Chapter 13

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Kayla's POV

I woke up the next morning actually refreshed and excited for today for some reason. I woke up at 7 and got dressed in 

then I go to make sure Jayden is awake and getting dressed. once I know that he is I go downstairs and make him breakfast. once he comes downstairs I set the plate in front of him.

"thank you sissy."he says and I smile and kiss his head.

"You're welcome, so you have football practice today and Adams mom is going to take you so you'll go with him after school and I'll pick you up after practice ok?" I tell him and he nods.

"When can we go see grandma and grandpa?" he asks. I realize I haven't seen them that much lately.

"How about this let's go see them tomorrow, you don't have practice so missing one day of school won't hurt, what do ya say?" I ask him smiling and he cheers.

"Can chance and Brooklyn come too?" he asks and I just giggle.

"You sure do want chance around a lot don't you?" I ask him and he just smiles.

"I like having him around , and I know you do too." he says and that makes me laugh.

" You're something else jade, haha go and get your backpack while I clean up." I say ruffling his hair. He runs out of the kitchen and I quickly wash the dishes and put them away. I grab my bag and keys and head to the door. Jayden is already there and the we head out to the car after I've locked the house up. I drive Jayden to school and drop him off.

"Bye jade, have a great day at school, I love you." I tell him kissing his head and hug him he hugs back.

"I love you too sissy." he says before running off with some friends to class, I smile and head back to my car. I head home and put my bag inside before going on a morning run. 

After the run...

I just got done with my run when I got back to the house it was 8:45. I hurried upstairs to shower. after my shower I changed into something nice for today.

When I was done and satisfied with how I looked it was 9:50 so I still had about ten minutes till chance would be here, he had texted me like five minutes ago saying they were on their way. While I was waiting I went on my phone and while was checking my social medias Melissa called me. Oh how I don't want to answer because she will talk my ear off but I hit the answer button.

"Melissa Hey! How've you been?" I asked her.

"Kayla! it's so good to talk to you, I've been good I'm sorry I haven't called in a while I've just been over with my family and everything." she says.

"No I completely understand don't worry about anything, Jade and I are doing just fine. " I tell her.

" thats good, but I actually called because I have my ultrasound appointment on Thursday and its the one that reveals the gender and I want you to come with." she says and I smile.

"Yea, I'll definitely be there , what time?" I ask her as the doorbell rings. I walk over to open the door. It's chance and Brooklyn. I smile and motion for them to come inside and motion that I will just be a minute.

"Kayla are you listening?" I hear Melissa say.

"Sorry Melissa, chance and Brooklyn just got here, what time again for Thursday?" I ask her.

"Ooh chance huh? have fun and the appointment is at 10:30, please be on time." she says and I roll my eyes.

"when am I ever not on time Melissa?" I sarcastically ask her, I hear her laugh.

"I'm joking but no really be on time, anyways I'll let you go spend time with chance tell him I said hi, bye kay." she says and I roll my eyes again laughing.

"bye melissa." I say before hanging up the phone. I put my phone down and walk back into the living room where chance and Brooklyn are. I smile and walk over to them.

"Sorry about that, it was Melissa she wants me to go with her to her doctors appointment on Thursday." I said and he nods and smiles.

"No worries." he says and I go to give him a hug.

" mommy!" we hear and break away from our hug. I smile and pick Brooklyn up.

"Hi my princess!  you ready for today ?" I ask her and she says yes. 

" alright , so our appointment is at 11 so we should probably start heading over there now." chance says and I nod. I grab my bag and keys and we head to chances car. I buckle Brooklyn into her carseat and then were on our way to the school.  The car ride is filled with singing and laughter and it was really fun. Once we get to the school Chance parks and we get off the car. I get Brooklyn off the car and set her down so she can walk. She grabs ahold of my hand as we walk into the school. We find the office. Chance goes up to the from desk while I look around the place with Brooklyn.

"Look Brooklyn , you see the art work?" I tell her showing her the wall of kids painting.

"It's pretty." she says and I smile.

"It is right?" I tell her bending down to tickle her and she smiles. Chance comes out of the office and makes his way over to us.

"the lady said she'll be right with us." he says and I nod from my position. I keep playing with Brooklyn and chance's phone rings and he goes to answer it.  As soon as he ends the call the lady walks out of the office and over to us.  Chance walks over to greet her. I stand up from my position and with Brooklyn walk over to them.

"HI, I'm Ms. cooper the principal for the school." she says shaking chances hand and then she smiles at me and shakes my hand.

"Hi it's nice to meet you I'm chance." he says and then looks at me.

"Im Kayla." I says politely.

"and who is this little cutie?" she asks looking down at Brooklyn, whose hiding behind my leg.

"This is Brooklyn." I say getting Brooklyn to say hi.

"Ok shall we start the tour now?" she says and we both nod. She starts leading us around the school and explaining to us about the academics and diversity and everything. We took Brooklyn to one of the classrooms to see how she would interact with the other kids while we went with the principal into her office.

" You two are a lovely couple and your daughter is so precious." she says and me and chance look at each other and smile.

"Uh thank you." I say finally and give her a smile. We go on to talk about enrolling Brooklyn because this school was amazing and we both liked it. 

"If you'd like  one of you can go get your daughter while the other fills out the paperwork." the principal says and chance looks at me.

"I'll stay and fill out the paperwork while you go get Brooklyn." he says and I nod.

"Sure." I say smiling and he smiles back.

"Great , I'll have my assistant show you to the room." she says and I stand up to go to the room Brooklyn is in right now. once I get there I peek into the room and see her interacting with the other little kids. it makes my heart swell. 

" you can go inside." the lady tells me and I smile and nod and walk into the room. Brooklyn sees me and instantly runs over to me. I bend down to pick her up.

"Mommy!" she says excitedly and I giggle.

"Hi princess. you ready to go?" I ask her and she nods, and I walk with her back to the office.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked her and she smiles so big.

"Yes!" she says and I laugh.

" I'm glad you liked it. Now lets go back with daddy." I tell her and we go back to the office. Once we get in there we sit back down and chance hands me paperwork and tells me to sign it.

"But ." I go on to say and he just tells em to sign it. I nod and go ahead and sign some documents. Once we're done we say thank you to her and we leave the place.

"Daddy , when do I get to go back?" Brooklyn asks as he buckles her into her carseat. He just looks at me and I smile.

" Well it looks like you'll be going back soon brook." he tells her and she cheers. Making me and chance laugh. After she's buckled in he gets in the drivers seat and we head off. 

"So I really hate to cut this day short but I promised my mom and sisters I would spend time with them as a family and everything." chance says nervously pulling up to my house.

"Hey don't worry about it I totally understand, go and spend time with them, besides it gives me time to go visit some friends, but I had fun today, thanks for letting me be there." I say looking back at Brooklyn whose now asleep.

"Hey of course I wanted you here for this, your a big part of Brooklyn's life and mine too.I was thinking maybe you'd wanted to hangout Friday , just the two of us like old times?" he asked and I smiled.

"I'd love too." I tell him and theres a silence between us. I snap out of the trance.

"OK well I'll let you go, but text me about Friday, bye chance." I say giving him a side hug and then exit the car. 

" bye kay! see you Friday." he says and I wave and walk up to the door and unlock it and turn around to see chance pulling out of the driveway. I head back inside and put my bag down and sat down and watched tv. suddenly my phone rings and I pick it up to see that it's Andrew. Little backstory on him he is apart of the dance gang I'm in.We became friends when I first started dancing for the group. He's an amazing dancer and me and him are almost always partners when we battle in pairs, I haven't really seen him in a long time, he took a break from the gang to go to school. but back to the present. I answer the phone 


" whats up kay, long time no talk!" I hear his cheery voice which makes me laugh.

"Andrew! I know its been a while, how are you?" I ask him.

"I'm doing good, I'm back in town for a while doing some dance video projects and I'm actually going to the spot to dance and battle, I thought I would give my battle buddy a call and she if she was going to be there tonight?" he says and I laugh.

"I don't know Andrew, I have to get Jayden from football practice and I haven't really been to the spot in a while." I tell him.

"Aw come on , I really miss dancing with you and I have some things I wanted to talk to you about tonight," he says and I laugh, but then realize I'm getting another call. I look to see its Adams mom.

" ok hold on I'm getting another important phone call." I tell him before switching to answer her call.

"Hey Jen! whats up?" I ask her 

"Hey kay, I was just calling to ask if It was ok if Jayden spent the night , Adam wants to have the team over for a sleepover, they would just come straight from practice."She says.

"Um, yea thats ok with me. Should I bring him some clothes?" I ask.

"Yea if you could. you can just drop them off at my place." she says and I say ok.

"Alright , I'll be around in about like half an hour does that work?" I ask her and she says yes. I say ok and we say our goodbyes and I smile. I go back to the phone call with Andrew.

"Well Andrew its your lucky night , because my night just opened up, I'll definitely be there tonight, be ready to battle." I tell him smirking and I just hear him cheer.

"I'll be ready , see ya later kay!" he says and we hang up. I smile widely before getting up and going upstairs to change into:

Once I'm done I grab Jayden some clothes and then I head downstairs and grab my bag and head out the door to Jennifer's house. I get there and drop off Jayden's clothes and stay a bit to talk to her. After about like an hour of talking and catching up with Jen I say bye and head over to the spot, I was really excited for tonight. I arrive at the place and park and walk inside. once I do I immediately spot Victoria , she sees me and instantly runs over to hug me.

"Ahh your here! I haven't seen you in so long." she says and I hug her back.

"I know I'm sorry but, I'm here now and I am going to start coming back regularly , I can't stay away anymore." I tell her smiling, and she smiles back 

" good , because we missed you so much, but how are you and Michael doing?" she questions and I laugh.

"I have so much to catch you up on." I tell her and she laughs.

"Well lets go tell everyone your back!" she says drags me towards where everyone is at.

"Guess who's here?!" she yells and everyone cheers and starts saying hey.

"Hey haven't seen you in a while. we miss you around here." Jonathan says coming up and giving me a hug.(This Jonathan is in his twenties and he is basically the leader of the group.)

" I know, I've just had a lot going on, but I want to start coming back regularly because I can't stay away, this is part of who I am and I miss it." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"Well you always have your spot here with us, your family." he says and I smile and hug him again and says thanks.

"Kay!"I hear someone yell and I turn around to see Andrew. I get excited and run up to hug him.

"Andrew! I missed you!" I tell him giving him a big hug.

" I missed you too how have you been?" he asked me and I sucked in a deep breath.

"Just have so much on my mind, need a stress reliever." I tell him and he smirks.

" well, will a little dance battle relieve some of your stress?" he asks and I laugh.

"Oh you know it." I tell him and we do our handshake. 

"So what do you say we show these people how it's done." he says extending his hand out and I just look up and smirk.

"Lets do it!" I tell him and we literally come up with a routine in 5 minutes and then get ready to battle.This is going to be one hell of a night .

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