehead.

" thanks for dropping me off and thanks for letting me take her." I tell her.

" it's no problem , well I need to get home to start dinner , we'll see you later , bye Kayla !" Shawnee says and I say bye back and then they leave and I go inside the house. Miles isn't home which isn't a big surprise. I go up to my room and start unpacking when I remember I was supposed to call Chance. I got my phone and dialed his number, he instantly picked up.

" hey I was starting to get worried " He says and I laugh.

" sorry I just remembered and I just got back to my house." I tell him.

" haha ok, well I'm glad your back safe." He says and I smile.

" so what are you doing now?" He asks

" um I think I'm gonna take a nap before I need to get ready for dinner with my uncle. What about you?" I asked him.

" sounds fun, but the guys and I are planning to go eat in a bit, you sure you don't want me to talk to Michael and try and smooth things over?" He asks

"Heh no , I think right now , we both just need to cool off and have some space, talking to him about it will only make it worse , but thank you for wanting to help." I tell him.

" it's no problem really Kay, well listen I'm going to let you go, but call me later I want to know how dinner with you uncle goes." He says and I say ok.

" wait where is Jayden at?" He asked me

" he is still with Nathan, I'll see him at dinner and get him from there." I explained to him.

" ok well get some rest , and don't worry about the whole Michael thing , I'm sure the next time you see each other you'll be back to normal." He says

" heh I don't know about that but thanks Chance." I tell him.

" no problem Kayla , I'll talk to you later bye." He says

" bye." I say hanging up the phone. I put my phone on the charger after setting an alarm for when to wake up to get ready. I then laid down and closed my eyes trying to forget about everything that happened earlier today.

Authors note: hey lovelies I am so sorry I haven't updated this book at all lately, I have just got other things going on but I have free time and will try to update as much as possible , hope you all like the chapter! Until next time bye!

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