Chapter 15

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Kayla's POV

Three weeks later...

"Alright guys I'd say thats a wrap! great job!" the producer says as he calls cut for the final scene in the music video. I'd have to say these past two weeks have been really hectic for me, between shooting the music video ,planning Melissa's gender reveal / baby shower , and then my classes at UCLA and taking care of Jayden,and finding time to go back to the spot and dance, has been really stressful. Although I probably would not have been able to get through it without chance or Presley, they've honestly been a big help and been with me through it all. They are actually here with me today.

" Here you go kay." Shawn says coming to hand me a towel, since were now soaking wet. I graciously take the towel.

"So I see you brought Presley and your boyfriend?" he asks trying to see if I'll say anything. I just laugh.

"Nothing is going on Shawn, we're just friends." I tell him as we walk over to the two.

" oh come on you cannot tell me that with all the time you two have been spending together that you aren't together." he says.

" thats exactly what I'm telling you." I tell him and he groans. Once we reach Presley and chance I sit down next to chance and Shawn sits down next to Presley.

" Hey guys!" I say as we sit down.

"Hey!" Presley and chance say. Chance just looks at me and chuckles.

"What?" I ask laughing a bit but also confused on why he was laughing.

"You look a little wet. like right there." he says pointing to my hair and clothes.

"Oh really I didn't notice, but I don't think I gave you a hug today, come here." I say laughing and putting the towel down and going to give him a hug.

"Aw Kayla no!" he says chuckling as now he is wet too. We just both burst out laughing, and he just ends up putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Are you sure they aren't back together? " I hear Shawn ask Presley.

" Thats what I'm always asking them ,but they both say nothing is going on between them." she says

" you know we can hear you." I say looking over at the two of them.

"yea, that's the point, when will you two admit that you're back together." Presley and Shawn both ask us. I just look at chance and we both laugh.

"Nothing is going on, we're just friends, right chance.?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yea guys sorry to burst your bubble." he says laughing.

"Ugh you guys are no fun." Presley says and we all laugh at her reaction.Then I look at my phone.

" Ugh, we have to get going, I have to go and finish getting the stuff for Melissa's party tomorrow."I tell them standing up, pulling chance with me.

" ugh, I forgot about that. Do we have to?" Presley wines standing up as well. Chance and I just laugh.

"Presley, you don't have to come if you don't want to you know." I tell her going over to grab my bag.

"And miss out on what Melissa is having no way! I'm going! And your still coming over for the barbecue my mom is having tonight right?" she asked and I nod.

"Of course, but it'll just be me Jayden is spending the night with my grandparents." I tell her and she nods.

"Well Emeraude will be there so were all good." Presley says and I nod.

"Well you ready to go? I'll drop you guys off at home and then i'll go home to shower and change."I tell them and they nod.

"Alright lets go, Shawn you still coming to the party tomorrow?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yea I'll be there, see you tomorrow kay!" he says hugging me and then says bye to chance and Presley.

"Bye Shawn , lets go guys." I tell them and we head to the car. We start the drive to their house when chance speaks up.

"You did really good today. " He says and I blush

" thanks chance, and thanks for coming today guys, I'm glad you came." I tell them.

"So when does the video get released?" Presley asks.

"Um well they will have to edit it but hopefully soon, I don't know when exactly yet tho." I tell them and they nod. Soon enough we get to their house.

"Alright guys I will be back in a bit." I tell them and they nod.

"Bye kay, be careful." Presley says and runs inside. Meanwhile chance stays outside for a bit longer.

"Be safe text me when you're on your way back." he says with his smile and I nod.

"I will , I'll see you in a bit." I tell him and he leans in to kiss my cheek. I smile and then pull out of the driveway and head back to my house. once I get there I go inside. I quickly go to shower and then change into:

After I'm done changing I just put my hair in a bun and walk out of my room, only to bump into miles.

"Miles! where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever!" I tell him giving him a hug. He jus chuckles and hugs back.

"I know, I've just been dealing with some stuff and have just been with family." he says

"Is everything ok?" I ask him

"Um, well me and Alex broke up." he says and I go wide eyed.

"Oh my gosh are you ok what happened ?" I asked him.

"just some things I don't want to get into right now, but theres that and I just wanted to take some time away from everything." he says and I nod.

"Im so sorry miles, I hope your ok." I tell him giving him another hug.

"It's ok Kayla, and I'm sorry I haven't called you or Michael ,how are you guys doing, I see your about to leave are you going to meet him right now?" he asked and I just looked down.

"Um there's a lot you've missed here too miles, we have to catch up when I get home, but me and Michael have been broken up for like a little over a month for some reasons I don't want to get into , and I haven't talked to him that much but I'm actually going to chances house right now..." I say trailing off, and he goes wide eyed.

"Oh wow I have missed a lot , and chance huh?" he says smirking and I just laugh.

"Stop miles, I already get it from everyone else, I don't need it from you too." I tell him and he stops.

"Ok I'm sorry, but I'll let you go. are you staying the night over there?" he asks and I shake my head.

"No I have to come back and get stuff ready for Melissa's party tomorrow, can I count on you to be there." I ask and he smiles and nods.

"Great, when I get back we'll catch up on everything, I promise." I tell him and he nods.

"Ok, but go you have someone waiting for you." he says and I smile and hug him again.

"Im glad your back." I tell him and he hugs me too.

"Me too, now go." he says and I say bye to him and then text chance I'm on my way and head over to the Perez house.

once I get there I park and go ring the doorbell. Shawnee is the one to answer, when she sees its me she smiles.

"Ah Kayla! Come in." she says letting me come inside.

"Hi shawnee! how have you been?" I ask her as she gives me a hug.

"I'm good , I'm so glad your here, and you could make it." she says and I smile.

"Thanks for inviting me." I tell her

"Well food will be ready soon and Presley is in the shower but chance is in his room right now you can go on up if you'd like." she says and I say thank you.

"Wait where is Brooklyn?" I asked her

"Oh aspen took her to the park, they should be back soon."She says and I say ok and then head upstairs to chances room. I knock on the door and he says come in. I go inside and he's on his computer. I quietly go up behind him and wrap my arms around him, and kiss his cheek.

"Hi!" I say whispering in his ear. He smiles and turns around to hug me.

"Your here." he says and I laugh.

"Yea I'm here." I tell him and he smiles. He stands up and we just sway back and forth.

"You okay?" he asks and I just nod.

"Yea, it's just miles came back home today and we just realized we needed to catch up." I tell him and he nods.

"You could've stayed with him, we would have understood." he says and I smile.

"But then I wouldn't have been able to do this." I say and lean In to kiss him. We pull apart and he smiles at me.

"Well I would miss that." he says leaning in to kiss me again and we continue kissing until

"Oh my gosh!" we hear and we instantly break away and see Presley standing there with her mouth hung open. Me and chance don't know what to say.

"I so knew it ! my gosh I knew you too were together again! Mom!" she says running downstairs and we walk down there also.

"Mom, I told you they were dating again!" she says to her mom as we enter the kitchen. I notice aspen and Brooklyn here now also.

"Mommy!" Brooklyn says as I bend down to pick her up.

"Hi my princess!" I tell her as I hug her and situate her on my hip.

"Presley , I already knew they were together again." shawnee says nonchalantly and Presley goes wide eyed.

"What?! How?!" she asks her mom.

"Well because one night I came home and the two were in the living room snuggled up on the couch and then I saw them kiss." she says and it makes sense now. Chance motions for us to sit down at the table and I put Brooklyn in my lap.

"Wait Kayla and chance are back together? thats amazing congrats guys!" aspen says and we say thanks.

"Wait? how long have you been back together and why didn't tell me?" Presley asks us, me and chance look at each other.

"Um well it's been almost two weeks, and before you say anything we didn't tell anyone because we just wanted it to be just between us for a while."I tell her and she seems to understand.

"Well how did you two get back together?" she asks and me and chance smile at each other.

"Um well we had been hanging out a lot and then one night after I had come back from a concert, he came over to hang out and." I start and chance finishes.

"I told her that I was still in love with her, and I didn't want to spend another not being with her and then it went from there." he said and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Aw, well how can I be mad at you all for this!" she says coming over to hug us.

"I'm so glad you guys are back together! Ah!!"She squeals and we all laugh.

"Gosh Presley it seems like you are more excited than they are ." aspen says and we all laugh.

"Im sorry I just knew for the longest time that they both were still in love with each other and weren't doing anything about it." she says.

"I know Pres." I tell her giving her a smile.

"Alright well foods ready, lets eat!" shawnee says and we all serve ourselves and sit at the table outside. I sit next to chance and Brooklyn sits in between us.

"So Kayla, who all knows besides us now?" Presley asks me.

"Um well just you all and Jayden, but thats it , we've kinda just kept it to ourselves." I tell her and she nods.

"Well when are you going to start telling people?" she asks and I just look at chance.

"I don't know, I just like how its a private thing right now." I tell her.

"Yea, I mean we just don't want to say anything at the moment." chance adds in.

"Thats understandable. they will announce it when they are ready. so Kayla hows Michael been?" shawnee asks me and I stop what I'm doing.

"Oh um, I don't know I haven't really seen or talked to him lately, he's been with his family I guess I don't know chance you probably have seen him more." I say and he shrugs.

"Eh I haven't seen much of him either, only for the rehearsals we've had for the tour coming up but thats it we really don't talk."Chance says and shawnee drops the subject. For the rest of the evening we just talk and joke around. Then sadly its time for me to go. Brooklyn is asleep in my arms so I take her to her room with chance and we tuck her in. Once she's in bed chance walks me downstairs and I say goodbye to shawnee and Presley and Aspen.

"Thank you for having me over for dinner shawnee."I say giving her a hug.

"Oh dont mention it, you're welcome here anytime kay, be safe getting home."she says and I nod before saying bye to Presley and aspen and then I walk outside to my car with chance.

"Not the ideal way I would've thought of telling them we were together again." he says and I laugh.

"Yea, but hey at least they know now." I tell him and he nods. I go and hug him and he hugs back.

"Ok well I have to go , get everything ready for tomorrow, see you there?" I ask and he nods.

"I wouldn't miss it, I love you." he says and leans in for a kiss. I smile into the kiss.

"And I love you." I tell him and kiss him once more before I get in my car and drive home. When I'm home I go inside and see miles watching tv. I smile and go sit by him and we begin to just talk and catch up and fill each other in on all thats happened. Thats pretty much how the rest of the night goes along with him helping get stuff ready for tomorrow. I hope tomorrow goes good. I'm so excited for Melissa to find out what she's having.

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